


時間:2024-05-21 17:03:14 大學英語作文 我要投稿





  1、Put your time and energy in...


  2、Has its own advantages and disadvantages


  3、The music know the bird, what about a person


  4、It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation


  5、Keep up... Recent developments


  6、To make a long story short



  People always think that silent is gold, so they like to be silent when they have argument. Nowadays, when we read the amusement news, we can see all kinds of celebrities’ news, many of these are distorted, some celebrities choose to explain, though the media don’t trust them, while some choose to keep silent. In my opinion, we need to explain when misunderstand happens.


  Some people believe that if they keep silent, all the rumors will disappear one day, at that time, all the things will be solved, things work its own way. But if people don’t make the explanation to others, they will be suspended, people will have bad impression on them, these won’t disappear with the time went by, it only increases.


  Explanation makes things clear, though still some people won’t trust you, when the truth comes out, they will remember you once have made the explanation and will trust what you say since then. Explanation will enhance your charm of your personality.


  Silence is not always gold, we should explain things when misunderstand happens, in that case, misunderstand won’t spread quickly and affect other people’s judgment.



  attitude to our life

  i have been shocked many times by some accidents in my life through which i find human's life is like a delicate vase that will break into pieces for some unepected incidents.

  one day in the summer of last year, wang, my friend, was watching a football match with his father.the match was too eciting for his father's heart to bear so he suddenly fell down to the ground for the heart attack. 120 was soon dialed but wang's father passed away at last. it was too cruel for wang to see his father die in front of him, and also too difficult for me to accept the fact, because just several hours before his death, he picked wang and me up at pu dong airport and sent us back home. at that time, he was so healthy that no one would epect that he would die a few hours later.

  a few days later, i found something wrong with my body.it was a cyst as big as a coin found under my cheek. i felt very worried because, as i know, a cyst in that place was very dangerous. i was put into hospital after the doctor decided to remove it. after i entered the room of patients, i was jaw dropping because the looks of the patients were frightening, one person has a lump as big as a baseball on his face; another patient's eyes were bruised too badly to be seen and an old man's teeth had been all knocked off because the doctor would do an operation in his throat. i felt lucky and was even satisfied with my illness in this situation.

  life is really precious and delicate.some people are bornblind or deaf. some pass away in a minute. some live in great pain even they are alive. we have no qualification to complain about some little unfairness in our life if we are healthy.we should care for our lives and make use of it as plentifully as possible.


  Women seemed to be the least important creatures in the world in ancient times.At that time the criterion whether a woman is good or not is obedience. A woman was to be obedient to her parents in her youth, to her husband once she got married and to her children in her old age.At that time, women were subordinate to men, having no humanity at all, not to mention the so-called liberty or equality.

  As time goes by,tremendous changes have happened to women's status, from women being permitted to receive education together with men to being able to go out to work in the society. Nowadays, such cases are ordinary that women compete with men,work with men,and even take the leadership.Wornen's status arrives at an unprecedented high level, which can be called as equality to some extent.

  However, the situation is not so optimistic as the majority of women think. In effect, women are far from equal to men.Actually, men's superiority is inveterate, which can't be shaken overnight. Though the society keeps on saying women should be treated equally as men, the idea that men are better than women still exerts a subtle influence on people's minds. When opening newspapers, how many "only men are eligible" are there in advertisements for employees? That is the reality.People tend to value men, not women, at least subconsciously, men are superi

  I don't think the concept is based on science. It can't be denied that men take a dominant position in strength, logical thinking etc., but there are characteristic advantages women have anyhow, in which men fail to contend with them. Consequently,men are no better than women. Policewomen, women pilots,and women astronauts.., all these will prove the ability women own to the public. As a result, women get more and more aware of their own values. Despite its hardships and high costs, lots of

  them are trying their best to change the prejudice of the society.

  However, what I want to point out here is that not only men have the prejudice, but some women themselves do too. Eyen those who claim to long for equality with men have the double standard of equality. On one hand, they demand equal opportunity; on the other hand, they take "lady first" for granted,considering that it is perfectly justified for men to open door for them, offer their own seats to them, pay for dinner for them.Does it make sense? How can you ask others to treat you equally while you yourself have admitted the inequality in advance?

  In short, I think as long as our sense doesn't completely change, the real equality between men and women won't come.


  Last night,I became a small bird.People didnt see me.Because I am Invisible.

  I flying in the sky 。I was very happy and free 。I could see many houses,mountains and rives 。Then,Im tird so I had landed in the beautiful prairie 。

  There was very cool 。And there were many hours and cattles 。They looked very happy. I am pleased to talk with them.

  They asked me if I come from 。I told them I was from distant countries to travel here and their parents. They asked where my parents 。

  Oh my god!Im lost 。Im sad 。

  Next,I once heard someone calling my name 。I woke up at midnight.It was only a dream 。It is my mother told me to get up 。








  My school is very beautiful.There are many tall buildings,green tress,nice flowers in our school.We have wonderful teachers too.I like studying in my school.My grandparents don’t go to work any more.They have retired.They stay at home everyday.

  In the morning they go to the park and do morning exercises.In the afternoon,they drink tea with their friends.In the evening,they enjoy themselves watching TV and reading newspapers.We have a happy family.I can’t say how much I love it!


  t it was a matter of life and death with the chances against him。 this threw him into a panic, and he turned and ran up the creek-bed along the old, dim trail。 the dog joined in behind and kept up with him。 he ran blindly, without intention, in fear such as he had never known in his life。 slowly, as he plowed and floundered through the snow, he began to see things again, the banks of the creek, the old timber-jams, the leafless aspens, and the sky。 the running made him feel better。 he did not shiver。 maybe, if he ran on, his feet would thaw out; and, anyway, if he ran far enough, he would reach camp and the boys。 without doubt he would lose some fingers and toes and some of his face; but the boys would take care of him, and save the rest of him when he got there。 and at the same time there was another thought in his mind that said he would never get to the camp and the boys; that it was too many miles away, that the freezing had too great a start on him, and that he would soon be stiff and dead。 this thought he kept in the background and refused to consider。 sometimes it pushed itself forward and demanded to be heard, but he thrust it back and strove to think of other things。

  it struck him as curious that he could run at all on feet so frozen that he could not feel them when they struck the earth and took the weigh。 of his body。 he seemed to himself to skim along above the surface, and to have no connection with the earth。 somewhere he had once seen a winged mercury, and he wondered if mercury felt as he felt when skimming over the earth。

  his theory of running until he reached camp and the boys had one flaw in it: he lacked the endurance。 several times he stumbled, and finally he tottered, crumpled up, and fell。 when he tried to rise, he failed。 he must sit and rest, he decided, and net time he would merely walk and keep on going。 as he sat and regained his breath, he noted that he was feeling quite warm and comfortable he was not shivering, and it even seemed that a warm glow had come to his chest and trunk。 and yet, when he touched his nose or cheeks, there was no sensation。 running would not thaw them out。 nor would it thaw out his hands and feet。 then the thought came to him that the frozen portions of his body must be etending。 he tried to keep this thought down, to forget it, to think of something else; he was aware of the panicky feeling that it caused, and he was afraid of the panic。 but the thought asserted itself, and persisted, until it produced a vision of his body totally frozen。 this was too much, and he made another wild run along the trail。 once he slowed down to a walk, but the thought of the freezing etending itself made him run again。

  and all the time the dog ran with him, at his heels。 when he fell down a second time, it curled its tad! over its forefeet and sat in front of him, facing him, curiously eager and intent the warmth and security of the animal angered him, and he cursed it till it flattened down its ears appealingly。 this time the shivering came more quickly upon the man。 he was losing in his battle with the frost。 it was creeping into his body from all sides。 the thought of it drove him on, but he ran no more than a hundred feet, when he staggered and pitched headlong。 it was his last panic。 when he had recovered his breath and control, he sat up and entertained in his mind the conception of meeting death with dignity。 however, the conception did not come to him in such terms。 his idea of it was that he had been making a fool of himself, running around like a chicken with its head cut off--such was the simile that occurred to him。 well, he was bound to freeze anyway, and he might as well take it decently。 with this new-found peace of mind came the first glimmerings of drowsiness。 a good idea, he thought, to sleep off to death。 it was like salting an anaesthetic。 freezing was not so bad as people thought。 there were lots worse ways to die。

  he pictured the boys finding his body net day。 suddenly he found himself with them, coming along the trail and looking for himself。 and, still with them, he came around a turn in the trail and found himself lying in the snow。 he did not belong with himself any more, for even then he was out of himself, standing with the boys and looking at himself in the snow。 it certainly was cold, was his thought。 when he got back to the states he could tell the folks what real cold was he drifted on from this to a vision of the old-timer on sulphur creek he could see him quite clearly, warm and comfortable, and smoking a pipe。

  you were right, old hoss; you were right, the man mumbled to the old-timer of sulphur creek。

  then the man drowsed off into what seemed to him the most comfortable and satisfying sleep he had ever known。 the dog sat facing him and waiting。 the brief day drew to a close in a long, slow twilight。 there were no signs of a fire to be made, and, besides, never in the dogs eperience had it known a man to sit like that in the snow and make no fire。 as the twilight drew on, its eager yearning for the fire mastered it, and with a great lifting and shifting of forefeet, it whined softly, then flattened its ears down in anticipation of being chidden by the man。 but the man remained silent。 later, the dog whined loudly。 and still later it crept close to the man and caught the scent of death。 this made the animal bristle and back away。 a little longer it delayed, howling under the stars that leaped and danced and shone brightly in the cold sky。 then it turned and trotted up the trail in the direction of the camp it knew, where were the other food-providers and fire-providers。




  Pocket Money

  Personally, I don’t believe that giving children pocket money is a very good idea. In my opinion, doing so only encourages children to think that things in life are free. As humans, we only value those things that cost us something to obtain.

  When I was a child, my parents never gave us any pocket money(or “allowance” as we call it in America). They made us work to earn any money we had. They wanted us to know that money is valuable, and that hard work is even more valuable. They wanted us to learn to make wise choices with our money, and they knew we would be more careful with our money if we earned it ourselves. Finally, they wanted us to understand that work and money are related: you cannot have one without the other.

  I think there are two things parents need to do to help their children understand the value of money. First, they should make their children earn their spending money, which will make the children consider the money precious. Second, they should not always stop their children from doing foolish things with their money. Making some mistakes will teach the children to be wise.

  obtain [b'tein] vt. 獲得,得到

  allowance ['launs] n. 津貼,零用錢,允許,限額,折扣,允差,考慮

  valuable ['vljubl] adj. 貴重的,有價值的

  related [ri'leitid] adj. 相關(guān)的',有親屬關(guān)系的

  understand [.nd'stnd] vt. 理解,懂,聽說,獲悉,將 ... 理解為,認為

  precious ['pres] adj. 寶貴的,珍貴的,矯揉造作的


  When students go into college, they need to join in the group, there is no way for them to live alone. They have new classmates an student can handle it well.


  To fit in the group, As most students are only child in the family, so they don’t know how to get along well with their roommates. They always notice themselves and ignore others’ feelings. But as they live in a dormitory, th environment.


  To fit in a group, surrounding, it is easy to have conflict, different cultures happen among students from different regions. Then it is important to be honest and try to talk about the problem, or the conflict will bigger.


  It is a big lesson for students easily.



  I study in a college now, before I went to college, I spent a lot of time to figure out which major should I choose. After considering many factors, I choose English as my major. Now I have studied English for two years, I enjoy learning it a lot, I feel so lucky that I make the right choice.


  I like to watch movie, Learning English can make me enjoy the movie much better. When I was in middle school, I like to watch the foreign movie on the TV, at that time, the movie I watched was in Chinese voice. Now I have learned that the original voice is more expressive, such as when I read the English novel. I would read in Chinese edition before, like Harry Potter, I would feel easy to understand. Now I started to read in English, I find the original words are more profound, while when they are translated in Chinese, words become not that expressive. Due to my major, I can better understand the English novel and movie, I also learn a speak skill.


  I never regret I choose English as my major, I feel lucky that I make the right choice. I love English, at the same time, Learning English helps me enjoy my hobby better.



  Listening is More Important Than Saying

  It is quite important to be a good listener.Effective listening is more than simply avoiding the bad habit of interrupting others while they are speaking.It’s being content to listen to the entire thought of someone rather than waiting impatiently for your chance to respond.

  Slowing down your responses and becoming a better listener aids you in becoming a more amiable person.As you wait for the person you are communicating with to finish,as you simply listen more intently to what is being said,you will feel more relaxed,and so will the people you are talking to.Not only will being a better listener make you a more patient person,but it will also improve your relationship with others because everyone loves to talk to someone who truly listens to what they are saying.

  It is quite easy for you to be a better listener.As long as you forget yourself and imagine yourself in the speaker’s experience to understand the emotion behind the words,and then give your appropriate responses slowly,you will be an endeared listener.






  bicycle riding has many advantages. it is the least epensive way of traveling apart from walking. if you travel by bicycle,you dont have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars. besides,it develops much less mechanical troubles than a car. bicycle riding is especially good for health. it is good eercise. if you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking a bus,you can have a better chance of getting enough eercise you need everyday. bicycling is also good for our environment. it is less noisy and does not pollute the air. i am glad to have ridden a bicycle to school when i studied in the high school.


  Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to study in China. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  Dear friend,

  It has been several weeks since we last heard from each other. How are you doing? On hearing that you’re planning to study in China, I am writing to extend my most sincere welcome. And I’d like to recommend ABC University for your choice. The reasons for my recommendation can be listed as follows.

  For one thing, ABC universities is famous for its TCSL teaching, which attracts foreign students all over the world. You may enjoy a wonderful study atmosphere at the university. For another, the location. ABC University is located in Shanghai, which, as you know, is an international city with global fame and countless attractions.

  It would be highly appreciated that you finally decide to come to study in China, and I bet you will enjoy your time here. Hope to see you soon!

  Yours sincerely,



  Several months ago, a good news swept on China that Mo Yan won the 20xx Nobel Prize for literature. After this big event, Mo Yan, the first Chinese resident to win the prize, has been the crispy fried chicken among China. Gaomi County in Shandong Province becomes a tourist attraction because of his popularity. For his award, Chinese media overwhelming report this exciting news. People are rushing to the bookstores to buy his famous book and some are even out of stock。

  Generally speaking, his award means a lot to China, especially Chinese literature. The Nobel Prize for literature is a dream of Chinese literary field and all Chinese people. However, as a large cultural country that owns countless classic works, China had no winner of the Nobel Prize for literature which had become a great pity. Therefore, this prize finishes a pile wish of Chinese people. In addition, although we have a great number of great works, very few people can read a book carefully and tranquilly in the impetuous society. I think this exciting news will inspire people’s enthusiasm towards literature, which is a great motivation to the development of literature. This is what we are happy to see。


  Should Retirement Age Be Postponed?

  Based on a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of inpiduals admit that aging society will bring a variety of problems to their life. Along with the trend of longevity, it has become a trend for people to debate whether it is wise to postpone retirement age.

  A number of inpiduals favor postponing the retirement age. In their eyes, it is this policy that enables the aging society to build up enough work-force. As a matter of fact, people in mounting numbers have come to realize this problem in an aging society. Even so, others hold a different view that postponing retirement age carries some risks. This policy can bring old people stress, but cannot arouse their enthusiasm for work, and cannot help them to enjoy their retirement pension.

  I am convinced that we should take into account the wishes of old people. If those seniors have enthusiasm for work, we should educate, advocate and encourage them to work and perform their tasks; if not, it is advisable for the society to create a comfortable twilight for them. If we try our utmost to do so, the future of old people' life will be promising and hopeful.





大學英語作文模板: 論失敗 - 大學英語作文03-03

大學英語作文模板: 幸運數(shù)字 - 大學英語作文03-03

大學英語作文范文: The wisdom of one word - 大學英語作文03-03


