


時(shí)間:2022-08-19 12:42:32 論文提綱 我要投稿
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Title: Analysis and Case Study of the risk management of Chinese State-owned Enterprises -- Non-financial enterprises view

Related Module: The author will choose the risk management strategy, operational management and corporate strategy modules.


Risk management is one kind of new management subject. Because theories of risk management are based on the United States commercial companies at the beginning; big gaps of cultures in east and west world as well as the huge differences between China’s state-owned companies background and commercial companies’, there are lots of differences between Chinese risk management, especially the state-owned companies, and western developed countries companies’ risk management. There are increasing number of researches regarding the risk management, however, only few researches is about the differences of the risks management in China and in other countries. These differences have already impacted the Chinese firms’ management and the risk management performances, such as risk identification and forecast.

This dissertation will discuss the differences of risk management in China’s state-owned enterprises and foreign companies first of all. Moreover, the author will try to explore the reasons of these differences and how these differences effect the Chinese national-owned companies’ operations and risk management performances. After that, the author will compare the differences of risk management process. Finally, the author will summary the China’s state-owned companies special features and try to provide some suggestions of amending the risk management tools in the state-owned companies. This dissertation will choose the China Aviation Oil (Singapore) corporation Ltd as the case of China state- owned company.

Section 1: the importance of the research topic(這個(gè)不要) and research background

Risk management is one kind of new management tools and conceptions in China, especially in China’s state-owned companies. The risk management entered into(不要) China just around 15 years ago (Xiaobo Wu, 2008). Like other management theories, totally copying the western developed countries’ risk management theories and experience does not work in China, particularly in some state-owned companies. Because the different cultures and special business circumstances as well as state-owned company’s special backgrounds, the risk management theories have to be amended according toChinese actual situations. In some state-owned companies, bankrupt just started from around 20 years ago and the state-owned companies never bankrupt at all before, because people believed the bankrupt only belonged to capitalist society. Moreover, the China’s state-owned enterprises received the orders from the government and sell the products to special target customers before 1980s. Any lost would be filled by the Chinese central government. While, the risk management researches, usually, are based on the firms, which develop in the competition business circumstances. Therefore, identifying the differences of the business environments, including macro and micro economics, seems to be very important for the risk management effectively using in China’s state-owned companies. Only clearly know the differences of the risk management, we can amend the risk management skills to suit Chinese actual business world. When we clearly know the differences of business environments in China and other developed countries, we can summary the Chinese risk management features.

Moreover, there are limited risk management researches in relation to China’s state-owned enterprises. Most of these limited research focused on the internal financial management or audit. The author prepares to compare the differences based on strategy level and fill this gap. At present, lots of Chinese state-owned firms hope to use the Chinese risk management system to control their risks, no matter on operational risks, politica

l risks or other risks. Many firms are still in risk management conception introduction stage. They wish to have effective risk management tools with low costs. From the research, the author will summary how the state-owned enterprises managers use the risk management tools to forecast and control the risks.

The author can use the risk management course knowledge to evaluate the current Chinese business environments and the advantages and weaknesses of the current risk management process and tools in state-owned enterprises. In addition, the author can use the marketing and strategy knowledge to analyze the Chinese risk management. Culture and social environment are the main sources to form these differences.

Section 2: research and dissertation aims

This dissertation’s goal is to find out the differences of the business environments of risk management between China’s state-owned companies and other developed countries’ firms and summary how Chinese national-owned companies’ managers forecast and control these risks by the amended risk management theories and tools.

In order to achieve this aim, the author has the following objectives.

Aim one: identify the China’s state-owned firms’ special business environment and background as well as some culture differences

Aim two: identify the Chinese state-owned firms’ successful risk management experience and some theories weaknesses which need to be amended

Aim three: summary the successful experience of China’s state-owned enterprises’ risk management and the amended risk management tools.

Section 3: Literature review

Corporate Strategy and Risk Management, which compile by The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, described the general risk management conceptions in China and some state-owned companies(概念重復(fù)吧。). This book shows me the risks management general knowledge and some differences between Chinese risk management and foreign risk management. This book also introduces some knowledge in relation to the COSO intern-control framework. However, this book does not pay attention to the using of the kind of theories in practice, especially the risk management in China’s state-owned firms.

Coso report:Framework, which compiled by Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is one of my major source of the risk management theory. This report describes the whole internal control theories and some conceptions. In order to control the internal risks effectively, there must be five supporting factors; Control environment, Risk assessment, Control Activities, information and Communication and Monitoring. This book assisted me with more internal control knowledge and stimulate my interesting to explore the Chinese internal controlling management. But, this report is just the principle of the risk management. How we can connect the risk management principles with the practice, particularly state-owned enterprise risk management seem to be discussed by the author.

Risk Management –an international journal was edited by Denis Smith, Dominic Elliott and Alan Irwin. This book gave me a general framework on how to analyze the Chinese risk management environment and the risk management differences among different countries. Moreover, some of the new risk management points in the state-owned firms gave me a lot of helps to understanding(去掉) the dissertation topic.

Corporate Risk Management, (Tong Merna and Faisal F.Al -Thani) showed me the risk management from corporate aspect. At the beginning, the risk management research focused on finance and insurance industries. There are some books using the finance and insurance industries experiences and research results to describe the corporate risk management, which lack of workableness for the companies. However, this book disclose the internal risk forecast, assessment, planning, monitoring and controlling aspects of the corporate risk management. It is also describe the risk management in corporate level

, strategic business level and project levels. This book stimulates my interesting in exploring Chinese national-owned companies risk management.

Here is a chinese book, called Thirty Years of China Business, gave me lots of assistance. This book showed me the Chinese state-owned companies reforming and development history after 1970s, including state-owned companies’ development history. The author used tyhttps://p.9136.com/0ppanies and their managers in some special years to describe their successful experiences and their failure reasons. Because there is no special China’s state-owned enterprises development history books in China, the author will adopt some of this books points in the dissertation. In addition, the author will also summary some typical China’s state-owned companies’ common features in risk management.

Except the books mentioned above, http://www.51lunwen.org a number of studies have attempted to provide a clear picture of risk management. For instance, Gleason(1999); wiliams and smith(2000)focus on the facts and process of risk management. JerryMiccolis,RobertSchneier(1998);JerryMiccolis,SamirShah(2000);Doherty(2000)study this issue from the aspect of risk management intergration. Belk and Glaum(1990); Mellor and Wan(1993); Switzer and Tang(1997); Ali Fatemi(2000)provide profound insights into the practice of risk management within the coporate sector. Yet, none have expain risk management differences between Chinese stated-owned enterprises and deveolped countries’ companies.

Section 4: Methodology

General speaking, the author will use my (什么意思。?加上own) research method----combine history research, statistics and data research and theory study together.

a)Secondary resources

1)Official reports and statistical data from the companies and outside of the companies

Because of the different owners of the data and different statistics approaches, I decide to use information and resources from inside of the companies and outside of them. Inside of the companies, that means data from companies, such as company annual report. Outside of the company, that means the data or reports from other worldwide organization or other countries’ statistics data, such as from IMF, WTO, OECD or other magazines’ reports.

2)Books and other research results

The author will use official magazines’ reports and some relevant books research results. Other scholars and people’s research results are also very important for my research. The author will mainly focus on English books and journals’ research results; However, because the author decided to use the China Aviation oil (Singapore) corporation Ltd as the case of Chinese national owned company, the author may use some Chinese reports or books’ researching results or data.

b)Research the typical historical events

The author will mention some mile-stone events in Chinese national-owned company’s development history and risk management in Chinese history, because the Chinese government play a critical role in Chinese national-owned companies’ development. These events also show us the importance of the Chinese government and the political risks.

c)Theory studies

The author will focus on some theories studies both on risk management and strategy management theories. I may use Geert Hofested’s five factors, such as Power distance, individualism, long term Orientation and Masculinity, to evaluate the difference of cultures between Chinese culture and American cultures in order to find the critical factors to influence the risk attitude.

Section 5: Detailed plan of research.

The author will use the following three approaches to obtain the relevant information.

First of all, the author will search for the relevant information from Internet. Although the Internet is academicals resources, the author can obtain some general ideas and other peoples’ comments regarding the risk management in state-owned firms. After all, the author has no working experience in the stated-ow

ned companies, especially in the risk management department. The internet can provide some general knowledge regarding the risk management and other relevant information in the state-owned companies, especially the China aviation Oil (Singapore) company.

Secondly, the author will read and adopt some ideas from some books and e-journals(去掉e-). They are the main resources of this dissertation. Based on other scholars’ research results, the author can summary their points’ merits and weaknesses and build the author’s own theory. All the other people’s points and their ideas will be referred by the author in the dissertation.(會那么全面嗎?建議去掉all) The author will obtain this kind of resources via the university library. However, some e-data(去掉e-) still need to be paid.

Finally , after searching the relevant information and data,the auther will start to write the dissertation. This dissertation will contain five parts: introduction, literature review, relevant theories analysis of risk management, case study of China aviation Oil (Singapore) company and conclusion.

The dissertation timetable:

Stage one: the author will collect information, including reviewing the dissertation structures and the theories. This stage will be finished in the middle of July.

Stage two: the author will start to write the dissertation and plan to finish the introduction, literature review and Chapter one. The totally words will be around 4000 words. This work will be finished at the beginning of August.

Stage three: the author will finish the first draft and send it to the professor to review it. This stage will be finish at the end of August. The author will amend the dissertation, after receiving the feedbacks from the tutor.

Stage four: the author will finish the whole dissertation and other relevant documents. Before the deadline, the author will double check the dissertation English(為何加一個(gè)english,不知道什么意思,刪掉) and structures and then, print it and submit it.

Time line:

Figure 1 Dissertation time line

Section 6: Short statement on ethical considerations

First of all, during the research, the author will not discuss which culture is better or the managers’ personalities, although the managers personalities may influence the enterprises’ risk management. Moreover, the author will do (去掉)not discuss any political issues, especially evaluate the government behaviours.


Xiaobo Wu, (2008), Thirty years of China business, page 178,China CITIC press, 2008