


時(shí)間:2023-02-20 08:26:39 醫(yī)學(xué)論文寫作方法 我要投稿
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[關(guān)鍵詞] 醫(yī)藥 論文 英文摘要











1、 原文:

Determination of Gallic Acid in Zhixueting Liquids by TLC Scanning

ZHOU Qun1, XU La-ying2 (1. Department of Pharmacology, Tongji Medical C

ollege, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, Ch

ina; 2.The Faculty of Pharmacy, Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Me

dicine, Wuhan 430061,China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the content of gallic acid in Zhixueti

ng liquids. Methods: Zhixueting liquids were dissolved by distilled wat

er, and then extracted into the sample with butanal etc. The samples we

re determinated by TLC scanning (λS=280nm,λR=350nm). Result: The aver

age recovery rate was 96.36% and RSD=2.39%. The contents of gallic acid

 in 3 five batches of samples were 0.38,0.42 and 0.47mg/ml. Conclusion:

 The method is simple, convenient and available.

KEY WORDS TLC Scanning; Zhixueting liquids; Determination; Gallic acid


Determination of Gallic Acid in Chuxueting1 oral Liquids by TLC Scannin


ZHOU Qun1, XU La-ying2 (1. School of Pharmacy2, Tongji Medical College,

 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China; 2.

The Faculty of Pharmacy, Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,

 Wuhan 430061,China)

Abstract Objective: To determine the content of gallic acid in Chuxueti

ng oral Liquids. Methods: The Chuxueting oral Liquid was dissolved in d

istilled water, and then extracted (into the sample刪去) with water-s

aturaled n-butanol3 etc. for the preparation of samples. The samples we

re subjected to gallic acid determination by TLC scanning (λS=280nm,λ

R=350nm). Results: The average rate of recovery was 96.36%,(and刪去) 

RSD=2.39%. The contents of gallic acid in 3 (five刪去) batches of sam

ples were 0.38,0.42 and 0.47mg/ml respectively. Conclusion: The method 

is simple, convenient and feasible.

KEY WORDS TLC Scanning; Chuxueting oral Liquids; Determination; Gallic 



1、zhixueting 應(yīng)為“止血!倍恰俺鲅!,自相矛盾!俺鲅!币部勺g為






Content Determination of Emodin in Qingre Mingmu Capsules

LUO Ming-zhu1, ZHANG Hong2 (1.Hubei Provice Institute of Drug Control, 

Wuhan 430030, China; 2.The 75310 Medical Team of the Army)

ABSTRACT Objectives: To determination content of Emodin in Qingre Mingm

u Capsules. Methods: Tlcs was used, silica gel Tlc plate, developing so

lvent was Benzene-Ethyl fermate-formic acid-Methanol-water(3:1:0.05:0.1

:0.5) of which the upper solutionλS=435nm,λR=530nm. Result: The linea

r relationship of sample application which ranged between 0.168-3.09μg

 was good. The regression equation was below: Y=105417.7X-1115.6, r=0.9

995; arerage recovery was 100.53%, RSD=3.38%. Conclusion: This method i

s simple, accurate and convenient.

KEY WORDS TLcs; Qingre ming mu Ccapsules; Emodin


Determination of Emodin Content in Qingremingmu1 Capsules

LUO Ming-zhu1, ZHANG Hong2 (1.Hubei Provicial Institute of Drug Control

, Wuhan 430030, China; 2.The 75310 Medical Team of the Army)

ABSTRACT Objective: To set up a method for the determination (content刪

去) of Emodin content in Qingre Mingmu Capsules. Methods: In the TLC a

ssay, a 0.5% canboxymethyl cellulose sodium (was used刪去) silica gel G

 plate and a developing solvent with a mixture of benzene—ethyl format

e—formic acid—methanol—water(3:1:0.05:0.1:0.5) as the upper solution

 were used.λS=435nm,λR=530nm. Results: A good linear relationship was

 found when the sample amount (which刪去) ranged between 0.168-3.09μg 

(was good刪去). The regression equation was as follows: Y=105417.7X-1

115.6, r=0.9995.The average rate of recovery was 100.53%, RSD=3.38%. Co

nclusion: The method is simple, convenient and accurate.

KEY WORDS TLC; Qingre Mingmu Ccapsules; Emodin


1、中成藥名用斜體書寫,也可譯作removing pathogenic heat to improve acui

ty of vision。


Research on The Acute Toxicity of Huning Capsule

XIN Zhi-wei, ZANG Zhi-he, MAI Xiao-xia, FENG Jun, YANG Wan-qing, LIAO H

ong-li (Teaching and Research Section of Pharmacy, The Third Medical Un

iversity, Chengdu College of PLA 610081, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To observe and test the acute toxicity of Huning Ca

psule on Kunming mice after an i.g. Methods: Count the death cases of m

ice in 7 days after the i.g. and work out the LD50 of Huning Capsule. R

esults: The LD50 of Huning Capsule on mice is 3981mg/kg.

KEY WORDS Huning Capsule; Acute Toxicity; LD50


An Experimental Study of the Acute Toxicity of Huning Capsules1

XIN Zhi-wei, ZANG Zhi-he, MAI Xiao-xia, FENG Jun, YANG Wan-qing, LIAO H

ong-li (Teaching and Research Section of Pharmacy, Chengdu Military Med

ical College, The Third Military Medical University, Chengdu 610081, Ch


ABSTRACT Objective: To observe and determine the acute toxicity of Huni

ng capsules (on Kunming mice刪去) after a single intragastric administr

ation in the mouse. Methods: 50 Kunming mice were randomly divided into

 5 equal groups, with 10 animals in each group. A single dose of 7500, 

5630, 4200, 3150 and 2360mg/kg-1 of the content of the capsules were ad

ministened through a gastric tube to each of the mice of the 5 groups, 

respectively. The numbers of the deaths of the mice within 7 days were 

noted down and the mediar lether dose (LD50) of Huning Capsules was cal

culated. (Count the death cases of mice in 7 days after the i.g. and wo

rk out the LD50 of Huning Capsule. 刪去) Results: The LD50 of Huning Ca

psule in mice was 3981mg/kg. Conclusion: Huning Capsules have only a mi

nor acute toxicity. It is therefore safe to use the drug clinically. Fu

rther study of its toxicity in long-term application is required.

KEY WORDS Huning Capsules; Toxicity, acute; LD50


1、“呼寧膠囊”也可譯作antitussive and antiasthmatic capsules.











