


時間:2022-08-03 13:22:17 英語演講 我要投稿
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  If I should have a daughter,instead of "Mom,"she’s going to call me "Point B,"because that way she knows that no matter what happens,at least she can always find her way to me.


  如果我有個女兒而不是一位老母親她會叫我B點(Point B)因為她知道不管發(fā)生什么她總會找到辦法回到我身邊

  And I’m going to paint solar systems on the backs of her handsso she has to learn the entire universebefore she can say, "Oh, I know that like the back of my hand."


  And she’s going to learnthat this life will hit you hard in the face,wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach.But getting the wind knocked out of youis the only way to remind your lungshow much they like the taste of air.There is hurt, here,that cannot be fixed by Band-Aids or poetry.


  So the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn’t coming,I’ll make sure she knowsshe doesn’t have to wear the cape all by herself,because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers,your hands will always be too smallto catch all the pain you want to heal.Believe me, I’ve tried.And, baby, I’ll tell her,don’t keep your nose up in the air like that.I know that trick; I’ve done it a million times.You’re just smelling for smokeso you can follow the trail back to a burning house,so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fireto see if you can save him.Or else find the boy who lit the fire in the first place,to see if you can change him.But I know she will anyway,so instead I’ll always keep an extra supplyof chocolate and rain boots nearby,because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can’t fix.Okay, there’s a few that chocolate can’t fix.


  But that’s what the rain boots are for,because rain will wash away everything, if you let it.I want her to look at the worldthrough the underside of a glass-bottom boat,to look through a microscopeat the galaxies that existon the pinpoint of a human mind,because that’s the way my mom taught me.That there’ll be days like this.


  (Singing) There’ll be days like this, my momma said.When you open your hands to catchand wind up with only blisters and bruises;when you step out of the phone booth and try to flyand the very people you want to saveare the ones standing on your cape;when your boots will fill with rain,and you’ll be up to your knees in disappointment.And those are the very days you have all the more reason to say thank you.


  Because there’s nothing more beautifulthan the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline,no matter how many times it’s sent away.You will put the wind in win some, lose some.You will put the star in starting over, and over.And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute,be sure your mind landson the beauty of this funny place called life.And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting,I am pretty damn naive.But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar.It can crumble so easily,but don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.

  因為無論大海多少次不得不奔騰而去它從未放棄親吻海岸線再沒有什么事比這更美好你將在風雨中贏得一些人心,也失去一些故友你將在星空下展開周而復始的循環(huán),孜孜不倦不管有多少地雷在一分鐘內炸成 碎片要確信你的心靈將在這個叫做人生的趣處安置于美是的,如同一個過度盲信的人我的確太天真了但是我想讓她懂得這個世界是由蜜糖構筑它會在彈指間崩塌但不要畏懼伸出你的舌頭品嘗它的香甜

  Baby, I’ll tell her, "remember, your momma is a worrier,and your poppa is a warrior,and you are the girl with small hands and big eyeswho never stops asking for more."Remember that good things come in threesand so do bad things.Always apologize when you’ve done something wrong,but don’t you ever apologizefor the way your eyes refuse to stop shining.Your voice is small, but don’t ever stop singing.And when they finally hand you heartache,when they slip war and hatred under your doorand offer you handouts on street-cornersof cynicism and defeat,you tell them that they really ought to meet your mother.




  Thank you. Thank you.




  Thank you.








  Thank you.




  All right, so I want you to take a moment,and I want you to think of three things that you know to be true.They can be about whatever you want –technology, entertainment, design,your family, what you had for breakfast.The only rule is don’t think too hard.Okay, ready? Go.Okay.


  So here are three things I know to be true.I know that Jean-Luc Godard was right when he said that,A good story has a beginning, a middle and an end,although not necessarily in that order.I know that I’m incredibly nervous and excited to be up here,which is greatly inhibiting my ability to keep it cool.which is greatly inhibiting my ability to keep it cool.




  And I knowthat I have been waiting all week to tell this joke.




  Why was the scarecrow invited to TED?Because he was out standing in his field.




  I’m sorry.Okay, so these are three things I know to be true.But there are plenty of things I have trouble understanding.So I write poems to figure things out.Sometimes the only way I know how to work through somethingis by writing a poem.Sometimes I get to the end of the poem,look back and go, "Oh, that’s what this is all about,"and sometimes I get to the end of the poemand haven’t solved anything,but at least I have a new poem out of it.


  Spoken-word poetry is the art of performance poetry.I tell people it involves creating poetrythat doesn’t just want to sit on paper,that something about it demands it be heard out loudor witnessed in person.


  When I was a freshman in high school,I was a live wire of nervous hormones.And I was underdeveloped and over-excitable.And despite my fearof ever being looked at for too long,I was fascinated by the idea of spoken-word poetry.I felt that my two secret loves, poetry and theater,had come together, had a baby,a baby I needed to get to know.So I decided to give it a try.My first spoken-word poem,packed with all the wisdom of a 14-year-old,was about the injusticeof being seen as unfeminine.The poem was very indignant,and mainly exaggerated,but the only spoken-word poetry that I had seen up until that pointwas mainly indignant,so I thought that’s what was expected of me.


  The first time that I performed,the audience of teenagers hooted and hollered their sympathy,and when I came off the stage, I was shaking.I felt this tap on my shoulder,and I turned around to seethis giant girl in a hoodie sweatshirt emerge from the crowd.She was maybe eight feet talland looked like she could beat me up with one hand,but instead she just nodded at me and said,Hey, I really felt that. Thanks.And lightning struck.I was hooked.


  I discovered this bar on Manhattan’s Lower East Sidethat hosted a weekly poetry open Mic,and my bewildered, but supportive, parents took meto soak in every ounce of spoken word that I could.I was the youngest by at least a decade,but somehow the poets at the Bowery Poetry Clubdidn’t seem bothered by the 14-year-old wandering about.In fact, they welcomed me.


  And it was here, listening to these poets share their stories,that I learned that spoken-word poetry didn’t have to be indignant,it could be fun or painfulor serious or silly.The Bowery Poetry Club became my classroom and my home,and the poets who performedencouraged me to share my stories as well.Never mind the fact that I was 14.They told me, "Write about being 14."So I did and stood amazed every weekwhen these brilliant, grown-up poetslaughed with me and groaned their sympathyand clapped and told me, "Hey, I really felt that too."


  Now I can divide my spoken-word journeyinto three steps.Step one was the moment I said,I can. I can do this.And that was thanks to a girl in a hoodie.Step two was the moment I said,I will. I will continue.I love spoken word. I will keep coming back week after week."And step three beganwhen I realized I didn’t have to write indignant poems,if that’s not what I was.There were things that were specific to me,and the more that I focused on those things,the weirder my poetry got,but the more that it felt like mine.It’s not just the adage "Write what you know."It’s about gathering up all of the knowledge and experienceyou’ve collected up to nowto help you dive into the things you don’t know.I use poetry to help me work through what I don’t understand,but I show up to each new poemwith a backpack full of everywhere else that I’ve been.


  When I got to university, I met a fellow poetwho shared my belief in the magic of spoken-word poetry.And actually, Phil Kaye and Icoincidentally also share the same last name.When I was in high school I had created Project V.O.I.C.E.as a way to encourage my friends to do spoken word with me.But Phil and I decided to reinvent Project V.O.I.C.E.,this time changing the missionto using spoken-word poetry as a way to entertain,educate and inspire.We stayed full-time students, but in between we traveled,performing and teachingnine-year-olds to MFA candidates,from California to Indiana to Indiato a public high school just up the street from campus.


  And we saw over and overthe way that spoken-word poetrycracks open locks.But it turns out sometimes, poetry can be really scary.Turns out sometimes,you have to trick teenagers into writing poetry.So I came up with lists. Everyone can write lists.And the first list that I assignis "10 Things I Know to be True."And here’s what happens, you would discover it tooif we all started sharing our lists out loud.At a certain point, you would realize that someone has the exact same thing,or one thing very similar,to something on your list.And then someone elsehas something the complete opposite of yours.Third, someone has something you’ve never even heard of before.Fourth, someone has something you thought you knew everything about,but they’re introducing a new angle of looking at it.And I tell people that this is where great stories start from –these four intersectionsof what you’re passionate aboutand what others might be invested in.


  And most people respond really well to this exercise.But one of my students, a freshman named Charlotte,was not convinced.Charlotte was very good at writing lists, but she refused to write any poems.Miss, she’d say, "I’m just not interesting.I don’t have anything interesting to say."So I assigned her list after list,and one day I assigned the list10 Things I Should Have Learned by Now.Number three on Charlotte’s list was,I should have learned not to crush on guysthree times my age."I asked her what that meant,and she said, "Miss, it’s kind of a long story."And I said, "Charlotte, it sounds pretty interesting to me."And so she wrote her first poem,a love poem unlike any I had ever heard before.And the poem began,Anderson Cooper is a gorgeous man.

  多數(shù)人對這個練習反應良好但我其中的一個學生,新生夏洛特卻沒有表現(xiàn)出心悅誠服夏洛特非常善于寫列表,但她決不寫詩她說:“老師啊,我就是不感興趣。我沒什么好表達的!庇谑俏易屗瓿梢粋又一個列表有一天我的要求是列出 “到目前我應該學會的10件事”她在列表的第3條寫到“我應該學會不要迷戀上大我3倍年齡的大叔!蔽覇査@是什么意思她說:“老師,這說來話長!蔽矣终f:“夏洛特,我對你這個故事特別感興趣!庇谑,她也有了詩歌處女作一首我以前從沒聽過的愛情詩詩篇開頭是“安德森·庫珀是個風度翩翩的男人!



  Did you see him on 60 Minutes,racing Michael Phelps in a pool –nothing but swim trunks on –diving in the water, determined to beat this swimming champion?After the race, he tossed his wet, cloud-white hairand said, ’You’re a god.’No, Anderson, you’re the god."

  “你可曾看他的節(jié)目《60分鐘》同泳池蛟龍邁克爾·菲爾普斯競技— 只穿一襲泳褲—潛水入池,決心挑戰(zhàn)這位游泳王者?賽后,他甩動他那濕漉漉的銀白頭發(fā)說到:‘你是上帝。’不,安德森,你才是上帝!





  Now, I know that the number one rule to being coolis to seem unfazed,to never admit that anything scares youor impresses you or excites you.Somebody once told meit’s like walking through life like this.You protect yourselffrom all the unexpected miseries or hurt that might show up.But I try to walk through life like this.And yes, that means catching all of those miseries and hurt,but it also means that when beautiful, amazing thingsjust fall out of the sky,I’m ready to catch them.I use spoken word to help my studentsrediscover wonder,to fight their instincts to be cool and unfazedand, instead, actively pursue being engaged with what goes on around them,so that they can reinterpret and create something from it.


  It’s not that I think that spoken-word poetryis the ideal art form.I’m always trying to find the best way to tell each story.I write musicals; I make short films alongside my poems.But I teach spoken-word poetrybecause it’s accessible.Not everyone can read music or owns a camera,but everyone can communicate in some way,and everyone has stories that the rest of us can learn from.Plus, spoken-word poetry allows for immediate connection.It’s not uncommon to feel like you’re aloneor that nobody understands you,but spoken word teachesthat if you have the ability to express yourselfand the courage to present those stories and opinions,you could be rewardedwith a room full of your peers,or your community, who will listen.And maybe even a giant girl in a hoodiewho will connect with what you’ve shared.And that is an amazing realization to have,especially when you’re 14.Plus, now with YouTube,that connection’s not even limited to the room we’re in.I’m so lucky that there’s this archive of performancesthat I can share with my students.It allows for even more opportunitiesfor them to find a poet or a poem that they connect to.


  Once you’ve figured this out,it is tempting to keep writing the same poem,or keep telling the same story, over and over,once you’ve figured out that it will gain you applause.It’s not enough to just teach that you can express yourself.You have to grow and exploreand take risks and challenge yourself.And that is step three:infusing the work you’re doingwith the specific things that make you you,even while those things are always changing.Because step three never ends.But you don’t get to start on step three,until you take step one first:I can.


  I travel a lot while I’m teaching,and I don’t always get to watch all of my students reach their step three,but I was very lucky with Charlotte,that I got to watch her journey unfold the way it did.I watched her realizethat, by putting the things that she knows to be true into the work she’s doing,she can create poems that only Charlotte can write,about eyeballs and elevators and Dora the Explorer.And I’m trying to tell stories only I can tell –like this story.I spent a lot of time thinking about the best way to tell this story,and I wondered if the best waywas going to be a PowerPoint, a short film –And where exactly was the beginning, the middle or the end?I wondered whether I’d get to the end of this talkand finally have figured it all out, or not.

  我傳授口語詩的同時也旅行去過很多地方 我并不總是期待看到所有的學生都達到第三階段但我非常幸運有夏洛特我看到了她是如何展開自己的旅程我看到她意識到 通過把自己確信為真的事穿插到創(chuàng)作的作品中她能夠寫出不可復制的極富夏洛特個人特點的詩歌可以關于眼球、電梯和《愛探險的朵拉》我也在試著講述只有我能講述的故事——比如這個我花了很多時間思考講述這個故事的最佳方式我心想如果最好方式是展示一個幻燈片或者一個短片——那么到底哪里是開頭、發(fā)展或者結尾呢?我納悶是否該在這講話結尾把這一切都搞明白,或是置之不理

  And I always thought that my beginning was at the Bowery Poetry Club,but it’s possible that it was much earlier.In preparing for TED,I discovered this diary page in an old journal.I think December 54th was probably supposed to be 24th.It’s clear that when I was a child,I definitely walked through life like this.I think that we all did.I would like to help others rediscover that wonder –to want to engage with it, to want to learn,to want to share what they’ve learned,what they’ve figured out to be trueand what they’re still figuring out.


  So I’d like to close with this poem.


  When they bombed Hiroshima,the explosion formed a mini-supernova,so every living animal, human or plantthat received direct contact with the rays from that sunwas instantly turned to ash.And what was left of the city soon followedThe long-lasting damage of nuclear radiationcaused an entire city and its populationto turn into powder.When I was born, my mom says I looked around the whole hospital roomwith a stare that said, "This? I’ve done this before."She says I have old eyes.When my Grandpa Genji died, I was only five years old,but I took my mom by the hand and told her,Don’t worry, he’ll come back as a baby.And yet, for someone who’s apparently done this already,I still haven’t figured anything out yet.My knees still buckle every time I get on a stage.My self-confidence can be measured outin teaspoons mixed into my poetry,and it still always tastes funny in my mouth.But in Hiroshima, some people were wiped clean away,leaving only a wristwatch or a diary page.So no matter that I have inhibitions to fill all my pockets,I keep trying,hoping that one day I’ll write a poemI can be proud to let sit in a museum exhibitas the only proof I existed.My parents named me Sarah, which is a biblical name.In the original story, God told Sarah she could do something impossible, and –she laughed,because the first Sarah,she didn’t know what to do with impossible.And me?Well, neither do I,but I see the impossible every day.Impossible is trying to connect in this world,trying to hold onto others while things are blowing up around you,knowing that while you’re speaking,they aren’t just waiting for their turn to talk — they hear you.They feel exactly what you feelat the same time that you feel it.It’s what I strive for every time I open my mouth –that impossible connection.There’s this piece of wall in Hiroshimathat was completely burnt black by the radiation.But on the front step, a person who was sitting thereblocked the rays from hitting the stone.The only thing left nowis a permanent shadow of positive light.After the A-bomb,specialists said it would take 75 yearsfor the radiation-damaged soil of Hiroshima Cityto ever grow anything again.But that spring, there were new buds popping up from the earth.When I meet you, in that moment,I’m no longer a part of your future.I start quickly becoming part of your past.But in that instant, I get to share your present.And you, you get to share mine.And that is the greatest present of all.So if you tell me I can do the impossible –I’ll probably laugh at you.I don’t know if I can change the world yet,because I don’t know that much about it –and I don’t know that much about reincarnation either,but if you make me laugh hard enough,sometimes I forget what century I’m in.This isn’t my first time here. This isn’t my last time here.These aren’t the last words I’ll share.But just in case, I’m trying my hardestto get it right this time around.

  當他們轟炸了廣島爆炸形成了一顆微型的超新星所以每一個活生生的動物、人或植物直接暴露在如同太陽光芒一般的輻射中頃刻間化為灰燼緊接著,留在這座城市的是持續(xù)的核輻射污染整座城和她的人口統(tǒng)統(tǒng)化為粉末我呱呱墜地時,媽媽說我在病房里四處張望那種凝視好像想說:“這個?我從前就經(jīng)歷過!彼f我有雙滄桑的眼睛姥爺Genji去世時,我只有5歲但我拉著媽媽的手,告訴她:“別傷心,他會像嬰兒一樣降生歸來!倍绎@然已經(jīng)有人這樣誕生了我還是沒能弄明白這是怎么一回事每次我站在舞臺上,我依然覺得雙膝發(fā)軟我的自信已經(jīng)和詩歌交融在一起它可以用茶匙來衡量唇齒之間總是別有一番滋味但在廣島,一些人已灰飛煙滅只留下了一塊腕表或者一頁日記所以無論我如何壓抑自己,不去填滿自己的欲望我還是努力嘗試著希望有一天我能寫出一首詩驕傲地擺在博物館展廳里作為我存在的唯一證據(jù)我父母給我取名Sarah,來源于圣經(jīng)在圣經(jīng)中,上帝告訴Sarah她可以做一些不可能的事,然后她笑了因為最初的薩拉她根本不知道哪些事是不可能那我呢?是啊,我也不知道但我每天都在見證不可能不可能就是嘗試與世界連接當你周圍的事情亂作一團時,嘗試緊抓住其他人知道當你開口說話時他們不僅是在等待何時才能輪到他們發(fā)言——他們在傾聽你他們在你有所感知的同時感知你這正是我每次講話時所努力追尋的——不可能的連接在廣島有一面被輻射完全燒黑的墻但在前面的階梯上,一個人坐在那里避免輻射線侵蝕墻壁而現(xiàn)在唯一剩下的就是迎面輻射光線下的永久光影在原子彈炸彈之后科學家們說要經(jīng)過75個春夏被核輻射毀壞的廣島才能不再寸草不生但有一年春天,土壤中卻冒出了新生的嫩芽當我遇見你的那一刻我不再屬于你的未來我開始迅速地成為你過去的一部分在那須臾之間,我分享著你的此刻 而你,也分享著屬于我的此刻的回憶這就是所有中最偉大的恩賜所以如果你告訴我,我可以做不可能的事我可能會嘲笑你我還不知道我能否改變這世界因為對于它,我了解甚少——同時我也不太了解重生但假若你使我開懷大笑有時我會忘記我活在哪一世紀這不是我第一次站在這里,亦不是最后一次這些也不會是我要分享的最后一段話但以防萬一,此時此刻,我正竭盡所能在這一次展現(xiàn)口語詩的魅力

  Thank you.




  Thank you.




  Thank you.




  Thank you.












