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單元整體教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period)

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單元整體教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period)

I. Brief Statements Based on the Unit
            The activities of this unit, including Warming-up, Listening,
            Speaking, Reading and Writing, center on the subject-news and the
            media, which are connected with our life closely. It provides the
            students an opportunity to learn the language in using it.
            By talking about news and the media, the students get more knowledge
            about them-not only know about the important parts they play in
            learning about the world, but also the ways they are written and
            made. The students must be very interested in this subject. This
            way, they can learn the language points easily and freely. They will
            not only learn some useful words and phrases about news and the
            media, but also learn to express opinions.
            Besides, the study of the Grammar-the Past Participle can help the
            students use the language more exactly. By finishing each task
            provided in the textbook and the workbook,  the students' skills to
            use language can be well developed.
            Ⅱ. Teaching Goals
             1. Talk about news and the media.
             2. Practise expressing opinions.
            3. Learn about the Past Participle (1): used as Attribute and
            4. Write a comparison paragraph.
             Ⅲ. Teaching Time: Four periods
            IV. Background Information
            1. RADIO
            In ancient times the only way that men could send messages from
            village to village was on foot. When men learned to use the horse,
            communication became much quicker. However, compared to the modern
            world communication was still quite slow. Many parts of the world
            had no knowledge of events in other places. Later, the post was
            introduced and horse riders carried letters. This meant that
            communication was further improved. Horses drawn coaches could move 
            people from town to town in quite a comfortable way. At the
            beginning of the last century the steam train was invented and for
            the first time really fast communication became possible. Not only
            could letters be sent easily from one part of a country to another,
            but travel was made easy, too. At about the same time, steam ships
            helped communication between countries.
            The invention of the telegraph in the middle of the last century
            further increased the speed at which messages could be sent. In this
            system electrical signals, in code, are sent along metal wires.
            These signals travel so fast that they could go nearly eight times
            round the world in one second. A special device is needed to send
            the code. At the other end another device is used in order to
            receive the code. By this method messages can be sent over distances
            of several hundred kilometres. With the invention of the telephone
            the human voice could be sent over long distances. Because of this
            the telephone system replaced the telegraph for quick communication
            over long distances. The telegraph is still used, however, by
            newspapers in order to send news and for other purposes too.
            At the beginning of this century radio was invented and in a few
            years communication was again improved. The main difference between
            radio and telephone is that radio uses no electrical signals which
            travel long distances along wires. Instead invisible waves, moving
            at the same speed as electrical signals, are used. A few years ago
            there were not many radio stations in the world. Today there are
            many hundreds of radio stations broadcasting in different languages
            and in all countries. The invisible radio waves can easily travel
            from one country to another. This means that listeners in one
            country can listen to programmes broadcast from another country. In
            this way information travels from country to country. Radio is often
            used by policemen to communicate with one another. In addition,
            police forces in one country can communicate with those in other
            countries in order to catch criminals. Ships at sea use radio so
            that they know exactly where they are. Aeroplanes use radio for the
            same reason and this makes it easier for them to find their way from
            place to place.
            In the modern world there are many methods of communication. As well
            as radio there is television, for example. This enables information
            in the form of a picture to be broadcast from one place to another.
            Radio is often used as part of a telegraph system where distances
            are very large. Of the many modern methods of communication, radio
            probably remains the most important.
            2. How the Program Is Broadcast?
                We turn on the radio and a program comes to us from a
            broadcasting station miles and miles away. We know that words and
            music themselves haven’t traveled all that distance through space,
            but something certainly is bringing the program from the station.
            What is this silent carrier?
                The answer is radio waves. We can not see radio waves or feel
            them or even hear them. In fact, nobody knows exactly what they are.
            But we do know that they are made by electricity, and we have
            learned how to use them.
            At the broadcasting station people talk or sing, instruments (樂器)
            play, doors slam(砰) ,and all of these make sound waves. The sound
            waves reach the microphone, and here they are changed into
            electricity. Then from a tall tower called the broadcasting aerial
            (天線) ,electricity sends radio waves. The waves travel in every
            direction, and some of them reach our radio aerial. Now a wonderful
            thing happens. The radio waves start an electricity current (電流) in
            our aerial like the one that was first made in the broadcasting
            station. Finally, the loudspeaker in our set changes electricity
            into sound, and we hear the program.
            The First Period
            Teaching Aims:
            1. Learn and master the following words and phrases:
              media, reliable, fire, face, difficulty, elect, go up, burn down,
            2. Practise expressing opinion using the following:
              What do you think of…?
              What's your opinion?
              Why do you choose…?
              Perhaps…is more important.
              I would rather choose.…
              I don't think we should choose…
               Maybe it would be better to choose…
              Our readers want to know about…
            3. Talk about news and the media.
            4. Train the students' listening and speaking abilities.
            Teaching Important Points:
            1. Master the useful words and expressions appearing in this period.
            2. Train the students' listening and speaking abilities by talking
            about news and the media.
            Teaching Difficult Points:
            1. How to help the students understand the listening material
            2. How to help the students finish the task of speaking.
            Teaching Methods:
            1. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through
            the listening material.
            2. Individual, pair or group work to make the students finish each
            Teaching Aids:
            1. a tape recorder
            2. a projector
            3. the blackboard
            Teaching Procedures:
            Step I Greetings and Lead-in
            T: Good morning/afternoon, class.
            Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/ Mr. X.
            T: Sit down, please. Being the members of the society, we all cares
            for/about  what happens around us or even what happens at home and
            abroad. How can you do so?
            Ss: By reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV programmes,
            listening to the radio.
            T: Are there any other ways? Think it over.
            Ss: By a website.
            T: Yes. It’s also a way to learn about the world. What do you call
            these things which help us know about to the world?
            T: In English, we call it news media. Today we'll begin to learn
            Unit 2 News media (Bb: Unit 2 News media). First, let's learn the
            new words in this period. Look at the screen.  
            (Teacher first asks some students to read the words on the screen.
            Correct the Ss' mistakes in prononciation. Then teacher gives brief
            explanations. At last, let the Ss read and remember them for a
            Step Ⅱ Warming up
             T: Well, now please open your books at Page 9. Warming up first.
            Look at each of the pictures and tell me which kind of news media it
            Ss: The first picture shows a website; the second one shows radio;
            the third one shows TV programmes; the fourth one shows magazines;
            the fifth one shows newspapers.
            T: Quite right!  Now, please work in groups of four and discuss the
            five questions below the pictures. A few minutes later, I’ll cotleet
            your answers. OK?
            Ss: OK.
            T: You can begin now.
             (A few minutes later. )
            T: Are you ready now?
            Ss: Yes.
            T: Which group would like to talk about the first question? Choose
            one member of your group to answer the question.
            S1: I think TV is the most reliable among the news media. TV
            consists of a series of lively consecutive pictures. For the people
            who want to know what is exactly happening, a picture responds
            better to offer the truth of a fact than the mere words upon a page.
            It can offer an unique function of seemingly on-the-spot feeling,
            which is not available to the other media.
            T: The second question?
            S2. I think TV programmes are easy for most people to understand.
            Radio, can only be heard and sometimes can’t be picked up clearly.
            Newspapers and magazines are only useful for people        who can
            read. Websites have many different pages, but you should be careful
            to read some of the pages. who can read. Website have many different
            pages, but you should be careful to read some of the pages.
            T: The third question?
            S3 : I will check other sources.
            T: The fourth question?
            S4: Every morning, the newspaper chief editor and the journalists
            discuss the main events of the day. Reporters are then sent to cover
            the events. They usually do some interviews and then      check the
            information. They must work very fast. Later in the day, everything
            is put together at the news desk. Then the editors read the stories
            and make any necessary changes and choose a good title for each
            story. At last, they print them quickly and deliver them. Making a
            magazine        is more or less the same as making a newspaper. But
            the articles in a magazine are more like stories, which are written
            by all kinds of writers. Magazines are not published as quickly as  
            T: The last question?
            Ss: News broadcast, newspaper, magazine, radio programme, website,
            report, reporter, editor, interview, write articles…
            Step Ⅲ Listening
             T: Next, let's come to the Listening. We are going to listen to two
            parts of conversations. The first part is an interview; the second
            part is a dialogue. Now, look at Exercise 1: Listen carefully to
            what is said and tick the information you hear in each part. If
            necessary, I'll play it twice.        (Teacher begins to play the
            tape, and checks the answers after listening. Then ask the students
            to finish the rest of the tasks. )
            T: OK. Now, please listen to each part once again and then work in
            pairs to talk about the questions in Exercises 2,3,4 and 5. Are you
            Ss: Yes.
              (Teacher allows them enough time to talk about the questions. Then
            ask some students to say their answers.)
            Step IV Speaking
            T: Well, now it's time for us to be the editors of a newspaper. Here
            is a list of ten things that happened today. Look at the screen.
            (Teacher shows the screen and read through the list to the      
            whole class.)
            200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey.
                  China beat Brazil 5-1 in football.
                  France elected a new President.
                 Three children from your city were killed.
                  Someone robbed a bank in Shanghai.
            Food prices are going up.
             A house in your town burned down. Nobody was injured.
                 2 000 people in your city were happy today and moved into new
                 A Chinese scientist has invented a new car engine that does not
            pollute the air.
                 There is a rumour that a large company wants to build a factory
            in your town:
                (Bb :go up, burn down)
                T: Now, you've known the ten things, but you only need to report
            five of them. So, first decide which events you are going to put in
            your newspaper. Then give reasons for your choices and compare with
            your classmates. Work in groups of four or five. And the following
            expressions on the screen can help you with your dialogue. After a
            while, I'll ask some of you to act out your dialogue.
               (Teacher shows the screen. )
            What do you think of'…?
              I would rather choose.…
              What's your opinion?
              I don't think we should choose…
             Why do you choose…
             Maybe it would be better to choose…
             Perhaps… is more important.
            Our readers want to know about….
              (Teacher goes around the Ss and checks their work. If necessary,
            teacher may join in them. ) Sample dialogue:
            A: Hello!  How is everything going? Have you finished your work?
            B: I'm very busy today. I've chosen five events among ten things
            that happened today to report in our newspaper. But I'm not sure
            whether I made the best choices. I need your advice.
            C: Tell us more about your choices.
            B: The first event I chose is "France elected a new President". It
            is an important event these days. I think it may have a great effect
            on international affairs. The second is "There is a rumour that a
            large company wants to build a factory in our town." What is your
             A: I agree with your first choice, but why do you choose the second
            one? We should report something true to our readers, not rumours.
            Maybe it would be better to choose "A Chinese scientist has invented
            a new car engine that does not pollute the air." It shows our
            country's science advancement.
            B: Good idea. Then I'd rather choose "2 000 people in our city were
            happy today and moved into new buildings. “ and” China beat Brazil
            5-1 in football. “They are both exciting news. They also reflect the
            improvement of people's life and the achievement in sports.
            D: I think you made a good choice. What about the fifth one? Have
            you decided yet?
            B: I think two events are suitable. I really don't know which is
            more important. It is hard to choose. They are “Food prices are
            going up. “ and ”200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey.”   
            D: Perhaps the former is more important. Our readers want to know
            more about their life. And this thing is related to everybody's
            B: It sound reasonable. Let's think them over. Thank you for your
            Step V Summary and Homework
            T: Up to now, we've talked a lot about news media. By listening and
            speaking, we've become more familiar with news media. At the same
            time, we've learnt some useful words and phrases.        You should
            remember them and practise using them freely and exactly. After
            class, please collect more information about news media and talk
            about them with your classmates. Besides,       don't forget to
            preview the contents of the next period. So much for today.  See you
            tomorrow V
            Ss: See you tomorrow.
            Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
            Unit 2  News media
            The First Period
                                    I : Five news media
                                    website, radio, TV programme, magazine,
                                   Ⅱ. Useful words and phrases
                            words., reliable, fire, face, difficulty, elect,
             phrases., go up, burn down
            Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

單元整體教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period)

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