


時(shí)間:2022-11-07 13:36:36 七年級(jí)英語教案 我要投稿





  Unit 2 I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old.

  課 型 Reading and writing

  教 材分 析 This is the second lesson in this module. The reading material is information about Daming, Wang Hui and Lingling. It’s a good text to help the studetns improve their reading strategies, such as getting information from the reading material about personal information.

  知 識(shí)目 標(biāo) Key vocabulary: everyone, capital, but, very, big, city, small, first, last, all,

  first name, last name

  Key structures: His / Her name is ...

  He / She is from ...

  He / She is ... years old.

  He / She is in Class 1, Grade Seven.

  能 力目 標(biāo) To get information from the reading material about personal information.

  情 感態(tài) 度 Learn to respect others when we talk with others.

  Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.

  教學(xué)方法 Interactive approach

  教 具 Tape recorder, Multimedia


  Step 1: Warming up

  Say hello to the students and tell them we are going to play a game. You can say like this: I will divide you into 6 groups and each group will have a picture of a famous person. You work in groups and introduce the person. Let's see which team is the best. Are you clear? Ready?

  The teacher plays the PPT and shows the pictures to them.

  Step 2: Revision

  Show some exercises and ask the students to complete them. Then teach and explain the new words in the sentences.

  Step 3: Reading

  1. Do act 1 and check the answers. ( B D A E C )

  2. Ask the students to read the passage and check the true sentences in act 2.

  3. After reading, the students check the false sentences in act 2.

  4. The students read the passage again and underline the correct words in act 3.

  5. Finish act 4 and check the answers with the whole class.

  Step4: Language points

  The teacher shows today's useful sentences and explain them.

  1. This is Lingling and her English name is Lucy.


  This is ...向別人介紹某人時(shí)說 "This is ..." 不用

  "That is ..."。 如:This is Tom. Tom, this is Jack.


  注意:this is 不能縮寫,而 that is 可以縮寫成that's。

  打電話時(shí),介紹自己用this, 詢問對(duì)方用that。如:

  This is Lucy speaking.

  Is that Lucy speaking?

  2. Good to see you. 很高興見到你!


  說:Nice to see you. / Glad to see you. /

  Pleased to see you.

  It's nice to see you all.




  All the students are here today.


  3. I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old.


  介紹自己名字的.時(shí)候可以用“I'm”、“I am”

  或“My name is ...”,此句還可以說:

  My name is Wang Lingling.

  另外,這里的“...years old”,表示.......幾歲,這里的

  數(shù)字可以省略,直接說成:I am thirteen.

  對(duì)它提問用:How old...? 如:

  How old is Lingling?

  She is thirteen years old.

  4. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last

  name. 托尼是我的名,史密斯是我的姓。

  family name 姓 = last name 教名

  與中國習(xí)慣不同,大多數(shù)英語姓名有三個(gè)名字:教名,中間名和姓。他們的姓放在最后。(中間名一般很少用)如果你要稱呼別人為……先生,夫人,小姐時(shí),只能在family name也就是last name前加上Mr, Mrs, Miss,如上面的這個(gè)名字,你只能稱他為Mr. Green,而不能稱他為Mr. James。

  Step 5: Writing

  1. The students look at the pictures and write sentences.

  Finally, ask three or four students to show their answers.

  2. The teacher makes a model for the students and ask the students to write sentences for themselves with and.

  Model: My name is Li Ping and I'm from China. I'm Chinese and I'm fifteen years old. I'm in Class One, Grade Seven.

  Step 6: Module task

  Let the students to ask their partners about personal information and make cards for them. The more, the better.

  Name: __________

  Age: __________

  School: __________

  Date of birth: ___________

  Birth place: __________

  Telephone number: ___________


  Favorite color:____________

  Ask several students to show their performances and praise the better ones.

  Step 7: Consolidation

  Show the students some exercises and ask them to finish in class, then check the answers with the whole students.

  Step 8: Homework


  What's your name?

  Where are you from?

  How old are you?

  What's your favourite subject?

  將你的采訪記錄整理成一篇為My new classmates的短文。(可適當(dāng)增加采訪問題,全文不少于50單詞。)

  板書設(shè)計(jì) Module 1 Unit 2

  What’s your name? My name is…

  Where are you from? I’m from…

  Nice to meet you, … Nice to meet you, too.

  作業(yè)布置 1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

  2. Interview two of your classmates and write a short passage.

  教學(xué)反思 The students can get information from the reading material about personal information.


  Language goal

  In this unit, students learn to talk about jobs.

  New language

  What do you do? I'm a reporter

  What does he do.' He's a student.

  What do you want to be? I want to be an actor .

  What does she want to be? She wants to be a police officer

  names of jobs and professions

  Section A

  Brainstorm with students a list of jobs that friends or relatives do. ("Brainstorming" is an activity in which you set a topic and students say whatever words they can think of relating to that topic.) Write the word jobs on the board and list all the jobs students mention.

  Point to the jobs one by one and ask students to say what ever they can about these jobs. Accept single word answers or simple sentences such as, It's fun. It's a good job.

  la This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

  Focus attention on the art. Ask students to tell what they see in each scene. Ask students to name as many of the jobs shown as they can. Then point to a scene, name the job, and ask students to repeat.

  Point to the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat.

  Then ask students to match each word wllfa one of the scenes. Say, Write the letter of each scene next to one of the ivords. Point to the sample answer.

  1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

  Point to the different people shown in the picture.Ask various students to tell what they do as you point to each one,

  Say, Now you will hear three conversations. The conversations are about three of the people in this picture.

  Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

  Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to write a number 1 next to the person being talked about in conversation 1. Have students put a 2 and 3 next to the people being talked about in conversations 2 and 3.

  Correct the answers.

  1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language-

  Ask a student to read the example conversation with you. Hold up the book and point to the doctor in the picture.

  Say, Now work with your partner. Make your own conversations about the picture. You can use sentences like the ones in activity 1b.

  Say a dialogue with a student. Point to a picture of one of the people. Guide the student to answer using one of the words in activity 1a.

  As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. Oner language or pronunciation support as needed.

  2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

  Ask students to look at the three pictures. Ask different students to tell you what they sec in each picture. What are the people doing? What jobs do they have?

  Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Say, You will hear conversations about the people in these pictures.

  Play the recording a second time. Say, Write the number of each conversation below the picture of the person being talked about.

  Correct the answers.

  2b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

  Point to the three headings in the chart and read the headings to the class. Ask students, What does "wants to be" mean? (It is not the Job the person lias now. It is the job the person wants in the future.)

  Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Say, You wiU hear about the people in these pictures. You will hear the job they haw now and the job they want in the future.

  Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to fill in the blanks with the jobs the people have now and the ones they want in the future. Point out the sample

  2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

  Point out the pictures in activity 2a. Ask who each person is. (They are Susan's brother. Anna's mother, and Tony's father.)

  Say, Now work with your partner. Ask and answer questions about the pictures. Ask, "What does he or she do?" Then ask, "What does he or she want to be?"

  Say a dialogue with a student. Point to Anna's mother and then to the example in the speech balloons. Practice the dialogue with a student.

  As students work In pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language support as needed.

  3a This activity introduces the names for the places where people work, and gives reading practice using the target language.

  Call attention to the pictures. Ask students to read the name for each place. As they name each place, write the word on the board and-ask the class to repeat it.

  Point out the list of jobs with the numbers next to each. Then call attention to the people in the pictures and the speech bubbles. Point out the sample answer and have a student read out the speech bubble.

  Ask students to work alone. Say, Write the number of each job in the square next to each workplace.

  Check the answers.

  3b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

  Point out the pictures in activity 3a. Ask students to name the workplace shown In each picture.

  Then point out the conversation in the speech bubbles. Ask two students to read It to the class.

  Say, Wow work with a partner. First practice the conversation in the picture. Then make new conversations. Use jobs and places from activity 3a.

  Say a dialogue with a student. Point to the word waiter in activity 3a and then to the picture of the restaurant. Ask a student. Where does he work? Guide the student to answer using the correct place: He works in a restaurant.Then ask. What does he do? and guide the student to answer, He's a waiter.

  As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language support as needed.

  4 This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.

  Call attention to the pictures in the book showing how to play the game. Say, You will draw a picture of someone working. Other students will ask questions about the kind of job you are drawing. After two questions someone can try to guess the job.

  Demonstrate by drawing a picture on the board of a stick figure reporter. Add details (microphone, notebook,etc.) until students guess what job it is.

  Ask a student to go to the board. Say, Draw a picture of a person working. If necessary, help the student add details that show the job the person is doing. He or she can add a bank interior to show that the person is a bank clerk. A student could also use an eye chart on the wall to show that the place is a doctor's office and the person is a doctor.

  Ask two different students to ask questions about the Job, and then ask a third student to guess what job it is.

  Play the game using drawings by several different students.

  Alternative: If you do not want students to move from their seats, then you can ask them to do this activity sitting down in groups of four. They will need pieces of paper on which to draw their pictures. They will also need pencils.

  Section B

  New language

  Words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous,boring, difficult, busy, fun

  Additional materials to bring to class:

  help wanted ads from an English-language newspaper

  1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

  Focus attention on the six pictures. Ask, What job does the person have? Where does the person ivnrk?

  Point out the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat. Then use simple explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. For example, Exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving. A police officer has an exciting job. The job is always changing. Something is always happening. For dangerous you might say, Dangerous means not safe. You might be hurt or killed in a dangerous job.

  Then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each picture next to one of the words. Point out the sample answer.

  Check the answers.

  1 b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

  Call attention to the picture In this activity and ask a student to read the statement to the class. Then point to the picture of the police officer and say. It's an exciting job. Ask the class to repeat. Then say, What else can you say about being a police officer? Someone may answer, It's a dangerous job. Ask the class to repeat each correct answer.

  Then ask students to work in pairs. Suggest that they each point to the pictures of the workers and make statements about them. As students practice, move around the classroom monitoring their work.

  1 c This activity provides an opportunity for oral practice.

  Say, Name some of the jobs from this unit. Write this list of jobs on the board. Say, Can you name some other jobs? Add any new jobs to the list.

  Ask some students to make statements about Jobs on the list using the words in activity la. You may wish to write some of the sentences on the board so that students can copy the sentences into their notebooks.

  2a This activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language.

  Call attention to the two headings and ask a student to read die headings to the class.

  Point out the blank lines where students will write the name of a job (under the words wants to be).

  Play Ihe recording the first time. Students only listen.

  Say, Now I will play the tape again. This time write the name of a job under the words "wants to be."

  2b This activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language,

  Call attention to the second heading and ask a student to read it to the class. Say, This time you will unite why each person wants the job.

  Play the recording again. Students only listen.

  Then say, Now I will play the tape again. This time write the reason the person wants the job under the word "Why?"

  Play the recording. Students write their answers.

  Check the answers.

  2C This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.

  Say, What do you want to be? What words describe each job? Help the class make up a list of jobs they might like to do. As students suggest possible jobs, ask the class to suggest words to describe them. Use a bilingual dictionary, if necessary, to find the names of jobs and words to describe each one.

  Then ask students to work in small groups. They tell each other what they want to do and why. Encourage students to use dictionaries if necessary. Move from group to group offering assistance as needed.

  Ask individual students to tell the class about what they want to be and why.

  3a This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

  Call attention to the three newspaper ads and read these ads to the class. Say blank each time you come to a blank line.

  Then read each ad again separately, pausing to allow students to ask questions about anything they don't understand. For example, in the first ad, students may not know that working late means "working at night." To work hard means to use a lot of energy to do the job.

  Ask students to fill In (he blanks in the ads using the words actor, reporter, and waiter.

  Check the answers.

  3b This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

  Call attention to the newspaper ad and ask a student to read it, saying blank for each blank line.

  Ask students to fill in the blanks using words from This section. Say,Look at the pictures next to each blank line. The pictures will help you guess the correct word.Suggest that they look at the names of jobs and the words that describe jobs in the first part of Section B.

  Check the answers,

  3c This activity provides writing practice using the target


  Point out the blank strip of newspaper where students can write their own ads.

  Ask one or two students, What are you going to write about? Repeat each of the students' sentences and ask the class to repeat the sentences after you. For example: Do ^OM want an interesting but dangerous job? Do you want to meet new people? We need a police officer.Call the Smithtown Police Station at 555-2323.

  Ask students to read their ads to a partner. Ask the pairs to correct each other's work.

  4 This activity provides guided oral practice using the

  target language.

  Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles. Answer any questions students may have about it.

  Then say, New please work in groups. Ask efuestions to find out what jobs each person wrote about. You can use sentences like the ones we just read.

  As students ask questions, move from group to group. Rephrase any incomplete or incorrect questions.Also rephrase any inaccurate answers.


  Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Revise the grammar: the Adverbial Clause and the Infinitive.

  2. Revise the use of “who, that, which”.

  Language Focus: so that

  The Infinitive: to + Verb(原形)

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check homework, ask some students to retell the story.

  III. Presentation

  Give the students some sentences for example to help them understand the structure:

  so + adj. /adv. + that(結(jié)果)

  1. I am so angry that I can't say a word.

  2. The teacher spoke so fast that we couldn't catch up with him.

  3. The classroom is so dirty that we must clean it.

  Ask the students to make up some sentences with “so… that”, then give same more sentences.

  1. He got up late so that he was late for school.

  2. He ran very fast so that he hit the electric pole.

  Ask the students to do some practice.

  IV. Practice

  Look at Exercise 1, ask the students to answer the questions with so that…. The answers are:

  1. I stayed at home so that I could go swimming when I had finished it.

  2. Lucy saved her money so that she could buy her mother a birthday present.

  3. Ling Feng was going to Changsha the next week so that he could visit his sick grandmother.

  4. I was doing my homework so that I could ask him to help me with my physics.

  5. I was looking for Lin Tao so that he could visit sick grandmother.

  V. Presentation

  Get the students to make up some sentences like:

  1. I don't know how to get to the station.

  2. She doesn't know which sweater to choose.

  Ask the students to pay attrition to the Infinitive. Give them more examples to understand better, e. g.

  1. I don't know what to do next.

  2. They don't know where to go.

  3. We didn't know when to start.

  Focus on the use of the Infinitive, then give another example:

  It’s very important to learn English well:

  To learn English well is very important.

  Let the students make more sentences, pay attention to the use of the Infinitive.

  VI. Practice

  Look at Exercise 2, make sentences with partners. The answers are:

  1. It’s hard / easy to work out these maths problem.

  2. It’s exciting to watch football matches.

  3. It’s interesting to read history books.

  4. It’s hard / easy to learn foreign languages.

  VII. Leaning and practice

  Do Exercise 3, complete the sentences using who/ that/ which. The answers are:

  1.which 2.who 3.who 4.which 5.who 6.which 7.which 8.who

  VIII. Workbook

  Do Exercise 1, let the students translate the sentences alone then check the answers with the students.

  Answers: 1. We arc hungry. We need to buy something to eat. 2. She is very busy today. She has a lot of work to do. 3. Please be quiet! I have something important to tell you. 4. Will you please tell him to turn down the TV a little? 5. nobody knows what to do next? 6. I’m going to the post office to buy a few stamps this afternoon.

  For Exercise 2. Join the two parts and make the students read together.

  For Exercise 3. Get the students to read the story, and fill in the blanks. The answers are: which, who, who, who, who

  IX. Summary

  Exercise in class

  l. 昨天他想借我的收音機(jī).

  2. 我需要一些喝的東西。

  3. 他有許多家務(wù)要做。

  4. 她叫我說慢一點(diǎn)。

  5. 在街上踢足球很危險(xiǎn)。

  6. 學(xué)外語不容易。

  7. 我不知道去哪里。

  8. 叫他不要遲到。

  X. Homework

  1. Revise the use of the grammar.

  2. Make sentences with the Infinitive.











  (1)本單元的.口語訓(xùn)練主要圍繞"Greeting"展開教學(xué),教師應(yīng)引導(dǎo)學(xué)生運(yùn)用"Hello! What‘s your name? My name is..."進(jìn)行會(huì)話。

  (2)教師以身示范,親切地向?qū)W生打招呼,盡量給學(xué)生創(chuàng)造英語情景,如:Hello!或Good morning, My mane is Lin Lina. What’s your name? How are you?等,通過語言交流方式,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的語言表達(dá)能力。

  (3)運(yùn)用"TPR"(Total Physical Response)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生反應(yīng)能力和語言感知能力。如:

  Stand up! sit down, please. Listen to me. Open your books. Close your books 等課堂用語,教師可用手勢(shì)表明其含義。學(xué)生聽懂后,會(huì)迅速做出正確反應(yīng)。

  (4)使用pair work培養(yǎng)學(xué)生自我展示能力。










  (1)Good morning:適用于比較正式客氣的場(chǎng)合,雙方都應(yīng)說Good morning!例如:

  A: Good morning, Miss Zhao. 早晨好,趙老師。

  B: Good morning, Mr. Wang. 早晨好,王校長(zhǎng)。



  A:Hello, Kate.你好,凱特。

  B:Hello, Li Lei.你好,李雷。

  A:How are you?你好嗎?

  B:Fine, thank you.是的,很好。謝謝你。


  A: Hi, Han Meimei.你好,韓梅梅。

  B: Hi, Lucy. Come in, please. 你好,露西,請(qǐng)進(jìn)來。

  A: Thank you.謝謝。


  (1)Aa A. Ee B. Ii C. Hi D. Bb


  (2)Ee A. Ff B. Cc C. Aa D. Ll


  (3)Ff A. Ll B. Kk C. Dd D. Gg



  Aa Hh Jj Kk

  Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg

  Ff ll Mm Nn

  Don‘t forget "Ii".



  A: Hello!

  B: Hello!

  A: My name is Li Yang. What’s your name?

  B: My name is Song Xin.

  A: How are you?

  B: Fine, thank you. And you?

  A: I‘m fine, too . What class are you in?

  B: I’m in Class One, Grade One . What about you?

  A: I‘m in Class Three, Grade One.

  Who is your English teacher?

  B: Miss Lin is.

  A: Our English teacher is Miss Lin, too.

  We like to speak English with her in class.

  Do you think so?

  B: Yes, and she is a good teacher.




  A、Morning, Mr. Wang.

  B、Hi, Mr. Wang.

  C、Hello, Mr. Wang

  D、Good morning, Mr. Wang.



  2、對(duì)What this?的回答應(yīng)該用:

  A、This is... B、It is... C、Is... D、What this?


  解析對(duì)What’s this?或What‘s that?的回答,在英語中均采用It is...或It’s(縮寫)來回答,而不用this或that及其它方式回答,其它三個(gè)選項(xiàng)不符合語言習(xí)慣。





  My name is Li Lei.


  Han Meimei Jim Green


  China(中國),Shenyang (沈陽)

  Class One, Grade One


  Chinese, English, American


  Mr, Miss, Mrs





  ( )1. A.e B.c C.g D.h

  ( )2. A.n B.a C.l D.f

  ( )3. A.j B.k C.a D.m

  ( )4. A.b B.d C.n D.g

  ( )5. A.h B.I C.k D.J


  A B

  ( )1.Good morning, class! a. My name is Jim.

  ( )2.Hello! b. Fine, thank you.

  ( )3.What‘s your name?c. Kate is.

  ( )4.How are you, Jim? d. Hello!

  ( )5.What’s this? e. Thank you.

  ( )6.Sit down, please. f. Good morning.

  g. It‘s "M".





  A.S B.C C.R D.X










  A:What’s your name?

  B: name is Kate Green.

  A: are you?

  B: Fine, you. How are you?

  A: I‘m fine, .What’s this?

  B: "Gg".

  A: Thank .

  2.T:Good morning, class.

  S: , teacher.

  T: How are you?

  S: , thank you, you?

  T: I‘m fine, .What’s this?

  S: It‘s "Nn"(恩).

  T: No,it’s "Nn"[en].


  T:Yes. Sit ,please.


 、.1D 2B 3D 4C 5B

  Ⅱ.1f 2d 3a 4b 5g 6e

 、.1B 2D 3C 4C 5D

 、.1 Hello, My, How, thank, too, It‘s, you

  2 Good, morning, Fine, and too, down


  Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector and a map of world.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Practise listening ability.

  2. Revise the grammar: the Comparative Degrees of Adjective and Adverbs

  The Past Perfect Tense

  Language Focus: Checkpoint 18

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check homework, then ask the students to read the partners' homework to share with each other.

  Revise the use of the Infinitive

  III. leading in

  T: Today we'll learn something about Coco. Do you know where she is from?

  IV. Listening practice

  Play the tape or for the students to listen and find the answer, then look at the workbook, Exercise 1, go through the questions with the students and make sure they can understand what they mean. Play the tape again, let the students discuss their answers in pains before the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.

  V. Presentation

  Show the students a map of the world, and ask: What map is it? Help the students find “China” and “India” on the map. Let the students discuss the two countries: They are developing countries. They have a large population in the world.

  Ask: What’s the population of China and what’s the population of India? Let the students read Part 2 and answer the questions. (China's population is 1 328 000 000 and India's population is 1 000 000 000). That’s to say India’s population is smaller than China’s .Ask the students to use the words in the box to complete the passage, then read together, finally ask the students to retell the text.

  VI. Practice

  Revise the Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense, give some examples:

  1. He had left before his wife came back.

  2. I remembered that Peter had already got a bike.

  3. By the end of last month, he had learned 20xx new words.

  4. When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.

  Then ask the students to do Exercise 3. The answers are: 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D. Let the students read these sentences together.

  VII. Practice

  Ask the students to do Exercise 4 first, then check the answers. The answers are: had, in, is, more, the, had, to, in, had, that, to, us, and, to

  VIII. Workbook

  Give the students five minutes to finish workbook. Do Exercises 1, 3 and 4. Then check the answers.

  The answers to Exercise 1 are: took, went, found, was, called, told, had happened, said, would go, came, was found, checked, founded, said, stole, went, enjoyed, came, found, had stolen, had

  The answers to Exercise 3 are: I worn out 2 try on 3 slow down 4 made up my mind 5 am pleased with 6 were angry with, deserve to 7 at least 8 as if 9 carried on

  IX. Summary

  Exercises in class

  Fill in the blanks according to the text in this unit.

  Lucy and Lily are___1___. They are living together___2___. But sometimes they fight. It doesn't last too___3___. They___4___very well with each other again.

  They look___5__, so it's hard for people to recognize them: Who is Lucy___6__Lily. We always___7___mistakes. They feel___8__. They like most of the same things, for example: music, food and___9__. But Lily likes to___10__, Lucy likes to___11__, they don’t like the same colour,____12___. So they have some___13____Sometimes they disagree, but they never___14__. They love each other and they are___15___happy that they are twins.

  Answers: 1.twins 2.most of the time 3.long 4.get on 5.the same 6.or 7.make 8. the same 9. books 10 .dance 11. sing 12. either 13. differences 14. fight 15.both

  X. Homework

  Prepare for the final examination.


  Unit 3 Language in use

  課 型 Revision and application

  教材分析 Unit 3 對(duì)“自我介紹和獲取信息”的功能句式進(jìn)行綜合訓(xùn)練:談?wù)撟约夯蚺笥训那闆r(活動(dòng)1);根據(jù)提示完成介紹圖片中人物情況的句子;填表、匹配復(fù)習(xí)表示國家、民族及人物活動(dòng)的詞匯。Around the world了解中西人名的不同;Module task要求通過問答形式介紹自己和他人。

  知識(shí)目標(biāo) Key structures:

  1) What’s his/her name?

  2) Where is he/she from?

  3) What's his/her English name?

  4) How old is he / she?

  5) What class is he / she in?

  能力目標(biāo) Enable students to talk about themselves and their friends.

  情感態(tài)度 Learn to respect others when we talk with others.

  Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.

  教學(xué)方法 Formal and interactive practice

  教 具 Tape recorder, PPT, handout

  教學(xué)過程 Step 1: Revision

  1. Ask some students to introduce themselves to the other students.

  2. Ask them to talk about the pictures in the PPT.

  Step 2: Teaching grammar


  1. 肯定句:主語+ be(am,is,are) +其它。

  2. 否定句:主語+be+not+其它。

  3. 一般疑問句:Be+主語+其它?

  4. 特殊疑問句:疑問詞+一般疑問句?


  1. be + 形容詞

  I am very happy. 我很幸福。

  He is very kind. 他人非常好。

  2. be + 名詞

  Mr Wang is our English teacher.


  They are our good friends.


  3. be + 介詞短語

  She is at home. 我在家里。

  Are you from America? 你來自美國嗎?

  The book is on the desk. 書在桌子上。

  4. be + 副詞 Class is over. 下課了。

  Step 3: Speaking

  Ask the students to introduce the three people in act 1.

  You can do it like this:

  This is Sam.

  He is twelve.

  He's from England.

  He's in Class 1.

  Step 4: Practise

  Do act 2-4 by themselves and check the answers in groups.

  Ask one group the report their answers.

  Step 5: Around the word

  1. Tell students the difference between Chinese names and English names.

  T: Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. The first name and the middle name are given names. Their family name comes last. For example, Jim Allan Green. Green is family name. Chinese names are different. Now read and find the difference in Around the world.

  Step 5: Module task

  Look at the screen. Introduce yourself. Ask and answer with a partner. Then report their result in front of the whole class.

  Step 6: Do exercises

  Do the exercises in the PPT. The teacher checks the answers.

  Step 7: Sum up

  Ask the students to talk about “What have you learned in this lesson?”.

  Sum up the different ways of “Be” and report it.

  Step 8: Homework

  板書設(shè)計(jì) Module 1 Unit 3

  What’s your name? My name is…

  Where are you from? I’m from…

  How old are you? I’m ….years old

  作業(yè)布置 查找資料名人資料,向全班同學(xué)介紹你心目中最喜愛的英明星或最


  教學(xué)反思 Speaking more is necessary for the students.









