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高中二年級(jí)Lesson 91 Reading

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高中二年級(jí)Lesson 91 Reading

  Lesson91 Reading
  Lesson objectives:
  1.Students will be able to get some knowledge about mobile phones andcordless phones.
  2.Students will review some knowledge about noun clauses.
  Teaching aids: a computer, etc.
  Teaching procedure:
  A. Pre-reading
  1) Use the information from Lesson 90 tocomplete the table (Ex. III in AB) on the differences between the old andmodern telephones. (
  2) You may ask some questions to reviewLesson 90: What do you call a book with all the telephone numbers in it? / Whydid you have to wind a handle at the side of the old telephone? / What did anoperator do? / What is the problem with using metal wires to send electricalsignals? / Which new model of telephone is most useful for a doctor? (Atelephone directory. / To produce electricity. / The operator connected the twonumbers and made a note of the length of the telephone call and the charge. /The problem with electrical signals is that they get weaker and weaker as theytravel along metal wires
  Use two situations to lead Ss to know insome cases, the ordinary telephones cannot work and let them think about whatkind of telephones they can use: A baby is ill. Its mother is worried, but itsfather is on business somewhere not at his working place. / A professor has twostudies. He is in one of them. His friend phones to ask for some information ina book in the other study. Ss may discuss and according to their everydayknowledge they can get their answers. Show pictures of a mobile phone and acordless phone.
  1.The first time the Ss read the article on SB Page 64, they will skim it.Say please read the article quickly. When you have finished, make quick notesabout the following questions. Ask Ss to share their answers: Which new type ofmobile phone is described in the text? / How many names can one phone record?(One with a small computer which remembers the telephone numbers of people youwant to ring. / Up to 20 numbers. )
  2.Now the Ss read the first paragraph carefully again, and try to describewhat a mobile phone is like to train the Ss' abilities of describing things. (Amobile phone with no wires looks smart and can be carried about in your pocketor your bag and taken with you wherever you go. If you need to ring someone,you just press the numbers and the phone will connect you to the right number.) Then listen to the second paragraph and try to fill up the passage with thewords you hear:
  A cordless phone with no   1   can be useful in the office or otherfields.   2   you are studying in your room and afriend of yours rings you for some information, but the book is in yourneighbor's room. You can carry a   3   phone with you to   4     5   the information.   6     7     8   , you can walk to a   9   place to   10   the information without   11   the phone   12   . (Wires; imagine; cordless; look; up;in; other; words; distant; check; putting; down)。 (Ex. IV in AB)
  3.Now the Ss have known the general meaning of the text, they can deal withsome new words and ask them to complete the sentences (Ex. V in AB) with thewords and expressions in the text (smart, wherever, in other words, lately,distant) :
  He lives five miles ________from here. /You look ________in your new suit. /________ he goes, I'll go with him. /This kind of phone is cordless, ________, it has no cords. / If something hashappened ________, it has happened recently.
  Answers: distant / smart/ wherever/ inother words/ lately
  4.Now you can deal with the oral practice on Page 64. First, let Ss completeand read aloud the conversation; then let them repeat it after the tape. It isa good chance to deal with the use of interrupt / disturb (on the computer)。Give Ss some sentences to complete:
  I' m sorry to ________you. / Once I havebeen ________, I can hardly begin my work again. / Don't ________my things. /Traffic was ________by floods.
  Answers: disturb/ interrupt;interrupted; disturb; interrupted
  1.Since we've known what a mobile phone is and what a cordless phone is,give the Ss time to discuss what the difference is between a mobile phone and acordless phone in groups. Let them exchange their ideas each other. They maytalk about: They share the same good points of useful, no
  2.Since the grammar of this unit is noun clauses and we've learned how touse it, let the Ss do some practice to review it. (Let the Ss match and complete the sentences.
  Answers: d/g; g/d; h/g; a/h; f; c; b; c;Who; How; what; why; What; Whatever; which; how; whose; When; that; where; how
  While doing these practices, deal withsome new words met in them (Ex VI in AB)
  Answers: 1.F 2.D 3.B 4.E 5.C 6.A
  3.This time, the Ss may use the new words to complete the passage (Ex. VIIin AB)Long, long ago, in a d________ place, there lives a women and her littles ________girl. She earned their living by s ________every day. Money from itwas the only
  Answers: distant; smart; sewing; income;bargain; lack; disturb; reminded
  1.Compare the mobile phone and the cordless phone and write a short passage.
  2.Finish off all the exercises in WB and review the whole unit.

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