


時間:2023-08-04 07:21:06 導(dǎo)游詞 我要投稿













  Hello, everyone. My name is Lin Zhiwei. I'm your guide. You can call meZhizhi guide. Welcome to Huaguo Mountain. Next, I'd like to talk about the geographical location of Huaguo Mountain.It is located in Lianyungang, in the middle of China's sea border, and in thenortheast of Jiangsu Province. The area of the scenic spot is 84. 3 squarekilometers, 136 peaks. Among them, Yunv peak in Huaguo Mountain is the highestpeak in Jiangsu Province, with an altitude of 624. Four meters. Now, please take your belongings with you. Be careful. We are going tovisit. You can see many little monkeys. They are monkey grandchildren of themonkey king! Look, some of them are dazzling, some of them are jumping up anddown. How lovely! You can go to the right to buy food or give them peaches. Youcan't feed them anything else, otherwise they will eat bad. And you can't gettoo close to them, because they are still a little savage!

  Now you can see the water curtain cave. The water falls from the cliff andsplashes. It's spectacular! Now you can go through the water curtain cave, butremember to wear a raincoat. Now when we enter the water curtain cave, you cansee the throne that monkey king sat on. You can sit on it and experience it. Through the water curtain hole, you can see a garden of peach trees,covered with delicious and attractive peaches, you can pick some peaches totaste. Here's free time. Meet here in an hour. I wish you happy every day. If you come to Huaguo Mountain next time, youcan let me be your guide!


  Bonjour, tout le monde! Se félicite de la visite à cette guilin, je les montagnes et l’eau sont les guides des visites guidées cette chen, si je les invite les membres de la commission, il n ′!

  Nous voudrions ensuite de LiJiang, est très importante et LiJiang est guilin, si l’on veut aller doit aller LiJiang guilin. Bon, maintenant, nos travaux ici LiJiang trois caractéristiques de l’eau, et un repos, un LiJiang vert, l’eau est qu’un repos ne donne à la mobilité, vu les JiangDe d’agrégats vert, comme c’était déjà un des martin-pêcheur, chers amis, si elles ont été vus dans la mer, par exemple pour apprécier le niveau a cette occasion, mais qui ne peuvent pas être LiJiang et par ah!

  Regarder de l’eau pour la consolidation de la paix, nous devons regarder montagne. Les trois guilin, show, chihuahua, risque, pourquoi? Sous一座座, des personnes agées, comme énorme, comme, à dos de chameau. Pourquoi beau? Comme la verdure comme nouvelles pousses de bambou. Pourquoi risque? Crête WuLi guatémaltèque, GuaiShi, YiBuXiaoXin mont-liban. Pourrait tomber de tout son long

  Sao guilin! Vous êtes les bienvenus pour lui.


  Lingshan in Wuxi is a land of geomantic omen. Lingshan Buddha, VaticanPalace and other Buddhist cultural attractions are famous at home and abroad,attracting thousands of people to visit every day, and some believers come toburn incense and kneel down to pray for the blessing of the Buddha. During thesummer vacation, I, who knew nothing about Buddhism, also went to enjoy thebeautiful scenery. Walking to the scenic spot, after passing through the gate of "Lingshanresort", a stone archway connected by five gates stands in the middle of themain road, engraved with plaques of "keep precepts", "give alms" and "endurehumiliation" - it is said that this is the discipline requirement forBuddhists. After the mountain gate, the two bronze lotus ponds attract the attentionof many tourists. According to legend, the Buddha was born in the lotus. Furtheron, there is the "Jiulong Guanyu" scenic spot. This is a very wide square.

  Inthe center of the square, there is a huge copper tower made up of statues andAquarius. At the top of the tower, there is a huge lotus flower. With the musicof "the birthday of the Buddha", many fountains burst into the sky around thesquare, the lotus petals on the top of the tower slowly opened, and the youngSakyamuni was born in the lotus. High water columns were spurted from the ninedragon mouths under the giant tower to bathe him. This landscape reproduces thestory of the birth of Buddha. The holy water from Jiulong falls into the pooland flows out slowly from the mouth of Fenghuang. Some tourists take out theirwater cups one after another and respectfully accept the auspicious holywater. On the east side of Jiulong Guanyu, the Vatican Palace and the five sealMandala are even more dazzling against the blue sky. A clear water encircles the five seal Mandala in the middle of the water,which makes people feel that the temple is so far away, but it can be touched.After shuttling through the flowers and trees for a while, I finally found theentrance. This Tibetan Buddhist temple looks like the Potala Palace. Enteringthe mandala, countless exquisite Buddha statues and murals have come into thesight of tourists.

  The exquisite craftsmanship is amazing. The Vatican Palace made of gold is even more glittering and full of Buddhalight. This is the site of the world Buddhist Association. There is a tall andround performance hall in the Vatican Palace. On the roof of the sky, there is acolorful light like gems. There are 20__ seats in the hall, where a large-scalemusical "Ode to the auspicious mountains" is performed all year round. It tellsthe story of where people come from and where they go. With the help of the hugering screen movies around, it tells the story of Sakyamuni's founding ofBuddhism. After visiting the above scenic spots, I am too tired to go. But it's apity that we don't visit Lingshan Buddha when we get to Lingshan mountain. Froma distance, the Buddha stands on the top of the mountain and waves to us. I'mready to walk up the mountain again. On the way, I first met "the first palm inthe world", which is about three stories high and one finger is one meter thick.

  This is the palm of the Buddha, as big as the palm of the bronze statue on thetop of the mountain. The tour guide said that touching the Buddha's palm canbring good fortune, and the tourists immediately went to touch the Buddha's palmwith great interest, as if they were full of good fortune and happy. After the Giant Buddha's palm, there are hundreds of steps up the mountain.Visitors stop and go, pedaling the steps with difficulty. In the breath, I cameto the foot of the Buddha, tourists one by one to embrace the Buddha.

  This bigBuddha is 88 meters high. In front of the Giant Buddha's feet, I am so smallthat any toe is higher than me. I try my best to hold the thumb of the Buddha'sfeet, leaving a precious lens. Looking around from the platform at the foot of the Buddha, the Buddhastatue is surrounded by mountains on both sides. Just to the south is the vastTaihu Lake. Xuanzang, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, saw this excellentgeomantic treasure land and called it Lingshan. I believe that this beautifultreasure land gathers the aura of heaven, earth and mountains. This trip made meknow something about Buddhism. The belief of Buddhism is to have a good heart,do good deeds and promote social harmony. This tour is an eye opener for me.













  Xuanwu Lake was connected with the Yangtze River in ancient times. In theSix Dynasties, a long dike was built on the north side of the lake. Due to thecontinuous impact of the river, it was isolated from the Yangtze River andformed an independent lake. On this day, Xuanwu Lake still depends on the waterfrom the Yangtze River. Xuanwu Lake is a tectonic lake formed by Yanshan orogeny.

  It was namedSangpo Lake in ancient times. Later, it was called "Houhu" because it waslocated in the shade of Zhongshan Mountain. After the capital of the eastern WuDynasty was moved to Jiankang, there was a palace on the side of Houhu, and thewater from Houhu was poured into the palace. Because the lake was in the northof Taicheng, it was called "Beihu". In history, it is said that in the lastyears of Wu Dynasty, the mother of Xuansai, an official of Danyang County, wasswimming in Houhu lake at the age of 80. She suddenly turned into a turtle anddied for a thousand years.

  Therefore, people also call Houhu Lake "Lianhu". As for the name of Xuanwu Lake, it was first seen in 448. It is said thatblack dragon appeared in the lake, so it was renamed "Xuanwu Lake". Of course,it is impossible to have a dragon in the lake, but some people speculate thatthe two so-called black dragons may be crocodiles in the Yangtze River, becauseXuanwu Lake was still connected with the Yangtze River at that time, crocodilescould take advantage of the tide to visit the lake. Before the thunderstorm insummer, because of the hot weather, they came out of the water and were mistakenas black dragons.















































  Zhouzhuang is located in the southeast of Suzhou City and the southwest ofKunshan. It has the reputation of "the first water town in China". It is one ofthe six ancient towns in the south of the Yangtze River. Zhouzhuang is a watertown with a history of more than 900 years, but it was officially namedZhouzhuang Town in the early years of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty. Zhouzhuang islocated in the southwest of Kunshan under the jurisdiction of Suzhou, which wascalled zhenfengli in ancient times. With thousands of years of history and richWu culture, Zhouzhuang has become a treasure of Oriental culture with itsbeautiful water style, unique cultural landscape and simple folk customs. As anoutstanding representative of Chinese excellent traditional culture, Zhouzhuanghas become the cradle of Wu culture and the model of Jiangnan Water Town. Themost famous scenic spots are: Shen Wansan's former residence, Fu'an bridge,Shuangqiao, shenting, quelou, Zhouzhuang eight scenic spots, etc. Fu'an bridge is the only three-dimensional building in the south of theYangtze River; the double bridges are connected by two bridges, with uniqueshape; shenting is a Qing style courtyard house, with strict overall structureand different local styles; in addition, there are Chengxu Taoist temple, Quanfutemple and other religious places.

  Zhouzhuang Ancient Town is bordered by alarge lake in the south, commonly known as Nanhu and nanbaidang, which bordersWujiang River. By boat, you can get to Qingpu commercial couch and visit GrandView Garden. The lakeside is luxuriant in forest and bamboo, the environment isquiet, the lake water is clear, and the fish and shrimp are abundant. It is notonly a natural reservoir and fish farm, but also a rare scenic spot. The sceneryof Nanhu is suitable for all seasons, and the moonlight on autumn night isparticularly intoxicating. When the golden wind blows and the moon is high, thelake is green and golden, full of the artistic conception of "a long smoke, abright moon, a floating light, a silent shadow". Eight sceneries in Zhouzhuang:Quanfu Xiaozhong, Zhigui Chunwang, boting sunset, clam River Fishing Song, SouthLake autumn moon, wild geese falling in Zhuangtian, sailing in swift water,Dongzhuang snow. With the change of years, some traces remain, some add newluster. Some are hard to find. Be annihilated by the dust of history. MazeTower: located in Zhenfeng bridge, formerly known as Deji hotel.

  Li Defu, theowner of the shop, was born in Zhenjiang. In the late Qing Dynasty, he moved toZhouzhuang Town with his family. He was good at cooking delicacies and opened ahotel. When the couple were over 40 years old, they were so happy that they werenamed ah Jin. When she was older, Rua Yizhi came out of the water to conquer Qunfang inZhouzhuang. Under the love of parents, blackball foot binding, the nickname of"big foot Guanyin" spread like wildfire. The suitors came in droves. Li Defucouldn't give up her daughter. She kept her daughter away from her knees. Shekept her parents to spend her life together. She encouraged her to drink andsolicited customers. Her business was booming. At the junction of new and oldtowns at the south end of Quanfu road stands an antique archway. Four strong andstraight light brown granite square columns support the top of the raised eaves,and the rough wooden brackets reveal the style of imitating Ming architecture.The whole archway is magnificent and elegant, just like a solemn and simple doorof Zhouzhuang Ancient Town.

  Zhouzhuang Town was formerly known as zhenfengli. According to historicalrecords, during the reign of Yuanyou in the Northern Song Dynasty (1086 AD),Zhou digonglang (official name) believed in Buddhism and donated 200 mu (morethan 13 hectares) of Zhuangtian to Quanfu temple as a temple property. Thepeople felt his kindness and named the land "Zhouzhuang". But at that time,zhenfengli was just the rudiment of a market town, similar to a village. 1120_In 1930, the Prime Minister of Jin 20 followed song Gaozong to the south. It wasonly when they moved here that the population became dense. In the middle ofYuan Dynasty. Shen you, the father of the legendary Jiangnan rich Shen Wansan, moved fromNanxun in Huzhou to Dongzhai village in the east of Zhouzhuang (in the late YuanDynasty, he moved to the vicinity of yinyinbang). He gradually made his fortuneby doing business, making zhenfengli prosperous and forming an old market townwith Fu'an bridge as the center on both sides of the Nanbei river. In the MingDynasty, the town was enlarged and developed westward to the areas of Fuhongbridge in Hougang street and Puqing bridge in Zhongshi street. In the QingDynasty, the residents became more and more dense. The area around xizhagradually became a line of shops, and the commercial center moved from Hougangstreet to Zhongshi street. At this time, it was a big town in the south of theYangtze River, but it was still called zhenfengli.

  It was not until the earlyyears of Kangxi that it was officially renamed Zhouzhuang Town. In addition,there is a saying of "shaking the city" in Zhouzhuang region from the spring andAutumn period to the Han Dynasty. It is said that shaoziyao, king of Wu, andBojun of Han Dynasty were granted here, so Zhouzhuang has a longer history. TheLiangzhu Cultural relics excavated in taishidian, a suburb of Zhenjiang, alsoprove this point. Zhouzhuang belonged to Changzhou County of Suzhou in YuanDynasty. In the middle of Ming Dynasty, it belonged to Huating County, SongjiangPrefecture, and returned to Changzhou County in the early Qing Dynasty. Thethird year of Yongzheng in Qing Dynasty (1720 AD)_ Zhouzhuang Town was dividedinto two parts by Yuanhe County, about four fifths of which belonged to Yuanhecounty (now Wuxian City). One fifth belongs to Wujiang county (now WujiangCity). In 1761, Chen Wengong, the governor of Jiangsu Province, moved theinspection department in Jiaozhi town of Wuxian county to Zhouzhuang, which wasunder the jurisdiction of Chenghu, huangtiandang, Dushu, Yinshan and baishenlakes, covering almost half of the county.

  Zhouzhuang has developed rapidly from a small town to a big commercialtown, which is closely related to the prosperity of Shen Wansan, a rich man inthe south of the Yangtze River. Shen Wansan used Baibai River (Dongjiang) toconnect the Grande Canale and Zhouzhuang, and the advantage of the NortheastRiver connecting Liuhe river. The trade of Zhouzhuang became a distributingcenter and trading center for grain, silk and various handicraft products, whichpromoted the rapid development of handicraft industry and Commerce in thecountry. The most outstanding products were silk, embroidery, bamboo ware, footfurnace, Baijiu and so on. Zhouzhuang has a quiet environment and simplearchitecture. Although it has gone through more than 900 years of vicissitudes,it still retains the architectural style of the original water town. More than60% of the dwellings in the town are still built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.The ancient town with an area of only 0.47 square kilometers has nearly 100classical dwellings and more than 60 brick gate buildings. Zhouzhuang dwellingsare still ancient. The most representative ones are shenting and Zhangting. Atthe same time, Zhouzhuang has also preserved 14 ancient bridges with their owncharacteristics, which together form a wonderful water landscape painting of"small bridge, flowing water and people". Zhouzhuang, with its long history, hascreated many beautiful sceneries for the ancient town. Luo Zhewen, a famousarchitect, praised Zhouzhuang as "not only a treasure of Jiangsu Province, butalso a treasure of the country".


































