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  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 1

  In most cases, one should never judge a person by external appearances. Sometimes when I walk down the street at night, I avoid people who are acting tough and loud, but in general, I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone. Judging someone by external appearance can be deceptive. Judgments based on external appearances prevent you from getting to know a person reinforce stereotypes, and are superficial and limiting.

  In high school, I stayed away from students who were called the "bad students" because they dressed a certain way. I wanted nothing to do with them. I later had the chance to meet one of these "bad students" because of our mothers, we started talking and I realized that we had a lot in common. My impression of him was very different once I got to know him.

  If you form an opinion of someone based on stereotypes, you risk never getting to know someone who is different. You may are be missing out on an opportunity to make a good friend. In addition, you are reinforcing that stereotype by believing it without given the person a chance. If you take the time to get to know the person, you might become friends.

  Judging people by external appearance is superficial and often unfair. After all, you dont know what circumstances the person might be facing or who the person really is. Perhaps the person comes from a less fortunate family than you and cannot afford the kind of stylish clothes your friends wear. However, that does not mean the person is less intelligent or interesting than you are.

  People should not be naive about new people they meet, but should take time to get to know them. External appearance often does not tell us anything about a person. Judging someone by their appearance is misleading, reinforces stereotypes, and is limiting. Doing so could prevent you from making a true friend.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 2

  It is a truth universally acknowledged that the criteria of judging a person are extremely complex.Various as the standards might be, judging a person by apperance is the most unreliable one. As a famous saying goes, it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. This proverb aims to deliver the message that in order to truly know a person, we need to go beyond their looks and dresses and focus on more profound aspects.

  There are several reasons supportive of this statement. Firstly, people are so diverse that some of them are not willing to demonstrate themeselves by their apperance because they may dedicate more time to their work and their hobbies.

  Moreover, it is too busy for the modern urban people to maintain their appearance. If we judge a person by their appearance when he or she is in a bad state, we might lose a possible good friend or an opportunity. For instance, yesterday the dean of our department, on his way to the teaching building for an emergent meeting with an important investor, fell to the ground and got very dirty. But the new security, taking him for a beggar or a vendor, didn’t allow the dean to enter the building. Finally, the security was fired for his arbitrary judgment.

  To conclude, judging a person by their appearance is highly undependable. Therefore, we’d better draw a conclusion about a person through a long period of observations, interactions, and communication.





  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 3

  A bad man may have a handsome face,and a kind man can own an ugly appearance.This is a simple truth.From that we can know: you cant judge a person by appearance.

  Here, I retell a famous history story:as we honw,in Shang Dynasty,there was very beautiful princeness called ShuDaji,her beauty can make each man hold his breath,but her action also can make each one stop breathing.One day,she pointed a Pregnant woman and asked the king to guess the baby to be born was boy or girl.Unexpectedly,After it,she asked some soldiers to Cutting open the belly of the womon to check their guessing...

  Reading here,do you think she is beautiful or not.I think most of will take her as a snake.Do you think a snake is beautiful? On the contrary,if you do people many good deeds,youll be thought highly of even you a ugly one.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 4

  These days there is a general discussion about the issue of judging a person by their appearance. People’s opinions differ greatly concerning this phenomenon. Is it wise to judge a person by their appearance? It is definitely not。

  There are numerous reasons explaining this phenomenon. First and foremost, although good appearance is helpful to leave others a good impression in the first meeting, kindness and inner thought are the most important to make friends for all life time. Secondly,many facts reflect that some people with charming appearance make no successful events, while others without handsome appearance achieve a lot. Last but not the least, with the development of science and technology, plastic surgery can change ones appearance, so maybe the people with sourness only alter their appearance but not develop their virtue。

  Admittedly, it is unwise tojudge a person by their appearance. So people should have more communication with others to find the beauty of their inner thought。

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 5

  It is a truth universally acknowledged that the criteria of judging a person are extremely complex.Various as the standards might be, judging a person by apperance is the most unreliable one. As a famous saying goes, it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. This proverb aims to deliver the message that in order to truly know a person, we need to go beyond their looks and dresses and focus on more profound aspects.

  There are several reasons supportive of this statement. Firstly, people are so diverse that some of them are not willing to demonstrate themeselves by their apperance because they may dedicate more time to their work and their hobbies. Moreover, it is too busy for the modern urban people to maintain their appearance. If we judge a person by their appearance when he or she is in a bad state, we might lose a possible good friend or an opportunity. For instance, yesterday the dean of our department, on his way to the teaching building for an emergent meeting with an important investor, fell to the ground and got very dirty. But the new security, taking him for a beggar or a vendor, didn’t allow the dean to enter the building. Finally, the security was fired for his arbitrary judgment.

  To conclude, judging a person by their appearance is highly undependable. Therefore, we’d better draw a conclusion about a person through a long period of observations, interactions, and communication.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 6

  judge people solely by their appearance Some one are judging people by their appearance or externals. However, the appearance can not prove anything of a persons innate character. In the social where we are living there are some people do not have good appearance, while they are liked by many other people because they have good qualities which is more important to a human being. We should not judge him or her by his appearance. We should judge a person by his character. In the other hand, not all the good appearance people have good characters. And moreover, it is only shallow people who judge by appearances. These people do not have a good qualities if they do that.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 7

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances.

  In general, some people tend to decide whether a person is good or not good just by his external appearances. However, I do not go along with the idea. For one thing, we may notice that a person is actually a good person by talking with him regardless of his external appearances. In addition, I think that it is more important to look at his internal aspects.

  First of all, we should not make a judgement about a person until we actually communicate with him. In fact, it is not easy to evaluate a person only by his external appearances. This is because external appearances are not always equivalent to a person’s humanity. For instance, when I was a junior high school student, I experienced this kind of a problem. There was a student who always wore old and dirty clothes every day in my school. At first, I thought that he might be not intellectual owing to his appearances. However, when I happen to talked with him one day, I found that he were very good at studying mathematic. Furthermore, he was kind and he helped other students with their assignments of mathematic. This experience taught me that evaluating a person just by external appearances is ridiculous.

  Next, looking at a person’s essential aspects is more important than his external appearances. For instance, plenty of politicians are rich. They often wear expensive suits and have a high cost car. However, they do not always solve political issues better. Rather, they have many scandals and even commit crimes from time to time. Therefore, if we judge politicians not by their humanity and their policy only by external appearances, it may means at the same time that we make a big mistake for our country or community.

  To sum up, it is not a good way to evaluate a person by external appearances. If we do so, we may lose an opportunity to notice that the person is really a wonderful person. Also, we ought to judge the person by his internal elements such as his humanity.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 8

  Many people, sometimes myself included, tend to judge a person by his appearances。

  I was afraid of my uncle who has a scared tattoo on his arm till my mother told me a “story”。 When I was a three—year—old naught boy, I always ran around the neighborhood with my toy saber。 Unfortunately, one day I hit a wild dog by accident。 The dog became crazy and tried to bite me。 It was that time my uncle appeared and protected me with his strong arm。 However, this accident left a scar on his arm。 My uncle went to get a tattoo in order to cover up the scars。 From that moment, he is my hero in stead of a bad looking uncle。

  So we need to go beyond peoples looks and focus on more internal spirits in order to truly judge a person。

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 9

  My new friend Jack is a fashion follower who often wears strange clothes and long hair.But my mother drove him away from our flat at the first sight yesterday.She thought he was a bad person,although she didnt know him at all.

  However,mom totally changed her mind this morning.When we were walking down the street near our home,we witnessed an accident.A boy was hit by a car when he was walking across the road with headphones.Many people saw it,but at first no one knew how to help.Then someone rushed forwards and covered the boy with his coat to keep warm.He looked after him well until the ambulance came.It was Jack!His calmness and seasoned first aid skills moved mom.She went and apologized to Jack for her former attitute,and told him that he was always welcome to our home.

  That gives me a lesson.The appearance may reflect ones interest,but it isnt the symbol of ones quality.We should never judge a book with its cover.




  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 10

  Title: Appearances Can Be Deceiving – Judging by Looks Alone is Unwise

  In a world where first impressions are often made at lightning speed and appearance plays a dominant role in our social interactions, it is easy to slip into the habit of judging people based on their looks. However, this practice of "judging a book by its cover" is not only superficial but also shortsighted and potentially harmful. In this essay, I will argue that we should not judge people solely based on their appearance as it can lead to misguided perceptions, missed opportunities, and unfair treatment.

  Firstly, relying on outward appearances to form an opinion about someones character or abilities is a flawed approach. A persons looks may suggest certain stereotypes or societal norms, but these do not necessarily reflect their true nature, talents, or worth. For instance, a neatly dressed individual might be perceived as responsible and successful, whereas a disheveled appearance might invite negative assumptions. Yet, appearances can be deceiving; the neatly dressed individual could be struggling with personal issues, while the disheveled one could possess exceptional intelligence and creativity. To judge them solely based on their appearance would be to miss the essence of who they really are.

  Secondly, when we make snap judgments about others based on their looks, we risk missing out on valuable relationships and opportunities. People from all walks of life have unique stories, experiences, and perspectives to offer. By dismissing someone because of how they look, we could be closing ourselves off from a wealth of knowledge, friendship, and growth. For example, a potential employer who rejects a candidate due to their unconventional appearance may be unaware that they are turning away someone with a fresh perspective and innovative ideas that could have significantly contributed to the companys success.

  Moreover, judging people by their appearance perpetuates stereotypes and can lead to discrimination and prejudice. It reinforces the notion that certain physical traits are synonymous with particular personality types or abilities, which is not only baseless but also fosters an environment where individuals are treated unfairly. This can manifest in various settings, such as education, employment, and social interactions, where people are denied opportunities or are subjected to biased treatment based on their looks.

  Finally, focusing too much on appearances can distract us from what truly matters: a persons actions, values, and character. While appearance can provide an initial impression, it is the behavior and choices that reveal the true nature of an individual. A persons integrity, kindness, and work ethic are far more important indicators of their character than their physical appearance.

  In conclusion, the practice of judging people by their looks is not only shallow but also misguided. It can lead to false assumptions, missed opportunities, and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. As individuals, we must strive to look beyond surface-level appearances and instead focus on the qualities that truly define a person. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and fair society where everyone is valued for who they are, rather than how they look.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 11

  Title: Appearances Can Be Deceiving - The Importance of Not Judging People by Their Looks

  In a society that places significant emphasis on physical appearance, it is easy to fall into the trap of judging people based on their looks. However, this practice is not only superficial but also unfair and inaccurate. The adage "never judge a book by its cover" holds true when it comes to human beings, as appearances can be deceiving. In this essay, I will discuss why we should not judge people solely based on their physical appearances and the potential consequences of doing so.

  Firstly, judging someone based on their appearance is an unfair assessment of their character and abilities. A persons outward appearance does not necessarily reflect their inner qualities, such as intelligence, kindness, or integrity. For instance, a person with an unconventional appearance may possess exceptional talents, skills, and a sharp mind. On the other hand, an attractive person may lack these qualities. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid making assumptions about someone based on their looks and instead focus on getting to know them as an individual.

  Secondly, judging people by their appearance can lead to discrimination and prejudice. When we make snap judgments about someone based on their physical features, we risk creating biases that can negatively impact our interactions with them. This can result in missed opportunities for meaningful connections and collaborations, as well as perpetuating harmful stereotypes and discrimination against certain groups of people.

  Moreover, relying on appearances to form opinions about others can limit our perspectives and prevent us from discovering unique qualities in individuals. By embracing diversity and recognizing the value of each persons unique characteristics, we can expand our understanding of the world and develop more meaningful relationships with others.

  In conclusion, it is essential to recognize that appearances can be deceiving and avoid making judgments about people based on their looks. Instead, we should strive to get to know individuals on a deeper level, focusing on their character, abilities, and personal qualities. By doing so, we can foster more inclusive and accepting communities, break down barriers of prejudice and discrimination, and celebrate the richness of human diversity.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 12

  Title: Appearances Can Be Deceiving – Judging by Looks Alone is Unwise

  In a society that places a heavy emphasis on aesthetic appeal, it is not uncommon for individuals to make judgments about others based solely on their appearance. However, this practice of judging by looks is not only superficial but also unwise, as it fails to recognize the complexity and diversity of human beings. The following essay will explore why we should not judge people solely based on their appearance and the implications of doing so.

  Firstly, appearances can be deceiving. It is a common misconception that ones outward appearance reflects their inner qualities or abilities. However, this is not always the case. A person may have an unassuming appearance but possess exceptional talent or intelligence. Conversely, someone who appears confident and successful may struggle with insecurities and challenges beneath the surface. Therefore, making assumptions about a person based on their appearance alone can lead to incorrect and unfair judgments.

  Secondly, judging someone based on their appearance perpetuates stereotypes and discrimination. When we assign certain traits or characteristics to individuals based on their physical features, we reinforce harmful stereotypes and contribute to prejudice and discrimination. This not only limits opportunities for those who do not fit into the societal norms but also prevents us from truly understanding and appreciating the richness of diversity that exists within our communities.

  Moreover, focusing solely on appearance hinders personal growth and development. When we prioritize external features over internal qualities, we risk neglecting the cultivation of essential skills such as empathy, compassion, and critical thinking. By valuing superficial traits over meaningful connections and intellectual capabilities, we limit our potential for personal and professional success.

  Finally, relying on appearance to form judgments inhibits authentic relationships. True connections are built on mutual respect, trust, and shared experiences rather than physical appearance. When we judge others based on their looks, we miss out on the opportunity to discover their unique perspectives, talents, and stories. By breaking free from the constraints of superficial judgments, we open ourselves up to deeper, more meaningful interactions with others.

  In conclusion, judging individuals based on their appearance is a practice that should be discouraged. Not only is it often inaccurate, but it also perpetuates harmful stereotypes, hinders personal growth, and prevents authentic relationships from forming. As members of society, it is crucial to recognize the value and complexity of each individual, regardless of their outward appearance. By fostering a culture that values diversity, encourages empathy, and prioritizes substance over style, we can create a more inclusive and understanding world.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 13

  Title: Appearances Can Be Deceiving – Judging Others by Their Looks is Unfair and Misguided

  In a society that places a heavy emphasis on physical appearance, it is easy to fall into the trap of judging others based on their looks. However, this practice is not only unfair but also misguided. It is essential to understand that appearances can be deceiving and that ones true character and abilities cannot be determined solely by their outward appearance.

  Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that our judgment of others is often influenced by societal stereotypes and personal biases. We tend to associate certain traits with specific physical features, such as intelligence or friendliness, without any concrete evidence to support these assumptions. This leads to hasty generalizations and can result in unfair treatment or discrimination towards individuals who do not conform to these arbitrary standards.

  Moreover, focusing too much on appearances can distract us from recognizing the true qualities that make someone valuable. For instance, a person may not have the conventionally attractive features, but they could possess exceptional talent, kindness, or integrity. By neglecting to see beyond the surface level, we risk missing out on meaningful connections and opportunities for growth.

  Furthermore, basing our opinions on appearances can lead to erroneous conclusions and faulty decision-making. Peoples appearances can change over time or vary depending on circumstances, making it an unreliable indicator of their character or capabilities. For example, a disheveled appearance may simply be the result of a busy day or personal struggles, rather than a reflection of ones work ethic or intellect.

  It is also crucial to consider the negative impact of appearance-based judgments on mental health and self-esteem. When individuals are constantly judged based on their looks, they may feel pressured to conform to unrealistic beauty standards or perceive themselves as inferior. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and even depression.

  In conclusion, it is imperative that we shift our focus away from superficial judgments and instead strive to evaluate others based on their character, actions, and accomplishments. By fostering a more inclusive and empathetic approach, we can create a society where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their appearance. Remember, appearances can be deceiving, and it is only through genuine interaction and understanding that we can truly appreciate the diverse qualities that each individual brings to the table.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 14

  Title: Appearances Can Be Deceiving – Judging Others by Their Looks Is Unfair

  In a world where first impressions often seem to hold more weight than they should, it is not uncommon for individuals to judge others based on their appearance. The age-old adage "dont judge a book by its cover" rings truer today than ever before. It is crucial that we understand the importance of not judging people solely based on their physical appearance as it can lead to unfair treatment and missed opportunities for both parties involved. In this essay, I will discuss why we shouldnt judge others by their looks and the negative consequences of doing so.

  Firstly, judging someone based on their appearance is an unreliable method of assessing their character or abilities. Physical features do not accurately reflect a persons intelligence, personality, or work ethic. For instance, someone may have an untidy appearance but possess remarkable organizational skills or vice versa. By focusing on superficial traits, we risk overlooking valuable qualities that are not immediately visible. This shallow approach to evaluation can result in the loss of talented individuals who may not fit the stereotypical image of success.

  Moreover, judging someone by their appearance perpetuates harmful stereotypes and biases. It reinforces the notion that there is a "correct" way to look if one wishes to be successful or well-received in society. This mentality can create barriers for individuals who do not conform to these standards, leading to discrimination and limiting their opportunities for personal and professional growth. It also ignores the richness and diversity that different backgrounds and appearances bring to our communities.

  Additionally, appearances can be deceiving. A persons exterior may suggest certain traits that are not necessarily true. For example, someone with a stern face may be perceived as unfriendly when they are actually warm and kind-hearted. Such misjudgments can hinder the formation of meaningful relationships and collaborations that could otherwise benefit all parties involved.

  Furthermore, basing judgments on appearances can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies. When we treat someone poorly because of their looks, they may begin to embody the negative traits we expect from them, thus becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. This can damage their self-esteem and limit their potential, creating a cycle of negativity that could have been avoided if not for the initial superficial judgment.

  Lastly, focusing too much on appearances can distract us from what truly matters. In both personal and professional settings, it is more important to evaluate people based on their actions, values, and contributions rather than their external features. By doing so, we foster an environment that encourages meritocracy and fairness, where everyone has the chance to succeed based on their abilities and hard work.

  In conclusion, judging others by their appearance is a practice that should be discouraged as it leads to unfair and inaccurate assessments of individuals. It perpetuates stereotypes, limits opportunities, creates self-fulfilling prophecies, and distracts from what truly matters. As a society, we must strive to look beyond surface-level traits and focus on the qualities that truly define a person. Only then can we build a community that values diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunity for all.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 15

  Title: Appearances Can Be Deceiving – The Importance of Not Judging by Looks

  In a world where aesthetic appeal often seems to hold sway, it is easy to fall into the trap of judging people based on their appearances. However, this shallow practice not only perpetuates superficiality but also ignores the myriad qualities that lie beneath the surface. It is crucial to understand that looks can be deceiving and that true character and worth are not always reflected in outward appearance.

  First and foremost, judging someone solely based on their appearance is a disservice to the complexity of human nature. People are more than just their physical features; they possess a unique blend of personalities, beliefs, talents, and experiences that shape who they are. By focusing solely on appearance, we risk overlooking the rich tapestry of qualities that make an individual truly remarkable.

  Moreover, relying on appearances as a measure of worth can lead to harmful stereotypes and biases. This practice can perpetuate discrimination against individuals who do not conform to societal standards of beauty or perceived notions of success. Such biases not only damage self-esteem and create barriers to opportunity but also limit the potential for diverse perspectives and experiences to enrich our lives.

  Additionally, valuing appearance over substance can result in missed opportunities for genuine connection and growth. Relationships built on superficial judgments lack depth and may crumble under the slightest pressure. In contrast, relationships founded on mutual respect and understanding of each others intrinsic qualities can withstand the test of time and provide a foundation for personal and professional growth.

  Furthermore, prioritizing appearance over character can have negative consequences on mental health. Continuously striving for an unattainable standard of beauty or success can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth. This pursuit can distract from the pursuit of meaningful personal development and happiness.

  In conclusion, it is essential to recognize that appearances are not a reliable indicator of a persons worth or abilities. As individuals, we should strive to look beyond the surface and appreciate the diverse array of talents, personalities, and perspectives that each person brings. As a society, we must work towards creating an environment that values substance over superficiality, fostering a culture of inclusion, respect, and genuine human connection. Only then can we truly celebrate the full spectrum of humanity and unlock the potential for collective growth and prosperity.

  考研英語作文:不該以貌取人 16

  Title: Appearances Can Be Deceiving: The Case Against Judging by Looks

  In a world where first impressions are often made within seconds, it is easy to fall into the trap of judging others based on their appearance. However, this practice of "judging a book by its cover" is not only unreliable but also unfair and potentially harmful. It is crucial that we recognize the dangers of making assumptions based on superficial features and strive to cultivate a more empathetic and discerning approach to evaluating our fellow human beings.

  One of the primary issues with judging people by their looks is the inherent bias that underlies such judgments. Physical attributes such as race, ethnicity, gender, and even clothing choices can trigger unconscious biases that lead us to make snap judgments about a persons character, intelligence, or social status. These biases are often rooted in societal stereotypes and can perpetuate discrimination and prejudice, hindering individual opportunities and contributing to systemic inequality.

  Furthermore, appearances can be deceiving. A persons external features do not always accurately reflect their personality, abilities, or life experiences. A neatly dressed individual may not necessarily be organized, just as a disheveled appearance does not automatically equate to disorganization. Similarly, a persons physical attractiveness does not correlate with their moral fiber or work ethic. By focusing on outward appearances, we risk overlooking the true worth and potential of individuals who may not fit our preconceived notions of what they should be like.

  In addition to being unfair, judging others based on their looks can have negative consequences for both the judger and the judged. When we rely on superficial evaluations, we limit our ability to form meaningful connections with others. We may miss out on the richness of diverse perspectives and experiences that can enhance our own lives and understanding of the world. For those on the receiving end of such judgments, the impact can be devastating. They may experience feelings of inadequacy, exclusion, and even depression due to the constant pressure to conform to societal standards of appearance.

  In conclusion, the practice of judging others by their appearance is not only flawed but also fraught with ethical concerns. As individuals seeking to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world, we must strive to look beyond surface-level differences and instead focus on the qualities that truly define us as human beings: empathy, integrity, resilience, and kindness. By fostering a culture that values these intrinsic qualities over superficial ones, we can create a more inclusive, equitable, and compassionate society for all.









