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My English teacher英語作文

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My English teacher英語作文(通用15篇)

  在日常生活或是工作學(xué)習(xí)中,許多人都有過寫作文的經(jīng)歷,對作文都不陌生吧,根據(jù)寫作命題的特點(diǎn),作文可以分為命題作文和非命題作文。那么,怎么去寫作文呢?下面是小編收集整理的My English teacher英語作文,僅供參考,希望能夠幫助到大家。

My English teacher英語作文(通用15篇)

  My English teacher英語作文 1

  I have a English teacher. She teaches very well. She often smiles to us. When we are in trouble, she can always help us in time. Once I got a cold. She hurried to the office and took some medicine to me. I was better soon. I thanked her very much. I love my teacher very much.much.

  My English teacher英語作文 2

  Nearly all my classmates like to learning English.Do you know why?I think its because we have a very good teacher-wuping.

  Wuping is an English teacher.Miss wu comes from Shanghai,She is kind and always smiles,She is one of the best teachers in our school.She goes to work early everyday,Miss wu is always very busy ,She often has much work to do.She teaches so well,She often tells us to do our homework carefully,She asks us to study hard,We often do as she says,She gets on very well with us.Sometimes she teaches us English songs.

  Im so lucky to be her student.

  My English teacher英語作文 3

  I love learning. I like knowledgeable Chinese classes, colorful art classes, and strange math classes. But I also like the English teacher who has resigned.

  The English teacher left, the white wall remained, but it was so desolate, clean, and lonely. The blackboard is still the same as before, but since Teacher Zhou left, no one understands its inner loneliness and hidden pain.

  Every noon break, I cant hear Teacher Zhous stern roar. Lunch break is so boring and not fulfilling at all, I am very touched. As soon as the new teacher walked in, I suddenly felt that the world was so unfamiliar, and that deep face threatened me. I cant hear a single word what the teacher said.

  We made a blackboard report with the signatures of the whole class together and gave it to dear Teacher Zhou. I like the whole class and thank them for working together. I also like that blackboard newspaper, it always shows the smile of Teacher Zhous students.

  I like Miss Zhou and I really enjoy all the courses she teaches us.

  My English teacher英語作文 4

  Now lets talk about our English teacher. She is such a lovely female teacher. I dont know which college she graduated from, anyway, shes very impressive. She is the English team leader of our school. She usually dresses up, sometimes like a village girl, sometimes like a lady. She should have entered menopause, she talks endlessly all day. I care about everything, but we all treat her as a friend and chat with her about everything. The most memorable day was Teachers Day, when the boys in our class would give a big gift to the English teacher. During class, the boys in our class stood up in unison and extended their thumbs, saying, "Youre really amazing.". Actually, its "youre really fat", and our class was filled with laughter. But the teacher didnt hear it, he laughed so happily. This is a secret. A joke is a joke. We usually respect her very much, even the jerks in our class. Even if we talk a few words in class, we will definitely apologize after class. Hehe... and she is very dedicated. It can be said that she has never been absent from class due to personal matters, especially evening self-study. That was the time when other teachers were absent the most, but she was always there regardless of the weather.

  It can be said that it emerges from mud without staining. Worth admiration, I hope other teachers can learn more...

  My English teacher英語作文 5

  My English teacher has curly hair, is of medium build, neither fat nor thin, has a good memory, and is praised everywhere.

  Once in class, a classmate was always distracted. The English teacher wanted her to go to fourth grade for lunch, but she didnt have time. Three days later, the English teacher asked his classmates to stand up again and said, "Teacher Liu is very strict. If you move a little, I can see that you have been detained!" For this sentence, no one in our class was distracted anymore, and everyone was serious like a little soldier. Because we believe what Miss Liu said!

  Miss Liu also praises others. She has never had any prejudice. If you do well, she will praise you, no matter how poor your grades are. Some people criticize you for not performing well, even though everything is good. I remember one time, a person who didnt pay attention to English classes was always deducted points by Teacher Liu. In the end, he worked hard and won a breath for himself, receiving praise from Mr. Liu.

  Do you like our English teacher? She will break all your bad habits.

  My English teacher英語作文 6

  My English teacher is a female teacher. Her eyes are big, her ears are a bit small, her nose is slightly upturned, and there is also a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose, with a big mouth. Her figure is not very fat, she appears very well proportioned.

  She has very strict requirements for our learning. Every day, she assigns homework that needs to be signed by parents. After signing, she also requires parents to use a seal. Students who do not sign will be fined standing. When checking homework, the teacher pointed to that word. Whoever can read it can sit down, while whoever cannot read it must stand for ten minutes. Sometimes, if time is running out, the teacher will randomly select a group to check, and once selected, they will look at the homework of that group. Once, I forgot to sign my English homework. While checking it, the teacher happened to draw our group. I was extremely scared and my heart was about to start making noise. But when the teacher was about to draw me, it stopped and the teacher didnt look at my homework. What a close call!

  This kind of thing cannot happen again next time. Although our English teacher is very strict, we still like her very much.

  My English teacher英語作文 7

  Every Wednesday is my happiest day because we have two English classes on that day. I believe that by seeing this, you can see how much we love our English teachers classes.

  My English teacher is an approachable and optimistic teacher. Before each class, the teacher would lead us to sing a pre class song. The teacher would sing in front of us, and we would sing along with the teacher. After each singing, the teacher would ask my classmates to greet each other and welcome the beginning of a beautiful day. Afterwards, we will happily start learning English.

  I remember one afternoon during an English teachers class, where all the students were reading words along with the teacher. However, there was a female student lying on the table, with her hair looking a bit long and covering her shoulders, looking as if she had fallen asleep. Perhaps its because its too hot in the afternoon. This is the teacher walking over and gently helping the girl tie it up. Without disturbing other classmates, the female classmate also woke up and started reading aloud.

  Teachers are like our big friends, they gently and kindly correct us when we encounter difficulties, and encourage us when we do things correctly. I like our English teacher.

  My English teacher英語作文 8

  The English teacher has arrived. My English teacher takes Harry Potter as a role model, walking outside the classroom from left to right, from right to left, from left to right, standing at the door to see if there are any students making small movements, not reading ancient poetry, until the recitation of ancient poetry stopped at that moment before entering the classroom.

  During class, classmates pay special attention, especially me. Because she is a different English teacher.

  She has a face with countless youthful beans, and her speech is sometimes gentle, sometimes fierce, and sometimes humorous. She wears black clothes almost every day. Perhaps black is her favorite.

  Every time she goes to class, she always says to us, "Good morning, classmates.". We will also politely say "Good morning, Miss Chen". She is lively and lively, like a child. She always giggles. Sometimes she plays play badminton with us and plays games with us!

  Once, she joked to us, "Miss Chens sister is not wearing glasses. Miss Chen is wearing glasses.". The students doubt whether this is true.

  All the students say she is a good teacher. I think she not only teaches seriously, but also really likes the excellent teachers of her students. I have great respect for her.

  My English teacher英語作文 9

  She has a pair of beautiful eyes, which are a pair of thousand mile eyes, a nose that is raised, and ears that are very clever. They are a pair of tailwind ears. No matter how low your voice is, she can hear it. No matter how small your movements are under her, she can also see it. The most impressive thing is that her mouth makes you have no defense. She wears a pair of glasses, has long hair, and loves to tie a ponytail the most. Sometimes gentle, sometimes fierce, sometimes teasing makes us burst into laughter, sometimes making us nervous. She is our English teacher, Miss Wen.

  Miss Wen was so angry when she first came to our class. She also said that she is only in her twenties this year, and her great youth is ruined in our hands. English teachers, like me, are all snakes. The teacher typing on QQ is as fast as she speaks, typing a sentence in just a few seconds, amazing!

  Miss Wen promises to teach an English song after completing each unit. The other classes have taught one or two songs, but our class has not taught them in the capital. We need to work harder, otherwise it will be much slower than the other classes.

  I have fallen in love with English and also with my English teacher.

  My English teacher英語作文 10

  My English teacher is Teacher Li. She is a bit aggressive, and I am a bit afraid of her.

  Teacher Li has thick eyebrows and watery eyes. My mouth is red, my nose is tall, and my hair is shiny and oily. Her ears and eyes are very sensitive, and even small movements or speeches cannot escape her eyes and ears.

  Once, we did very poorly in our exam. Teacher Li is certainly very angry. He was so angry with us in class that he could be considered a tiger, and we were all frightened. Teacher Li reported his grades loudly and angrily said, "Parents below 85 please come see me!!" This really took us off guard. I thought to myself, Teacher Li is really vicious. Fortunately, I am not below 85, otherwise it would be disastrous! Other classmates were also startled. Teacher Lis power is really great!

  Once, our class was noisy, and Teacher Li was so frustrated that we couldnt bear it anymore. Once again, he got angry and taught us a lesson. The sound was deafening and loud. We suddenly fell silent, and Teacher Li scolded us. We listened like a gentle sheep.

  Although Teacher Li is very aggressive, she is also doing it for our good. We must study hard and not disappoint Teacher Lis expectations!!

  My English teacher英語作文 11

  Before, I had an English teacher who was around 40 years old, of average height, with big eyes and a large black mole on her face. She was originally an ordinary teacher, but one thing changed my mind about her.

  I still remember one time, after finishing an English exam and preparing to rush out, what was missing from the English test paper? Ah。 It turned out that I forgot to write the seat number. When I was planning to make revisions, the test paper had already been delivered to the entrance of the teachers office. I think, "If I dont fill it out, its either getting into zero duck egg exams, or going home, my parents will either be scolded to death or beaten to death.". Just as I was about to go, I remembered a classmate who, like me, didnt write and went to the Chinese teacher to fill in the seat number, only to be scolded by the teacher for being so bloody. I thought about it, but I didnt dare to go again. I thought again, "Why dont you try your luck? Maybe the teacher will fill it out for me.". I came to the teachers office and told him the whole story. The teacher didnt scold me, but smiled and said to me, "Focus next time.".

  To others, she may just be an ordinary teacher, but to me, she is a generous teacher.

  My English teacher英語作文 12

  Although many teachers have taught me, my favorite is an English teacher.

  The English teacher is tall and thin, with dark hair, curved eyebrows, a tall nose, a big mouth, and big eyes, like two precious stones, very beautiful.

  The English teacher is very strict when correcting homework. Last time when I wrote English words, my handwriting was a bit poor, so the teacher erased all the words I wrote and asked me to rewrite them. Xiao Ming is the most undisciplined student in our class, and the teacher always punishes him to stand. During class, the teacher always sends someone to supervise the class and see if any students make any small moves or do not listen attentively. Once someone is found to be careless, the teacher will scold them angrily.

  The English teacher asks us to write vocabulary five times a day, and also requires us to read and memorize vocabulary every day. Sometimes after class, if we cannot read English fluently or memorize it yet, we are not allowed to go out and play. I assign a lot of homework after each class.

  Although she has assigned a lot of homework and is a bit strict, I still like her because my English is improving very quickly.

  My English teacher英語作文 13

  I have many teachers, serious physical education teachers, gentle Chinese language teachers, and versatile music teachers... This time, I want to talk about a beautiful and generous English teacher.

  The English teacher has long, shiny black hair and usually ties it in a ponytail, looking both energetic and energetic. Under her thick eyebrows, there were a pair of water like big eyes that flickered as if she could speak. When she smiles, two deep dimples appear at the corner of her mouth, which is extremely cute! Teacher Mao has a slender figure, paired with a snow-white long dress and fiery red high heels, making her look like a fairy descending to the mortal world.

  The English teacher is serious in class and becomes our good friend right after class. Whenever her classmates ask her questions, she always answers them carefully and attentively. Over and over again, tirelessly speaking until you understand.

  The way English teachers teach is also unique. I remember one time, the assignment was for us to cut out the little dog from the book, color it, and then assemble it. The next day, the classmates brought colorful little dogs. Looking at these cute little dogs, the English teacher cast a approving gaze at us with her talking eyes. While recording these wonderful moments on her phone, she also taught us how to read English about dogs, allowing everyone to learn knowledge in a joyful atmosphere. It was really joyful!

  This is my English teacher, a beautiful and knowledgeable English teacher!

  My English teacher英語作文 14

  From elementary school until now, I have met many teachers. Among these teachers, my favorite is Teacher Liang who teaches us English.

  Teacher Liang is of average height, with short curly hair, bright big eyes, and a tall nose bridge. He smiles sweetly.

  One day in English class, the teacher was teaching grammar knowledge, but we always confused the two types of grammar. The teacher did not blame us, but patiently explained it over and over again until we understood. Later, there were still a few classmates who didnt quite understand. Teacher Liang didnt give up on them and continued to explain it again until they understood.

  Teacher Liang is very strict in class and does not allow students to make noise during class. Once in class, two boys sitting in the first row were chattering while the teacher was teaching from the podium. The two boys were too loud to be heard by Teacher Liang. Teacher Liang stopped teaching and gave the two boys a fierce glare, but they didnt speak anymore. But after a while, when the teacher was writing on the blackboard, they started chattering again. The teacher turned around and angrily slammed the textbook heavily onto the podium, saying, "You guys are like mice, chattering and talking there every class. Move your seats apart and sit apart.". At this moment, I saw Teacher Liangs face turn pale and his breathing was very rapid. The whole class is quiet, not a single student dares to speak.

  This is our English teacher Liang, who is both kind and strict with us. I like her.

  My English teacher英語作文 15

  My English teachers surname is Wang. He is a male teacher in his early thirties. He is short and often wears a black sweater and gray pants.

  The English teacher is very kind. His face is often covered in smiles. During class, he taught us exercises, but we didnt understand them. He would explain them carefully again. Once, I had an English intelligence question that I couldnt solve. Teacher Wang slowly explained to me, "The meaning of this question is that you write a word in front of it, and the beginning of the following word must be the last letter of the previous word, just like a Chinese word chain game. For example," Chinese "can be followed by" literature ", so English is the same. Do you understand?" "I understand." I think Teacher Wang is so kind!

  Teacher Wang can also be irritable at times. Whenever Teacher Wang enters our classroom, we always hear a burst of noisy voices. Our classmates are not afraid of anything, they eat and talk while Teacher Wang is teaching. In that English class, Yang Sheng in our class kept talking, but was caught by Teacher Wang. Teacher Wang walked down from the podium to Yang Shengs position and carried him to the podium like a chicken. Teacher Wangs face immediately showed a serious expression, and all of our classmates were stunned.

  This is our English teacher, a teacher with a gentle yet irritable temper.

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