
Unit 2 My Family

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Unit 2 My Family



1.   通過教學使學生掌握5個新單詞man,father(dad),woman(mum),family,達到能聽說認讀這些單詞。

2.     完成句型教學,使學生理解句子Who's that man/woman? He/She's my father/mother.熟讀并能在實際語言環(huán)境中正確運用。

3.       培養(yǎng)學生熱愛家庭,關(guān)心父母的情感。鼓勵學生用英語表達自己的想法。




1.     單詞教學


2.     句型教學






T:Hi,boys and girls.

SS:Hello,Miss Wang.

T:How are you?

SS:Fine,thank you,how are you?

T:Very well,thanks.


Today,we'll learn the new Unit--Unit 2.Part A.

(一)Let's learn:Let's learn the new words.

1.words.(Before the class,teacher draws the simple pictures of a family.) T:First,some words. (Pointing to a girl.)Look here,this is a…(girl).師教讀后,指名學生個別讀,老師正音。(Pointing to a man.)This is a man. Read after me,"man".學生分組練習,組與組之間進行比賽,看哪組讀得又準又快。

And your father is a man.Your father means your dad or your daddy.學生同桌之間,前后相互讀。

(Pointing to a woman.)Don't forget your mother.Your mother means your mum,or your mummy.用找單詞卡片的游戲練習讀這個單詞。And your mother is a woman.I am a woman,too.學生邊傳單詞卡片,邊讀單詞。Father add g-r-a-n-d being grandfather. Guess,how to say "奶奶"in English? 教學grandfather, grandmother.

    Reading the words "man, father, woman, mother, grandfather, grandmoter." They make up a family.My family.(在Unit 2后邊板書My family,把課題補充完整。)

2.Learning the song of your family.

T: I love my family, do you love your family?

SS: Yes!

T: Well, let's learn a song about your father and your mother. When you go back home, sing this song to your daddy and your mummy, they will be very happy.

(Listen and sing.)

(二)Let's talk.

1.Learn"who's that…?"

Pointing to a man,and say"Who's that man?"(那個男的是誰?)Read it again and again.Then…

T:Can you make a sentence like this?


SA:Who's that woman?

SB:Who's that girl?

SC:Who's that boy?

看人物卡片Students ask"Who's that…?"And Miss answers.(注意突出he,she的不同用法)。

    Now, you can see, when you answer these questions, must use "he".師手指板書 Who's that man/boy?并板書"He is…"用同樣的方法教"She"的用法。學生看著同學用he/she造句。

    Students follow me reading"Who's that man?He's my father.Who's that woman?She's my mother."

2. Reading books.

T:Let's read our books.Turn to page 14.

(Listen to the tape,read after the tape,and read it together.)

3.   Practice.

(Showing the photoes.)Ask the students "Who's that boy?Who's that girl?Who's that man?Who's that woman?"And the students answer my questions like this:

T:Who's that girl?

SS:She is …(She's …).

T:Who's that boy?

SS:He is A.(He's A.)

T:Hi,A.Who's that man?

SA:He's my father.

T:Who's that woman?

SA:She's my mother.


Today, we have learned some new words. They are "man,woman,father,mother,grandfather,grandmother." Let's read.老師領(lǐng)讀。And a new sentence "Who's that…"

When you go back home, sing the family song to your father and mother. See you.



1.復習鞏固Part A 學習的5個單詞,學習新單詞sister, brother達到能熟練地聽說認讀這些單詞。

2.完成句型教學,使學生理解句子Is he your brother / father /grandfather? Is she your sister/mother /grandmother?熟讀并能結(jié)合Part A句型Who's that…?在實際語言環(huán)境中正確運用。





1.     單詞教學


2.     句型教學






T:Hi,boys and girls.

SS:Hello,Miss Wang.

T:Nice to meet you.

SS:Nice to meet you,too.


Today,we'll go on learn Unit--Unit 2.Part B.


1.   Review words.

At first, let's review the words. Let's watch the video of the words.觀看動畫幫助學生回憶Part A學過的六個單詞(grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, man, woman)。

板書,進一步復習鞏固單詞。板書man,問指名學生讀該單詞,同樣的方法復習woman。出示father, mother的單詞圖卡讓學生認讀并分類板書好。老師戴上花鏡扮作老年人問:Who am I ?學生回答grandmother。老師用:grandmother love grandfather引出單詞grandfather,也把它們分男女板書好。師領(lǐng)生讀。

2。Learn new words.

Next, let's learn two new words--brother, sister. "brother" means “兄弟”,"sister" means “姐妹”。老師利用單詞圖卡直接教授新單詞。男女分讀加深學生印象,Boys read "brother", girls read "sister", please. Now, let's change. 挑選幾組同學來讀。

3。Words practice.

Let's read. Read after me, then, you're the teachers and I am the student. Let me follow you.


Game: man left, woman right.學生聽老師讀單詞,如果單詞是男性學生就向左跳,反之,向右。先由幾名同學上講臺演示,然后集體玩這個游戲。When you hear a word of man, please jump to left, when you hear a word of woman, jump to right.


1.   Review sentences.

OK, go on learn sentences. 板書:Who's that man?問學生:Do you remember this sentence? Let's read. 學生讀后造句,老師板書Who's that man/boy? Who's that woman/girl?

Great! Now, I ask and you answer. Who's that woman/ man/ girl/ boy? 學生一起回答,再指名提問,引出本課新句型的學習。

2.Learn new sentences.

Who's that boy? Is he your grandfather? Is he your father? (No, he's my friend.)

老師板書好新句子,解釋漢意,教讀。Is he your grandfather/ father/ brother?

學生仿造句子,注意he/she的不同用法。Can you make some sentences like these? 老師把學生造的句子板書好,Is she your grandmother/ mother/ sister?

3。Sentences practice.

用多媒體課件展示人物卡片,師生就句子進行問答練習。Brother T: Who's that boy? Ss: He's my brother. Mother Ss: Who's that woman? T: Guess! Ss: Is she your mother? T: No, she's Mimi's mother. Man/woman Ss: Who's that man/woman? Sister/grandmother Ss: Is she your sister/grandmother? …

4。Let's talk.

通過多媒體教學課件展示課文對話內(nèi)容,老師用課前準備好的教具給學生化裝,布置照片,學生根據(jù)課文進行對話練習。Let's watch the video. Then, talk about your family photo like the video.


Today, we have learned 2 new words. They are "brother, sister", and a new sentence "Is he/she your…?"

Homework, read your books and talk about your family with your deskmates.

Class's over, goodbye!

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