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九年級英語第十八單元Planting trees 植樹

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九年級英語第十八單元Planting trees 植樹



【 拋磚引玉 】


Ⅰ. 詞匯學(xué)習(xí)

plant , wonderful , dig , deep , stick , tie , diagram , forest , copy , million , towards , mountain , harvest

neither…nor , knock…into… , next to , so that , cut down , millions of , stop…from doing sth , blow…away , not only…but also… , in a few years\' time , far away , thanks to

Ⅱ. 句型學(xué)習(xí)

Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight .

The more , the better .

The river near here is over four metres deep .

The Great Green Wall is between 400 and 1 700 kilometres wide .

Trees must be watered well .

The earth should be pushed down hard .

More or less !

While you\'re doing that I\'ll go and get some water .


1 ) 含有情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)的構(gòu)成及用法。

2 ) 計量的表達。

Ⅳ. 交際英語


【 指點迷律 】


1 . plant 1 ) 種植 ( 動詞 ) 2 ) 植物 ( 名詞 )

We planted some roses in the garden .

April is the time to plant trees .

They are planting vegetables .

[點撥]plant 還可作“工廠”講。

2 . wonderful 極好的;精彩的 ( 形容詞 )

That\'s a wonderful idea .

What a wonderful invention !

He told me a wonderful story .

[點撥]have a wonderful time 過得極為愉快。

3 . neither ( 兩者 ) 都不

[點撥]1 ) ( 兩者 ) 都不的 ( 形容詞 )

Neither watch works , they are both broken .

[注意]neither 作形容詞只能與單數(shù)名詞或代詞連用。

2 ) ( 用于否定句 ) 也不 ( 副詞 )

John won\'t go , and neither will I .

He cannot swim , neither can his brother .

You did not see him , neither did I .

3 ) ( 常和 nor 連用 ) 也不 ( 連詞 )

It is neither blue nor green .

Neither you nor I am right .

4 ) ( 兩者 ) 都不 ( 代詞 )

Neither of them is good health , but they work hard .

Neither of the stories was true .

[點撥]neither…nor…連接的兩個并列成分作主語時,謂語的單復(fù)數(shù)符合就近一致原則。如:Neither you nor he is kind .

4 . nor 也不 ( 用在 neither , nor , not , never 等否定詞之后 ) ( 連詞 )

I have neither brothers nor sisters .

I didn\'t go , nor did they .

He doesn\'t want to go there , nor do I .

5 . dig 挖,掘 ( 動詞 )

They have started digging their potatoes .

He was digging a hole .

The truth was dug out .

[點撥]dig 的過去式,過去分詞,現(xiàn)在分詞分別為 dug , dug , digging。

6 . hole 洞;坑

The boat has a hole in each side .

Please fill the hole in my tooth .

7 . deep 深的,深厚的,深色的 ( 形容詞 )

There is a deep well in our village .

This river is not very deep .

Her coat is deep red .

The old man had a deep love for the Party .

[點撥]be deep in a book 埋頭讀書。talk deep into the night 談到深夜。deep 常用于具體的深度,包括時間和空間。deeply 用于抽象的、比喻的“深”。

8 . earth 土;泥;地球;大地

Mother planted flowers in the earth .

The earth is bigger than the moon .

9 . tie ( 用繩、線等 ) 系;扎;拴 ( 動詞 )

The boy tied the dog to the tree .

They tied him with cords .

I am tied to my work all day .

[點撥]tie sth to… 把……系 ( 拴 ) 在……tie sth , with sth . 用……系 ( 拴 ) … 10 . water 澆水、灌溉 ( 動詞 )

They are watering flowers in the garden .

They are watering the streets .

[點撥]water 作抽象名詞和物質(zhì)名詞表示一般概念時前面通常不用冠詞,只有當它被一個限制性定語修飾時才加冠詞。

11 . untrue 不真實的;假的 ( 形容詞 )

It is an untrue story .

He is untrue to his friends .

[點撥]untrue 是由形容詞 true 加前綴 un - 構(gòu)成的。

12 . forest 森林

Most part of the country is made up of forest .

They travel in the forest once a year .

[點撥]forest 指占地廣大,而人跡稀少,有鳥獸棲息的森林,而 wood 指樹林,人工培植林,或已開發(fā)的林子。

13 . sand 沙;沙子;沙灘

A child likes to play with sand .

The children are playing games on the sands .

[點撥]sand 作“沙,沙子”講是不可數(shù)名詞,當“沙灘”講是可數(shù)名詞。

14 . copy 照搬;謄寫;模仿 ( 動詞 )

Copy the sentence down .

He copied a page of the book .

Copy this down in your notebook .

I want you to copy carefully from this model .

[點撥]Copy in the examination 考試作弊,Copy down 記下,抄下。

15 . northern 北方的;北部的 ( 形容詞 )

The northern part of our country is very cold in winter .

[點撥]northern 無比較等極形式,類似的還有:southern 南方的,eastern 東方的,western 西方的。

16 . million 百萬;百萬個 ( 人或物 )

There are more than five million people in this city .

Millions of people went to the streets to welcome the king .

[點撥]million 前如有數(shù)詞,million 則不加 s , 如加了s 后必接 of。

17 . toward ( s ) 向;朝;對于 ( 介詞 )

A group of students are walking toward ( s ) she sea .

She was walking toward ( s ) town when I met her .


Is he friendly towards her ?

What are his feelings towards us ?

18 . among 在……之中 ( 介詞 )

She was sitting among her children .

I found him among the crowd .

There is a small house among the trees .

[點撥]among 表示三者或三者以上的之間。

19 . mountain 山;山脈

It is difficult to get to the top this mountain .

They are climbing the mountain .

The mountains were covered with snow .

[點撥]in ( the heart of ) mountains 在 ( 深 ) 山中,a mountain of difficulties 困難重重。

20 . grow

①種植;栽培 ( 及物動詞 )

In early spring we grow trees around our house .

②生長,成長 ( 不及物動詞 )

Plants cannot grow without water .

The rice is growing fine .

He has grown into a fine young man .

③發(fā)展,增長 ( 不及物動詞 )

They city is growing fast .

The population is not growing so fast in this area .

[點撥]grow 的過去式,過去分詞為 grew , grown . grow 還可作系動詞用,后接形容詞作表語,grow up 長大,成人。


1 . neither…nor 既不……也不

He is neither Japanese nor Chinese .

Neither he nor I know that .


Neither you nor I am right .

Neither you nor he is right .

Neither he nor you are right .

2 . knock…into 把……插進;把……敲進

Knock a long , strong stick into the earth next to the hole .

A long stick must be knocked into the earth .

Knock the nail into the wall , please .

3 . make sure 務(wù)必;查明;弄確實

Make sure that it is straight .

Make sure that all the windows are closed .

Make sure you get there on time .

I think there is a train at 5 : 15 , but you\'d better make sure .

Have you made sure of the time of the train ?

4 . in a few years\' time 幾年之后

In a few years\' time , we hope to cover those mountains , too !

[注意]in… \'s ( s\' ) time , 表示“在某時間之后”,又如:

She is going to Beijing in three days\' time .

I\'ll be back in a week\'s time .

He will be back in an hour\'s time .

He has promised to pay me in three months\' time .

5 . tie…to 把…捆在 ( 拴在 ) ……

He tied the horse to the tree .

They tied the bad to the big tree .

When he woke up , he found himself tied down to the ground .

6 . be just right 正合適,合適的。

The weather is just right for travelling .

This book is just right for reading .

7 . stop…from doing 制止……不使……;阻止

It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south .

The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away .

8 . point to ( point at ) 指向,指引

He points to the high mountains far away .

He pointed the way to the bookstore ( station ) .

He pointed to ( at ) the forest .

9 . far away 遙遠

The moon is far away from the earth .

She lives far away .

10 . thanks to 由于,幸虧,多虧

Thanks to the doctor , I am well again .

Thanks to John\'s kind help , we finished it early .

11 . more or less 或多或少,大約

He knows some English more or less .

It is helpful more or less .

They were more or less hungry .

The bicycle costs $100 more or less .

12 . be covered with 覆蓋著,盡是

The table is covered with a cloth .

The mountains were covered with snow .

The trees are covered with flowers .


【 學(xué)法指要 】


1 . so that 引導(dǎo)狀語從句的句型

Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight . 把樹放在洞內(nèi),讓它立直。

[明晰]so that 的意思是“以便,為了”,引導(dǎo)一個目的狀語從句。又如:

We got up very early so that we could catch the train .

I ran very fast so that no one should catch up with me .

Close the door so that it is warm is the room .

2 . 現(xiàn)在進行時的被動語態(tài)句型

Today , too many trees are still being cut down it the USA . 在美國,今天還


[明晰]句中的 are being cut down 是現(xiàn)在進行時的被動語態(tài)。又如:

More Great Green Walls are being built all over the world .

The TV set is being repaired right now .

3 . the + 比較級,the + 比較級

The more , the better . 越多越好。

[明晰]①“the + 比較級,the + 比較級”,意思是“越……越……!庇秩纾

— What size box do you want ?

— The bigger , the better .

Ask all of them to the party , the more , the better .

The more carefully you do the experiment , the better .

Start your work . The sooner , the better .

②“the + 比較級,the + 比較級”的完整句式是“the + 比較級 + 主 + 謂,the + 比較級 + 主 + 謂”,如:

The more people you know , the less time you have to see them .

The more I gave him , the more he wanted .

The more he eats , the fatter he gets .

The harder you work , the more you will learn .

The earlier we start our work , the sooner we can finish it .

4 . 表示計量的句型“數(shù)詞 + 名詞 + 形容詞”

The Great Green Wall is 7 . 000 kilometres long , and between 400 - 1 , 700 kiiometres wide . 綠色長城長7000公里,寬400至1,700公里。


“主 + 謂 + 數(shù)詞 + 表示單位的名詞 + 形容詞”用來表示“某物有多長 ( 寬、深、高 ) 等,又如:

The wall is three metres high .

The stick is five inches long .

The boy is eight years old .


1 . Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow ! 明天你穿舊衣服到學(xué)校來。

[釋疑] ( 1 ) 句中的介詞 in 可表示服飾的穿著。例如:

Do you know the girl in the hat ?

He is often in brown .

What shall I go in ?

2 . It\'s Tree Planting Day . We\'re going to plant some trees .( 明天是 ) 植樹節(jié),我們將種一些樹。

[釋疑]plant 一詞還可用作名詞,意思是“植物”。例如:

There are different kinds of plants on that farm .

Plants can bring us much fresh air . 植物可帶給我們大量新鮮的空氣。

3 . Really ? Wonderful !

[釋疑] ( 1 ) wonderful 常用于對事物的贊嘆、稱許及驚訝,用以表達說話者分外驚奇的心情。在口語中使用時相當于great . 例如:

It\'s wonderful that you have won the football match .

His uncle is a wonderful maths teacher .

( 2 ) wonderful 是在名詞 wonder ( 驚奇,奇跡 ) 后加上 -ful 構(gòu)成的形容詞,常見的還有:use — useful , help —helpful, care—careful, beauty —beautiful


[釋疑] ( 1 ) 英語中用作標題的文字,一般常用大寫。

( 2 ) 不定式前面常?梢愿鶕(jù)意思的需要與疑問副詞或疑問代詞一起構(gòu)成短語

We don\'t know when to go there .

The problem is where to plant trees .

We were not sure what to do at that time .

5 . The ground must be just right - neither too wet nor too dry . 地面必須剛好適宜 , 既不太潮濕也不太干燥。

[釋疑] ( 1 ) neither…nor…連詞,“既不……也不……”之意。分別放在兩個平行的述說對象的前面。例如:

He is neither tall nor short .

I can neither sing nor dance .

Neither you nor he knows French .


Neither he nor you know French .

( 2 ) neither 一詞單獨使用時,可作副詞或代詞,意為“ ( 兩者 ) 都不”,下列句中的名詞或動詞應(yīng)用單數(shù)形式。例如:

Neither answer is right .

Neither of them knows me .

6 . Knock a long strong stick into the earth next to the hole . Make sure that it is straight . 把一根又長又結(jié)實的木棍順著洞邊插進土里,一定要把它立直。

[釋疑] ( 1 ) knock…into… “把……插進……;把……敲進……”。例如:

Please help me knock the nail into the wall .

( 2 ) next to “挨著”。例如:

His bedroom is next to mine .比較:

He lives in the next bedroom .

Next to our school is a big lake .

Who sits next to you ?

( 3 ) make sure “查明,弄確實”。例如:

You must make sure that he didn\'t lie .

It\'s hard for me to make sure whose handwriting is better .

7 . Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight . 把樹放在洞內(nèi),讓它立直。

[釋疑]so that 意為“以便”,“為了”,引出一個表示目的的狀語從句。又如:

He gets up early in the morning so that he can catch the early bus .

Close the door so that it is warm in the room .

8 . Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight . 把樹和木棍的頂端捆好,以保持樹能直立。

[釋疑] ( 1 ) tie…to…“把……捆在……”。例如:

They tied the bad man to the big tree .

Tie his hands to the back of the chair .

to keep it straight 是動詞不定工,在句中作狀語,表示捆樹的目的。straight 是賓語 it 意義上的補充和延伸,所以叫做賓語補足語。又如:

We always keep our classroom clean .

Don\'t touch the machine . You must keep yourselves safe .

( 3 ) 在句中常用來作賓語補足語的還有動詞不定式、分詞、名詞等。例如:

We all call him Lao Wang . 我們都叫他老王。

Who helped you to wash these clothes ?

I saw him going into the office when I came back last night .

9 . Water it well , as often as possible . 盡可能經(jīng)常地給樹澆好水。

[釋疑] ( 1 ) water 可用作動詞,意為“給……澆水”。

英語中有些表示物質(zhì)的名詞也可用作動詞,試比較下列句中 fish 及 rain 的詞性。

He likes to fish on Sunday . But he doesn\'t like eating fish very much .

We had much rain last month , but it hasn\'t rained these days .

( 2 ) 類似 as often as possible 的說法還有:

as soon as possible 盡可能的快 ( 指時間 ) , as fast as possible 盡可能的快 ( 指速度 ) ,as more as possible 盡可能的多, as early as possible 盡可能的早

10 . Why was the Great Green Wall built ? 為什么要營造綠色長城 ?

[釋疑] ( 1 ) The Great Green Wall 指的是三北防護林,即:西北、東北和華北。


( 2 ) 該句為一般過去時被動語態(tài)。

11 . In 1850 , about a third was covered by forests . 1850年,大約三分這一 ( 的美國國土 ) 被森林覆蓋。A third 即為 one third 或 1/3。

[釋疑]英語中分數(shù)的文字表達,分子用基數(shù)詞,分母用序數(shù)詞,先讀分子,后讀分母。當分子大于1時,分母用相應(yīng)的復(fù)數(shù)。例如:2 / 3 讀作 two thirds . 5 / 7 讀作 five sevenths .

12 . A lot of good land has gone with them , leaving only sand . 大片的肥沃土壤隨著森林的消失而流失,只留下一片荒沙。

[釋疑] ( 1 ) leaving only sand 在句中作狀語,表示土壤流失后的景象。

( 2 ) leave 常用的兩個意思為“離開”及“留下”。請比較下面兩個句子:

The mother left the baby and hurried to work .

Don\'t leave your baby along in the room .

13 . Today , too many trees are still being cut down it the USA . 如今,在美國,大量的樹木仍遭砍伐。

[釋疑]句中的 are being cut down 是現(xiàn)在進行時的被動語態(tài)。

14 . China does not want to copy the USA\'s example . 中國不愿意步美國的后塵。

[釋疑]copy 在此意為“照抄”,“照搬”。例如:

Copy a drawing . 臨摹圖畫。

He is copying the sentences on the blackboard .

15 . The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away .

[釋疑]stop…from doing sth . “阻止……以免……”,“防止……做某事”。

I have often stopped myself from doing something wrong .

You must stop that big dog from coming into the house .

16 . They must be built all over world . 全世界都必須營造綠色長城。

[釋疑]含情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu):情態(tài)動詞 + be + 過去分詞,又如:

This work must be finished in a week .

The trees should be watered often .

In south China , rice may be harvested three times a year .

17 . Many thousands of trees must be planted every year . 每年都得裁成千上萬株樹。

[釋疑] ( 1 ) many thousands of“數(shù)千;萬千上萬”,thousand 在此是名詞。又如:hundreds of 好幾百, millions of 數(shù)百萬

( 2 ) hundred , thousand , million 也常常用作數(shù)詞,此時后面不能加 s。例如:

We\'ve learned about eight hundred English words .

That farmer had over five thousand ducks .

18 . The more , the better . 越多越好。

[釋疑]這種句式的結(jié)構(gòu)為:“the + 比較級,the + 比較級”,意為“越……越……”。請看:

Ask all of them to come to the party . The more , the better .

Start your work . The sooner , the better .

The more I think of it , the happier I am .

The harder you work , the greater progress you will make .

19 . This year alone , we\'ve already planted ten thousand trees . 僅僅在今年,我們已經(jīng)裁了一萬棵樹。

[釋疑]alone 是形容詞,在句中意為“僅僅”。又如:

The people live by bread alone .

We all think that he alone can do it .

20 . But we\'re growing a lot more now , thanks to the Green Wall . 然而,幸虧有了綠色長城,我們現(xiàn)在種植了更多的糧食作物。

[釋疑]thanks to…構(gòu)成副詞短語,意為“幸虧”,“由于”例如:

Thanks to their help , we won the match .

We arrived at the railway station in time , thanks to that bus driver .

21 . Is it straight ? More or less . 樹放直了嗎 ? 基本上是直的。

[釋疑]more or less “或多或少,差不多”。例如:

What he said is more or less true .

22 . 同義詞 wear , dress , in , put on , try on 的區(qū)別

[釋疑] ( 1 ) wear ( 穿,戴 ) ,表示穿著的狀態(tài),它不僅可以表示“穿著”某種


She was wearing a red dress ( a pair of white gloves , glasses , a gold ring , a new watch ) at the ball that night . 那天晚上在舞會上她穿著紅色連衣裙 ( 戴著一副白手套,眼鏡,一枚金戒指,一塊新手表 ) 。

( 2 ) dress ( 穿,穿著 ) ,既可表示穿著的動作,又可表示穿著的狀態(tài),只用于穿衣。當 dress 作及物動詞時,后面的賓語只能是人。

Have you finished dressing ?

He dressed and went out .

She was dress in with .

Mother dressed the child .

( 3 ) in ( 穿著,身著 ) ,表示狀態(tài)。in 是介詞。

The PLA men are in green uniform .

The comrade in blue is director of the play .

Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow !

( 4 ) put on 強調(diào)“穿,戴”的動作,不能與表示持續(xù)性的時間狀語連用。如:

He put on his coat and went out .

He put on his glasses to read the letter .

You don\'t need to put on your cap .

( 5 ) try on ( 試穿 ) ,表示動作,如:

I went to the tailors to try on my new suit .

Several pairs f shoes were tried on , but none of them were satisfactory .

Can I try it on ?

Mary was trying on a new dress .

23 . must be 的幾種意義


“must + be + 過去分詞”,如:

Young trees must be looked after .

This thing must be handled with care .

A greenhouse must be built first .

This must be done as soon as possible .

②must be 表示一種推測,意思是“大概是”,“可能是”,“準是”,如:

He must be in the workplace now .

Grandpa Li must be over seventy now .

I\'m afraid you must be right .

Ah ! it must be more delicious !

③must be 表示“必須是”,“一定是”。如:

The ground must be just right — Neither too wet nor too dry .

The answers must be right .

24 . 表示命令、請求和指示的交際用語

[釋疑]命令、請求或指示對方干什么或不要干什么,在英語中最常用的是第二人稱祈使句,主語 you 通常不表示出來。祈使句的肯定式以原形動詞開始,句首或句尾可以加 please ; 祈使句的否定式以“Don\'t + 動詞原形”開始。例如:

Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight .

Water the trees as often as possible .

Don\'t dig the hole too large .

25 . It\'s best to do sth . 最好是…… ( 干某事 )

[釋疑]這是表示建議的交際用語,意思相當于“You\'d better do sth . ” ( 你最好干某事 ) 。如 It\'s best to plant trees in spring because it\'s warmer . ( = You\'d better plant trees in spring because it\'s warmer . )

It\'s best to water well when the earth is dry .

It\'s best to fill in the hole with earth .

It\'s best to harvest at the right time .

It\'s best to come to school in your old clothes tomorrow because we are going to plant trees in the park .

【 妙文賞析 】

The Lose Outweights the Gain

Joel Adams laments , “When we went on vacation two years ago , burglars broke in and stole $250 . So , last year I got smart , I left all the lights on and turned on all the radios and TV s . The burglars were afraid to show up and didn\'t get a cent — but the electric company got $523 ! ”




都沒偷走,可電力公司向我們要去了523美元 ! ”

【 思維體操 】

你能猜出下列謎語嗎 ?

1 . What letter is a drink ?

2 . What letter is a part of the face ?

3 . What letter is an insect ?

4 . Which letter goes all around an is land ?

5 . What changes a pear into a pearl ?

6 . What is the most important thing in the world ?

7 . What is that which is seen twice in “every day”and four times in“every week”yet only once in“a year” ?

8 . Why is the letter B like fire ?

9 . Why is the letter F like a cows tail ?

10 . What part of London is in France ?

11 . Why is the letter G like the sun ?

12 . Why is the letter T like an is land ?

13 . Why is U the happiest letter ?

14 . Which letter is most useful to a deaf woman ?

15 . What letter in the alphabet and travel the greatest distance ?

16 . What is the end of everything ?

17 . In what way are the letter O and E neatly keep house a like ?

18 . What does the letter B do for boys as they grow up ?

19 . Why is a sewing machine like letter S ?

20 . Why is a false friend like the letter P ?

1 . T ( tea ) 2 . I ( eye ) 3 . B ( bee ) 4 . C ( sea ) 5 . L 6 . The letter E , because it is first in everything and everybody . 7 . Letter E . 8 . because it makes oil boil . 9 . Because it is at the end of beef . 10 . The letter N . 11 . Because it is the center of light . 12 . Because it is in the middle of water . 13 . Because it is always in the midst of fun . 14 . The letter A , because it makes HER HEAR , 15 . The letter D , because it goes to the end of the world 16 . The letter G . 17 . Both are always in order . 18 . As they grow older it makes them bolder . 19 . Because it makes needles needless . 20 . Because he is the first in pity , but the last in help .


【 心中有數(shù) 】


※ 含有情態(tài)動詞的被動態(tài)

含有情態(tài)動詞的被動結(jié)構(gòu)是:情態(tài)動詞 + be + 及物動詞的過去分詞。如:

We must find out the truth . → The truth must be found out .

These machine parts may be needed in our work .

Should an article be used here ?

These stairs are very dangerous . They should be repaired .

This lesson must be gone over again .

※ 被動語態(tài)與系表結(jié)構(gòu)的區(qū)別

動詞 be + 過去分詞這個結(jié)構(gòu)并不定都是被動語態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu),有時它可能是 be + 過去分詞 ( 作表語 ) 的系表結(jié)構(gòu)。因此:

be + 過去分詞 ( 被動語態(tài) ) 與 be + 過去分詞 ( 作表語 ) 這兩種結(jié)構(gòu)的主要差別是:


The library is now closed . ( 系表結(jié)構(gòu) )

It is usually closed at 6 . ( 被動結(jié)構(gòu) )

②被動結(jié)構(gòu)后面可帶 by + 實施動作者,而系表結(jié)構(gòu)一般沒有。如:

The glass is broken . ( 系表結(jié)構(gòu) )

It was broken by my sister . ( 被動結(jié)構(gòu) )

③“系表結(jié)構(gòu)”中的過去分詞可以被 well , very 等副詞修飾,而“被動結(jié)構(gòu)”中的


The book is well written . ( 系表結(jié)構(gòu) )

The book is written by Li Ming . ( 被動結(jié)構(gòu) )


The work is being done . ( 被動語態(tài) )

The work is done . ( 系表結(jié)構(gòu) )


The photo was taken last month . ( 被動語態(tài) )

The photo was well taken . ( 系表結(jié)構(gòu) )

【 動手動腦 】


1、 用方框中詞的適當形式填空:

tie , neither…nor , so that , stop…from , must be work on , thanks to , a third , next to , be covered with , millions of

1 ) He ran slowly ____ everyone could catch up with him .

2 ) He ____ the Great Green Wall with many other people .

3 ) Trees should ____ to the stick .

4 ) Uncle Wang lives ____ us .

5 ) Young trees ____ watered well when it is dry .

6 ) I have many books , about ____ is story - books .

“The Great Green Wall”is made of ____ trees .

7 ) It will ____ the sand ____ moving towards the rich farmland in the south .

8 ) The weather is ____ hot ____ cold in KunMing .

9 ) The ground ____ snow in winter .

10 ) We are studying well now ; ____ our teacher .


1 . The building is about two metres ____ .

A . high B . tall C . long D . deep

2 . The radio can be mended ___ two days .

A . by B . in C . with D . on

3 . We have friends all ____ the world .

A . over B . on C . to D . through

4 . There are ____ workers on a farm .

A . thousands B . thousands of C . thousand of D . thousand

5 . Water the trees well as ____ as possible .

A . often B . can C . quiet D . tall

6 . If anything ____ him , let me know .

A . will happy to B . happens at C . happens to D . will happen for .

7 . How many bananas do you want ? The ____ , the better .

A . much B . more C . many D . better

8 . To learn is ____ hard work .

A . / B . a C . an D . the

9 . Nothing will stop us ____ going there .

A . from B . to C . for D . in

10 . That\'s the youngest boy ____ those boys .

A . between B . for C . among D . to

11 . Neither Tom ____ Jim is a teacher .

A . or B . nor C . but D . and

12 . We will finish the work ____ at hour .

A . after B . in C . about D . for

答案:Ⅰ . 1 . So that 2 . work on 3 . be tired 4 . next to 5 . must be 6 . a third , millions of 7 . stop , from 8 . neither…nor 9 . is covered with 10 . Thanks to Ⅱ . 1 . A 2 . B 3 . A 4 . B 5 . A 6 . C 7 . B 8 . A 9 . A 10 . C 11 . B 12 . B

【 創(chuàng)新園地 】

同學(xué)們,你下廚房做過飯嗎 ? 你會做煎蛋卷(omelettes)嗎 ? 如果回答是肯定的,那就請你用英文寫出制作煎蛋卷的具體操作規(guī)程及說明。

( 請同學(xué)們把你的答案反饋給我們 )

【 創(chuàng)新園地】參考答案:

Making Omelettes

Omelettes are made from eggs and a few other things . They are quite easy to make .

First , crack the eggs and put them into a bowl . Use two or three eggs for each person . Mix the eggs well with a fork or with chopsticks . Mix the eggs until the mixture is all the same color — all right yellow .

Second , take the things , or ingredients , that you want to add to the omelette . For example , you can add cheese , or ham , or vegetables . Cat the ingredients into small pieces .

Third , put a little bit of butter or margarine into the bottom of a frying pan . Light the stove and melt the butter . You need butter or margarine so that the eggs won\'t stick to the pan .

Fourth , pour the eggs into the frying pan . Then put the other ingredients on top of the eggs .

After a couple minutes , turn the eggs over . Use a fork , or a spatula , or an egg-turner . When both sides of the eggs are cooked , remove the omelette from the pan . It is ready to eat .

【九年級英語第十八單元Planting trees 植樹】相關(guān)文章:

Planting Trees(植樹)08-09

Planting trees08-17

高一英語第十八單元 The necklace08-17

高一英語第十八單元The Necklace (項鏈)08-17


高二英語第十八單元Mainly Revision ( 階段復(fù)習(xí) )08-17

Tree-planting Day(植樹節(jié))08-09

Planting flowers初二英語作文范文08-11

About Trees08-09