
現(xiàn)在位置:范文先生網(wǎng)>教案大全>英語教案>一年級(jí)英語教案>Whats this/that in English?第二冊(cè)

Whats this/that in English?第二冊(cè)

時(shí)間:2022-08-17 04:17:24 一年級(jí)英語教案 我要投稿
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Whats this/that in English?(第二冊(cè))


一、 教學(xué)目的及要求:

  1. 能聽懂會(huì)說本課會(huì)話:What's that in English ?

  2. 能較好地掌握本課句型What's that ? It's a desk .并能用Let's practise .的詞做替換練       習(xí)。

  3. 能聽說讀寫單詞desk ,chair和句子What's that in English ?

  4. 學(xué)唱英文歌曲What's that ? What's this?

  二、 教具準(zhǔn)備:卡片,投影,錄音機(jī),磁帶,頭飾.

  三、 教學(xué)重點(diǎn):熟練運(yùn)用句型What's this (in English)? What's that(in English)?及答語It's a /an ----.

  四、 教學(xué)難點(diǎn):this,that和It's的發(fā)音,及this 和 that的不同的指代用法。

  五、 教學(xué)過程:

  I. 問候

  1. 師生問候   T: Glad to meet you , again . / How are you ?

  2. 介紹客人老師,并問候。  T: Please say "Glad to meet you" to the teachers .

  3. 師生自由對(duì)話:How are you ? /What's your name ?

  (出示頭飾機(jī)器貓讓學(xué)生這樣回答 :My name is Mr / Miss Cat .)

  II. 復(fù)習(xí)

  1. 復(fù)習(xí)句型 :Is that a ---? What's that ? 及有關(guān)交通工具的單詞 boat , ship , bike , bus ,car, jeep , plane (以上是四會(huì)單詞) , taxi , yacht (只要求聽說) 。

  T: Look , Mr / Miss Cat .What's that ?  S1 :It's a ship.

  T: Can you spell the word "ship" ?   S1: Yes .S-H-I-P, ship.

  T: Is that a ship , too ?        S1: No , it isn't . It's a boat.

  T: Oh! It's a boat . Can you spell it please? S1 :Yes. B-O-A-T, boat.

  (讓部分學(xué)生扮演機(jī)器貓,操練plane ,bike , bus , car, jeep )


  T: Is that a jeep , too ?         Ss: No, it isn't . It's a taxi. 

  T: Now , let's chant . "What's that ? What's that ?" one , two start.

  繞口令:What's that ? What's that ?What is that ?  It's a taxi . It's a taxi . It's a red taxi .

  (此時(shí)將What's that?卡片粘貼在黑板上)

  T: What's that ?            Ss: It's a yacht .

  T: Now , let's chant . "What's that ? What's that ?" one , two start.

  繞口令:What's that ? What's that ?What is that ?  It's a yacht. It's a yacht . It's a white yacht.

  III. 新授

  1. 呈現(xiàn)句型What's that in English ?

  T: And what's this in English ?      Ss: It's a desk .

  跟讀單詞desk:  T: Desk , desk , desk. D-E-S-K, desk.. (二遍并將卡片粘在黑板上)


  T: And what's this in English ?      Ss: It's a chair.

  跟讀單詞chair:   T: Chair ,chair , chair. C-H-A-I-R, chair.(二遍并將卡片粘在黑板上)

  (此時(shí)將What's this in English ?卡片粘貼在黑板上)

  T: Look, what's that in English ?      Ss: It's a door / clock .(實(shí)物)

  T: And what's that in English ?      Ss: It's a picture . (投影片)

  2. 鞏固操練句型What's that in English ?

  1) T: Let's look at the picture . (放幻燈) What's that in English ?  Ss: It's a ---. T: Now , please talk like this .  (讓學(xué)生根據(jù)幻燈上的內(nèi)容直接進(jìn)行操練。)

  2) T: Let's play a game .   You please come here .(指示他面朝黑板)                   What's that in English ? (讓另一位學(xué)生舉起手中的卡片,其他的學(xué)生真真假假地回答。如S: It's a ship / bus. 等,最后讓第一位學(xué)生猜猜到底是什么。)    

  3. 聽音, 跟讀  (將有書, 鐘 的兩張卡片反貼在黑板上)

  T:  What's that ?      Ss: Is that a ---?

  T:  And what's this ?     Ss: Is this a ---?

  T:  Sorry , I don't know. Please listen to the tape . (放錄音)


  4. 學(xué)說英語 

  T: Please read in roles .(男女對(duì)讀; A,B分角色朗讀.)

  IV. 鞏固操練

  1. 編說類似課文內(nèi)容的對(duì)話

  T:Now you talk together like this .(讓最后一組學(xué)生用zoo編說對(duì)話。)

  2. 情景對(duì)話

  T: Great ! Let's go to the zoo .  Ss: All right .

  T: What's this in English ?   Ss: It's a panda.(頭飾,讓部分學(xué)生扮演各種動(dòng)物)

  T: What's that in English ?   Ss: It's a deer .

  T: Now please make similar dialogues. (讓學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備二分鐘后,進(jìn)行表演,最后一組以It's a door . 結(jié)尾。) 

  3. 拼寫游戲 (用來鞏固第4單元的四會(huì)單詞:orange , bus , ship , desk , chair 及第二冊(cè)所有的四會(huì)要求單詞.)

  T: Look ! What's that on the door ? Ss: It's a banana.

  T: Can you spell it please ?    Ss: Yes .B-A-N-A-N-A, banana.

  T: You please find the right key ,and then open the door to get a star .(教師自己示范一遍,然后學(xué)生操練,最后以chair ,desk結(jié)尾。)

  4. 學(xué)唱歌曲

  T: Now let's sing a song . First let's read the words .

  Listen and follow . Sing in roles ,with other objects.

  V. 小結(jié)

  VI. 作業(yè) Workbook

【W(wǎng)hats this/that in English?第二冊(cè)】相關(guān)文章:

學(xué)習(xí)英語的方法 The Ways to Learn English05-11




我的英語老師 My English Teacher05-11




