


時間:2023-04-26 17:01:37 合同范本 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1



  The Seller:Vladivostok Mining Import / Export Company Ltd. , Russia

  地址 (Address):

  買方The Buyer:



  The Buyer agree to buy and The Seller agree to sell coal produced in Russia on terms and conditions as set forth below:

  一、品名和規(guī)格 Goods Name and Specification

  品名:燃煤 Goods Name: Coal



  二、裝運/卸貨港與保險 Shipping/ Destination and Insurance

  (1) 裝運港:俄羅斯海參崴

  Port of Loading : Vladivostok Port, Russia

  (2) 卸貨港:中國 上海 黃浦港

  Port of Destination: Huangpu Port, Shanghai, China

  (3) 保險:按110%發(fā)票金額由賣方負(fù)責(zé)擔(dān)保

  Insurance : To be covered by The Seller for 110% of the Invoice Value.

  (4) 履約保證金:Performance Bond

  (A) 在合同簽定后5個工作日內(nèi),賣方將30,000美元的履約保證金交予買方。

  The Seller should submit USD30,000 of the Performance Bond within 5 working days after signing the contract.

  (B) 當(dāng)賣方履行完合同中之裝運及交貨后,買方應(yīng)一次性將賣方交納的履約保證金30,000美元無息退還給賣方。

  Once The Seller has effected the shipment / delivery of the contract, The Buyer should return the total amount of USD 30,000 to The Seller without any interest charges.

  三、付款與單據(jù) Payment and Bill of Document

  付款方式: Terms of Payment :


  By document, Transferable, Irrevocable 100% payable, at sight L/C opened by Buyer’s agent from Prime Bank. Settlement shall be divided as per follow:


  The document should be presented to negotiate on Bank for 90% Provisional Payment as follow :

  (1) 賣方簽署的商業(yè)發(fā)票一正三副。

  Signed commercial invoice in 1 origin and 3 copies.

  (2) 3/3全套全本清潔的已裝船的提單空白處標(biāo)明”運費已付”,并于卸貨港通知開證申請人。

  3/3 full set origin Clean on Board Bill of Loading made out to order, blank endorsed marked “ Freight Prepaid “, and notifying the Applicant at the destination port.

  (3) 由俄羅斯海關(guān)商檢出具的裝船取樣分析證書,正本一份及副本二份。

  Original Certificate of Sampling and Analysis is issued by PT. Superindending Company of Russia the commodity inspection authorities in 1 origin and 2 copies.

  (4) 由俄羅斯商檢出具的裝港重量證書,正本一份及副本二份。

  Origin Certification of Weight issued by PT. Superindending Company of Russia (SUCOFINDO) in 1 origin and 2 copies.

  (5) 由俄羅斯貿(mào)易和工業(yè)有關(guān)部門或相關(guān)的商業(yè)或任何相關(guān)的協(xié)會出具的原產(chǎn)地證書。

  Certificate of Origin issued by relevant Department of Trade & Industry Republic of Russia or relevant (Provincial) Chamber of Commerce or any authorized institute in Russia.

  (6) 俄羅斯主要保險公司出具的保險單,正本一份及副本二份。

  Insurance Policy issued by the major insurance company of Russia in 1 origin or 2 copies.

  (7) 10%尾款于船到港后15天支付。所需文件如下:

  The balance of 10% payment subject to 15 days after vessel arrival at the destination part. The required documents as follow:

  (8) 賣方簽署的商業(yè)發(fā)票,正本一份及副本三份。

  Signed commercial Invoice in 1 origin and 3 copies.

  (9) 船到港的文件。Vessel arrival document at destination port.

  (10) 如果發(fā)生需要修改或擴(kuò)充信用證的情況,提出的一方必須承擔(dān)有關(guān)銀行的費用。

  The requesting party shall bear the bank charges for the amendment or extension of Letters of Credit as and when such situations arise.

  四、檢驗 Inspection

  (6) 檢驗:重量由水尺檢驗方法測定,而重量及質(zhì)量檢驗標(biāo)準(zhǔn)由俄羅斯的商檢機(jī)構(gòu)抽取樣本進(jìn)行檢驗,并出具檢驗報告為首要標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。相關(guān)的證書將作為最終結(jié)算依據(jù)之文件。

  Inspection: Inspection weight to be determined by DRAFT SURVEY INSPECTED also with quality analysis based on certificate issue by The commodity inspection authorities . The relevant certificates shall be final document for any payment.

  五、裝卸Shipping and Discharging

  (1) 裝運時間:賣方將于收到買方所開列信用證的'30天以內(nèi)完成裝運。

  The Seller will effect the shipment within 30 days after receipt of Buyer’s Letter of Credit.

  (2) 裝貨裝率以8,000噸/天為準(zhǔn)。裝貨時間從船舶靠港后起算。

  The Loading shall be on basis of 8,000 MT/day from the time the ship park the loading port.

  (3) 貨物完成裝船后的2天內(nèi),賣方應(yīng)告知買方合同號碼,貨物名稱,發(fā)票金額,船名及裝船時間。

  Within two working days after completion of loading of the goods on board the vessel. The Seller shall advise the Buyer of the contract no, the name of goods, the invoice amount, the vessel’s name and the date of shipment.

  六、驗收標(biāo)準(zhǔn):The Standard for checking and acceptance:

  6.1 全水分(Total Moisture)


  If the actual Total Moisture percentage of the shipment of the Coal as the Certificate of Analysis issued by Sucofindo (Russia) is higher than standard specification, if the actual Total Moisture is higher than 22.0%, then the Buyer can refuse to accept the steam coal; then the actual weight of the Coal shall be adjusted by the following formula (the tonnage price base on FOB price):


  6.2 灰分 (ASH Content)

  若實際灰分超過合同標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值時,每超過1%,則按比例每噸扣除USD$0.30 (計算公式如下):

  If the actual ASH Content is higher than standard specification, then a penalty of each 1% faction pro rata will be USD$0.30 per metric ton.


  6.3 全硫 (Total Sulfur)


  If the actual Total Sulfur is higher than standard specification, then a penalty of each 0.1% fraction pro rata will be USD$0.30 per metric ton, if the actual total sulfur is higher than 1.1% , then the Buyer can refuse to accept the steam coal.


  6.4 揮發(fā)分 (Volatile Matter)

  若實際揮發(fā)分低于合約標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值,每低于1%,則按比例每噸扣除USD$0.20 (計算公式如下):

  If the actual Volatile Matter is lower than standard specification, then a penalty of each 1% fraction pro rata will be USD$0.20 per metric ton.


  6.5 灰熔點溫度ASH Fusion temperature T1


  If the actual ASH Fusion temperature TI is lower than standard specification, then a penalty of each low 100℃ will be USD$0.20 per metric ton.


  6.6 熱值 Gross Calorific Value

  (1) 若高位發(fā)熱量(收到基,ADB)低于5450卡,每低于100大卡單價扣減0.6每元;若高位發(fā)熱量(收到基,ADB)超過5450大卡,每增加100大卡,單價增加0.50美元,6000大卡/kg封頂。

  In case of Gross Calorific Value (ADB) less than 5450 kcal, the unit price should be deducted USD$0.60 for every 100 kcal reduction. In case of Gross Calorific Value (ADB) more than 5450 kcal, the unit price should be increased USD$0.50 for every 100 kcal up to 6000 kcal.

  (2) 當(dāng)高位發(fā)熱量(收到基,ADB)低于5400大卡,每低于100大卡單價扣減1.20美元/噸。

  Shall and when to Gross Calorific Value (ADB) below 5400 kcal/kg, unit price shall be reduced by USD$1.20 per metric ton for every decrease of 100 kcal/kg.

  7. 有下列任一情況,買方有權(quán)拒收貨物

  In case of any of the follow condition, the Buyer has right to refuse the goods:

  (7.1) 灰分大于15% Ash content > 15%

  (7.2) 含硫量大于等于1.1% Total Sulphur ≧ 1.1%

  (7.3) 揮發(fā)分:低于38%或高于47% Volatile Matter < 38% OR > 47%

  (7.4) 收到基高位發(fā)熱量(空干基):小于5300大卡/公斤

  Gross Calorie Value (ADB) < 5300 kcal/kg

  (7.5) 全水大于或等于22% Total Moisture ≧22%

  八、 價格調(diào)整 Price adjustment

  (8.1) 雙方同意如果實際裝運的貨物與合同的第一條規(guī)定的質(zhì)量有差別,則價格將有所調(diào)整。

  Both parties agree, shall the quality of the loaded cargo difference from of the quality as stipulated in article 1 aforementioned, the following price adjustment shall be effect.

  (8.2) 如遇買賣雙方不可控制和不預(yù)見的因素作調(diào)整。這些調(diào)整因素包括全世界的燃料上漲,俄羅斯政府增加的稅收等,所有調(diào)整的價格皆需買賣雙方同意。

  The price stated is subject to unforeseen price raise that are beyond the control of the supplier. This may include fuel increases worldwide, by Russia government, additional fees such as increases in taxes and duties. All adjusted are to be mutually agreed by both parties.

  九、 人力不可抗拒因素 Force Majeure


  The Seller shall not be help responsible if they fail, owing to Force Majeure cause of causes, to make delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales Contract or cannot delivery the goods. However, the Seller shall inform immediately the Buyer by fax or other writer form of the accident and airmail to Buyer within 20 days after the accident, a certificate of accident issued by the competent government authorities or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs as evident thereof. With the exception of delayed delivery or non-delivery due to “Force majeure” causes, in case the Seller mail to make delivery within time as stipulated in the contract, the Seller should indemnify the Buyer for all justifiable and normal losses incurred to latter directly attributable to delayed delivery or failed to make delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms of this contract, if the “Force Majeure” cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyer have the right to cancel the contract or the un-delivery part of the contract. 十、仲裁:Arbitration :


  All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by way of amicable negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case at issue shall then be submitted for arbitration to Singapore International Trading Arbitration Council. The aard by such arbitration shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties. The fees for Arbitration shall borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.

  Buyers (Signature): 賣方 Sellers (signature):

  Director Director

  Date Date


英文合同 篇2

  This Agreement is made in Haidian District, _________(Placename)on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) among the following parties:

  AAA (Passport No.: _________);

  BBB (ID No.: _________);

  CCC (ID No.: _________);

  DDD (ID No.: _________);

  EEE (ID No.: _________);

  FFF (ID No.: _________); and HHH Co., Ltd., with official address being: _________(Address)hereinafter "HHH").


  A. III entered into a three-year term loan agreement with HHH on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y). Pursuant to the said loan Agreement, III has borrowed RMB_________ from HHH to invest in the establishment of JJJ Co., Ltd.

  (hereinafter "JJJ Company").

  B. BBB entered into a three-year term loan agreement with HHH on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y). Pursuant to the said loan agreement, BBB has borrowed RMB_________ from HHH to invest in the establishment of the JJJ Company.

  C. The JJJ Company was 70% owned by III and 30% owned by BBB right after its establishment.

  D. III entered into the share transfer agreement on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) with each of AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF.

  Pursuant to the said share transfer agreements, III has transferred 30% of the shares of the JJJ Company to AAA and 10% of the shares of the JJJ Company to each of CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF.

  E. A debt transfer and assumption agreement was entered into on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) among III, AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE, FFF and HHH. Pursuant to the said debt transfer and assumption agreement, III has transferred his repayment obligation under the aforementioned loan agreement with HHH to AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE, and FFF; AAA has assumed RMB_________ loan obligation from III and each of CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF has assumed RMB_________loan obligation from III.

  F. As of the date of this Agreement, each of AAA and BBB owns 30% of the shares of the JJJ Company and each of CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF owns 10% of the shares of the JJJ Company. To maintain their interest in the JJJ Company, each of AAA and BBB owes HHH RMB_________ and each of CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF owes HHH RMB_________.

  Therefore, the parties agree to the following regarding the repayment of loan from each of AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF to HHH:

  1. Repayment of Loan

  1.1 HHH has the right to request each of AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF (each hereinafter "the borrowing p

英文合同 篇3









  合同編號: 日期:

  Contract No.: Date:

  買方: 賣方:


  地址: 地址:

  Address: Address:

  電話: 電話:

  Tel: Tel:

  傳真: 傳真:

  Fax: Fax:


  E-mail: E-mail:


  This Contract is made and entered into by and between the Buyer and the Seller; and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following commodity:

  1 商品名稱

  1 Commodity




  Crop year:

  類別:(細(xì)絨棉 ,長絨棉)

  Category: _________ (upland cotton, long-staple cotton)

  加工方式: 鋸齒棉皮輥棉

  Ginning: saw ginnedroller ginned

  2 規(guī)格/質(zhì)量

  2 Specifications/Quality

  級別: USDA通用棉花標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

  Grade:USDA Universal Cotton Standards


  by type:

  長度: (英寸,毫米)

  Staple Length: (inch/mm)

  馬克隆值: NCL

  Micronaire: NCL

  斷裂比強(qiáng)度值: 最小值 克/特克斯,平均值 克/特克斯以上

  Strength: minimumgrams/tex,

  average above grams/tex

  3 數(shù)量

  3 Quantity

  凈重: (噸,磅,包)

  Net Weight:(ton/pound/bale)

  溢短裝率: %(默認(rèn)值為1.5%) 不允許多裝

  Weight Tolerance Ratio %( If not specified here, 1.5% will be applied)

  Excess not allowed

  噸與磅的換算公式: 1噸=2204.62磅

  Conversion between ton and pound: 1 ton=2204.62 pounds


  4 Price


  Unit Price: (USC(cent)/pound or RMB(Yuan)/ton)

  價格條件: (CIF,CFR, FOB,其它)

  Terms: (CIF, CFR, FOB or others)

  總價: (美元,人民幣元)

  Total Value:(USD/RMB)

  5付款方式 信用證 憑單托收其它

  5 Payment Terms Letter of Credit D/P Others


  6 Weight and Quality Inspection: CIQ Inspection Certificate shall be the basis for settlement and compensation


  7 Shipment / Delivery: shipment /delivery from_________(mm/dd/yy) to_______(mm/dd/yy) Or equal monthly shipment/delivery as follows: ___________( ton, pound, bale)


  8 Destination:


  9 General Terms

  一般條款為本合同不可分割的一部分。對該條款中任何一款的修改和刪除應(yīng)在備注中注明。 The General Terms shall constitute an integral part of the Contract. Amendment to or deletion of any general terms shall be specified in the Remarks.

  10 仲裁:凡因本合同引起的或與本合同有關(guān)的任何爭議,雙方同意提交:(中國國際經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易仲裁委員會[CIETAC]; 國際棉花協(xié)會[ICA]; 其它仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)),按照申請仲裁時該仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)現(xiàn)行有效的仲裁規(guī)則進(jìn)行仲裁。

  10 Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be referred to ( CIETAC ,ICA , OTHERS )for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules effective at the time of application.

  11 本合同采用書面形式,由買賣雙方授權(quán)代表簽字。雙方在合同簽訂日之前以其它書面通訊方式,如信函、電報、傳真或電子郵件形式達(dá)成的成交內(nèi)容,須由本合同確認(rèn)。

  11 This Contract shall be made in written form and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. The signed or stamped contract shall verify the terms and conditions of the contract previously agreed to at an earlier date in other written communications including mail, telegraph, fax, or e-mail.

  12 備注

  12 Remarks

  買方簽字: 賣方簽字:

  Signature of the Buyer:Signature of the Seller:

  日 期: 日 期:

  Date: Date:




  These General Terms shall be an integral part of the Cotton Purchase Contract.

  1 定義

  1 Definitions


  The following terms shall have the following meanings in the Contract:

  · CIQ:中國出入境檢驗檢疫機(jī)構(gòu)。

  CIQ:China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine

  · NCL:不允許超出控制界限。

  NCL:No control limit is allowed.

  · USDA:美國農(nóng)業(yè)部。

  USDA: United States Department of Agriculture

  · 通知:采用電報、信函、傳真、電子郵件等方式告知對方。

  Notification: to notify the other party by telegraph, mail, fax, e-mail, or other methods.

  · 皮重:棉花包裝材料的重量。

  Tare: the weight of cotton’s packaging materials.

  · 凈重:總重扣除皮重后的重量。

  Net Weight: the gross weight less tare.

  · 非棉物質(zhì):混入棉花中對使用有嚴(yán)重影響的硬軟雜物,如化纖絲、麻絲、破布、木屑、金屬物品等。

  Non-Cotton Substance: soft or hard sundries mixed in the cotton that have serious impact on the use of the same, including chemical fiber, flax, cloth, wooden chips metal articles, etc.

  · 無紡用價值棉花:霉變棉、水漬棉、油污棉、火燒棉、棉花廢料、棉短絨等。

  No Spinning Value Cotton: mouldy cotton, water damaged cotton, oil stained cotton, burned cotton, cotton waste and linters, etc.

  · 棉花廢料:加工或使用棉花過程中產(chǎn)生的下腳回收廢料等。

  Cotton Waste: leftover and/or recycling waste left during the processing or use of the cotton.

  · 欺詐棉包:單個棉包中:含有與棉花完全無關(guān)的.非棉物質(zhì);里面含有污染棉花,但從棉包外部或可看出或看不出來;好棉花在外面,次棉花包在里面,以免在常規(guī)檢查中被發(fā)現(xiàn);有一定數(shù)量的無紡用價值棉花。

  False Packed Bale: cotton in a single bale: containing substances entirely foreign to cotton; containing damaged cotton in the interior with or without any indication of such damage upon the exterior; composed of good cotton upon the exterior and decidedly inferior cotton in the interior, in such a manner as not to be detected by customary examination; or containing a certain amount of no spinning value cotton.

  · 混雜棉包:單個棉包中含有一定數(shù)量不同品級、不同長度或不同顏色類型的棉花。

  Mixed Packed Bale: a bale containing a certain amount of different grades, staples or colors of cotton.

  · 溢短裝率:到岸重量超出或少于合同規(guī)定重量的部分占合同總重量的百分率。

  Weight Tolerance Ratio: the percentage of the part of the CIQ landed weight exceeding or shorter than the weight provided by the Contract against the total contract weight.

  · 棉包密度:采用通用棉包密度,是指根據(jù)國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化組織——ISO第8115-1986(E)的規(guī)定,一個貨包長度在1060-1400毫米,寬度540毫米,高度700-950毫米。

  Bale Density: Universal Bale Density as determined by the International Standards Organization – ISO Reference No. 8115-1986 (E) is a bale with the nominal dimensions of 1060 to 1400 mm in length by 540 mm in width and 700-950 mm in height.


  2 Packing


  Compressed export packing suitable for voyage, outside wrapped by cotton cloth or other packing materials that do not contain foreign matters, tightly and completely packed. If any packing materials that may easily produce foreign matters are used to pack the cotton, the Seller shall bear all the expenses for the cleaning of foreign matters. The cotton shall be supplied in forms of universal density compressed package.


  3 Marks


  Unless otherwise agreed, hang permanent cotton identification card onto the cotton bale or mark on both sides of each cotton bale with unfading paint the following items:

  A 批號/包號 B毛重 C合同號

  A. Lot Number/Bale NumberB. Gross WeightC. Contract Number


  If the marks are not clear, all the expenses arising from sorting the mixed mark bales shall be borne by the Seller.


  4 Shipment Notice

  4.1 如為FOB成交:賣方應(yīng)在收到船公司的裝運通知后48小時內(nèi),通知買方合同號、品級、長度級或小樣型號、包裝、凈重、金額;裝船日期、裝船口岸、目的港和預(yù)計到港日期,并航寄、傳真或電子郵件的形式將裝船單據(jù)副本一式三份給買方。

  4.1 Under FOB terms: the Seller shall notify the Buyer by telegraph, fax or e-mail of the contract number, grade, staple or type, packing, net weight, and price; as well as shipment date, shipment port, destination port and estimated arrival date within 48 hours after notification from the shipping line and mail, fax or e-mail three copies of the duplications of the loading documents to the Buyer.

  4.2 如為CFR/CIF成交:賣方應(yīng)在收到船公司的裝運通知后48小時內(nèi),通知買方船名、船齡(老船賣方要付超齡加保費)、船旗、裝船日期、裝船口岸、目的港、合同號、提單號、總金額、毛重、凈重。

  4.2 Under CFR/CIF terms: the Seller shall notify the Buyer of the ship name, ship age (for aged ship the Seller shall pay the over-age extra premium), ship flag, shipment date, shipment port, destination port, contract number, number of the bill of lading, total price, gross weight and net weight within 48 hours after the shipment notification from the shipping line.

  4.3 如賣方未按上述4.1、4.2款規(guī)定通知買方,以致買方未能及時購買保險,由此而產(chǎn)生的損失由賣方負(fù)擔(dān)。

  4.3 If the Seller fails to notify the Buyer by telegraph, fax or e-mail as provided in above Article

  4.1 and Article 4.2 and thus the Buyer is unable to purchase the insurance in time, all the losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.

英文合同 篇4

  purchase contract







  合同編號 (contract no.):_______

  簽訂日期 (date):__________

  簽訂地點 (signed at):_________


  the buyer:_________________________


  address: __________________________




  the seller:_________________________


  address: __________________________




  the seller and the buyer agree to conclude this contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below:

  1. 貨物名稱、規(guī)格和質(zhì)量(name, specifications and quality of commodity):

  2. 數(shù)量(quantity):

  允許____的溢短裝(___%more or less allowed)

  3. 單價(unit price):

  4. 總值(total amount):

  5. 交貨條件(terms of delivery):fob/cfr/cif_______

  6. 原產(chǎn)地國與制造商(country of origin and manufacturers):

  7. 包裝及標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(packing):


  the packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. the seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. the measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "do not stack up side down", "keep away from moisture", "handle with care" shall be stenciled on the su***ce of each package with fadeless pigment.

  8. 嘜頭(shipping marks):

  9. 裝運期限(time of shipment):

  10. 裝運口岸(port of loading):

  11. 目的口岸(port of destination):

  12. 保險(insurance):


  insurance shall be covered by the ____for 110% of the invoice value against ______risks and _______additional risks.

  13. 付款條件(terms of payment):

  (1) 信用證方式:買方應(yīng)在裝運期前/合同生效后__日,開出以賣方為受益人的不可撤銷的議付信用證,信用證在裝船完畢后__日內(nèi)到期。

  letter of credit: the buyer shall in ______days prior to the time of shipment /after this contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the seller. the letter of credit shall expire ____days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated.

  (2) 付款交單:貨物發(fā)運后,賣方出具以買方為付款人的付款跟單匯票,按即期付款交單(d/p)方式,通過賣方銀行及_____銀行向買方轉(zhuǎn)交單證,換取貨物。

  documents against payment: after shipment, the seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange on the buyer and deliver the documents through sellers bank and ______bank to the buyer against payment, i.e d/p. the buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill(s) of exchange.

  (3) 承兌交單:貨物發(fā)運后,賣方出具以買方為付款人的付款跟單匯票,付款期限為_____后__日,按即期承兌交單(d/a __日)方式,通過賣方銀行及 銀行,經(jīng)買方承兌后,向買方轉(zhuǎn)交單證,買方在匯票期限到期時支付貨款。

  documents against acceptance: after shipment, the seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange, payable _____days after the buyers delivers the documents through sellers bank and ________bank to the buyer against acceptance(d/a _____days).the buyer shall make the payment on date of the bill of exchange.

  (4) 貨到付款:買方在收到貨物后__天內(nèi)將全部貨款支付賣方(不適用于fob、crf、cif術(shù)語)。

  cash on delivery (cod): the buyer shall pay to the seller total amount within _______days after the receipt of the goods (this clause is not applied to the terms of fob,cfr,cif).

  14. 單據(jù)(documents required):


  the seller shall present the following documents required to the bank for negotiation/collection:

  (1) 標(biāo)明通知收貨人/受貨代理人的全套清潔的、已裝船的、空白抬頭、空白背書并注明運費已付/到付的海運/聯(lián)運/陸運提單。

  full set of clean on board ocean/combined transportation/land bills of lading and blank endorsed marked freight prepaid/ to collect;

  (2) 標(biāo)有合同編號、信用證號(信用證支付條件下)及裝運嘜頭的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式__份;

  signed commercial invoice in ______copies indicating contract no., l/c no. (terms of l/c) and shipping marks;

  (3) 由______出具的裝箱或重量單一式__份;

  packing list/weight memo in _______copies issued by__;

  (4) 由______出具的質(zhì)量證明書一式__份;

  certificate of quality in _______copies issued by____;

  (5) 由______出具的數(shù)量證明書一式__份;

  certificate of quantity in _______copies issued by____;

  (6) 保險單正本一式__份(cif 交貨條件);

  insurance policy/certificate in _______copies (terms of cif);


  certificate of origin in _________copies issued by____;

  (8) 裝運通知(shipping advice): 賣方應(yīng)在交運后_____ 小時內(nèi)以特快專遞方式郵寄給買方上述第__項單據(jù)副本一式一套。

  the seller shall, within ____hours after shipment effected, send by courier each copy of the above-mentioned documents no. __.

  15. 裝運條款(terms of shipment):

  (1) fob交貨方式


  the seller shall, 30 days before the shipment date specified in the contract, advise the buyer by _______of the contract no., commodity, quantity, amount, packages, gross weight, measurement, and the date of shipment in order that the buyer can charter a vessel/book shipping space. in the event of the seller‘s failure to effect loading when the vessel arrives duly at the loading port, all expenses including dead freight and/or demurrage charges thus incurred shall be for the seller‘s account.

  (2) cif或cfr交貨方式


  the seller shall ship the goods duly within the shipping duration from the port of loading to the port of destination. under cfr terms, the seller shall advise the buyer by _________of the contract no., commodity, invoice value and the date of dispatch two days before the shipment for the buyer to arrange insurance in time.

  16. 裝運通知(shipping advice):


  the seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the buyer of the contract no., names of commodity, loading quantity, invoice values, gross weight, name of vessel and shipment date by _________ within ________hours.

  17. 質(zhì)量保證(quality guarantee):


  the seller shall guarantee that the commodity must be in conformity with the quality, specifications and quantity specified in this contract and letter of quality guarantee. the guarantee period shall be ______months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, and during the period the seller shall be responsible for the damage due to the defects in designing and manufacturing of the manufacturer.

  18. 檢驗(inspection)(以下兩項任選一項):


  the seller shall have the goods inspected by ______days before the shipment and have the inspection certificate issued by____. the buyer may have the goods reinspected by ________ after the goods arrival at the destination.

  (2) 發(fā)貨前,制造廠應(yīng)對貨物的質(zhì)量、規(guī)格、性能和數(shù)量/重量作精密全面的檢驗,出具檢驗證明書,并說明檢驗的技術(shù)數(shù)據(jù)和結(jié)論。貨到目的港后,買方將申請中國商品檢驗局(以下簡稱商檢局)對貨物的規(guī)格和數(shù)量/重量進(jìn)行檢驗,如發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物殘損或規(guī)格、數(shù)量與合同規(guī)定不符,除保險公司或輪船公司的責(zé)任外,買方得在貨物到達(dá)目的港后__日內(nèi)憑商檢局出具的檢驗證書向賣方索賠或拒收該貨。在保證期內(nèi),如貨物由于設(shè)計或制造上的缺陷而發(fā)生損壞或品質(zhì)和性能與合同規(guī)定不符時,買方將委托中國商檢局進(jìn)行檢驗。

  the manufacturers shall, before delivery, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods with regard to its quality, specifications, performance and quantity/weight, and issue inspection certificates certifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection. after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the buyer shall apply to china commodity inspection bureau (hereinafter referred to as ccib) for a further inspection as to the specifications and quantity/weight of the goods. if damages of the goods are found, or the specifications and/or quantity are not in conformity with the stipulations in this contract, except when the responsibilities lies with insurance company or shipping company, the buyer shall, within _____days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, claim against the seller, or reject the goods according to the inspection certificate issued by ccib. in case of damage of the goods incurred due to the design or manufacture defects and/or in case the quality and performance are not in conformity with the contract, the buyer shall, during the guarantee period, request ccib to make a survey.

  19. 索賠(claim):


  the buyer shall make a claim against the seller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred thereafter shall be borne by the seller. the claims mentioned above shall be regarded as being accepted if the seller fail to reply within ______days after the seller received the buyer’s claim.

  20. 遲交貨與罰款(late delivery and penalty):

  除合同第21條不可抗力原因外,如賣方不能按合同規(guī)定的.時間交貨,買方應(yīng)同意在賣方支付罰款的條件下延期交貨。罰款可由議付銀行在議付貨款時扣除,罰款率按每__天收__%,不足__天時以__天計算。但罰款不得超過遲交貨物總價的____ %。如賣方延期交貨超過合同規(guī)定__天時,買方有權(quán)撤銷合同,此時,賣方仍應(yīng)不遲延地按上述規(guī)定向買方支付罰款。


  should the seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the contract, with the exception of force majeure causes specified in clause 21 of this contract, the buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on the condition that the seller agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation. the rate of penalty is charged at______% for every ______days, odd days less than _____days should be counted as ______days. but the penalty, however, shall not exceed_______% of the total value of the goods involved in the delayed delivery. in case the seller fail to make delivery ______days later than the time of shipment stipulated in the contract, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract and the seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall nevertheless pay the aforesaid penalty to the buyer without delay.

  the buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the seller for the losses sustained if any.

  21. 不可抗力(force majeure):


  the seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. the seller shall advise the buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within_____ days thereafter the seller shall send a notice by courier to the buyer for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof. under such circumstances the seller, however,are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. in case the accident lasts for more than _____days the buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract.

  22. 爭議的解決 (arbitration):


  any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. in case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to china international economic and trade arbitration commission(cietac), for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. the place of arbitration is in ____, china. the arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.

  23. 通知(notices):


  all notice shall be written in _____ and served to both parties by fax/courier according to the following addresses. if any changes of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the other party of the change of address within ____days after the change.

  24. 本合同使用的fob、cfr、cif術(shù)語系根據(jù)國際商會《國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語解釋通則》。

  the terms in the contract are based on incoterms 1990 of the international chamber of commerce.

  25. 附加條款(additional clause):


  conflicts between contract clause here above and this additional clause, if any, it is subject to this additional clause.

  26. 本合同用中英文兩種文寫成,兩種文具有同等效力。本合同共__份,自雙方代表簽(蓋章)之日起生效。

  this contract is executed in two counterparts each in chinese and english, each of which shall deemed equally authentic. this contract is in ______copies, effective since being signed/sealed by both parties.


  representative of the buyer

  (authorized signature):


  representative of the seller

  (authorized signature):


英文合同 篇5

  Contract No.:XXX

  Sales and Purchase ContractFOR

  Manganese Ore

  This contract is made and entered into onXX, Feb 20xx under terms and conditions as per the international chamber of commerce-600 (ICC UCP-600/20xx revision) by and between:

  The Buyer:



  The Seller :



  Whereby seller agrees to sell to buyer and Buyer agrees to buy from seller Manganese Ore under following the terms and conditions stipulated below:

  Article 1 Commodity

  Concentrated manganese Ore

  Article 2 Specifications

  Concentrated Manganese Ore

  Size: 0-5mm (90% min)

  % Mn min. 40.0%

  % Fe max. 15.0%

  % Silica ( SiO2 ) max. 1.0%

  % Aluminum ( Al ) max. 4.0%

  % S max. 0.20%

  % P max. 0.10%

  Moisture max. 7%

  Article 3 Quantity:

  500 MT, partial shipment not allowed.

  Article 4 Origin and Port of loading

  4.1 Republic of ABC

  4.2 Loading port:

  Article 5 Packing/Delivery

  5.1 In50 kg sack

  5.2 Incontainer Shipment, more or less 20 tons.

  Article 6 Shipment/Delivery

  6.1 500MT(+/-5%)partial shipment not allowed

  6.2 Shipment will be 90 days after signing of this contract and after the acceptance of the Letter of Credit by seller’s bank. L/C will be openedafter BuyerreceivingProforma Invoice from Sellerwith confirmation of the delivery schedule.

  6.3 The Buyer has the right to appoint the independent surveyor or his representative to conduct the Pre-shipment Inspection and/or conduct the joint-inspection of the material with buyer for his own account.

  Article 7 Contracted Price and Values

  Price:Mn: 48% and above - USD0.00/%/DMTCFRCY Port, China

  40% - 47.9% - USD 0.00 /%/DMTCFRCY Port, China

  The Mn content will be average of the joint-inspection testing result at loading port.

  Article 8 Payment

  8.1 Payment shall be effected in full by an irrevocable Letter of Credit, which will be opened by 1stclass bank in Hong Kong or Singapore, 100% at sight upon presentation of shipping documents.

  A. Seller’s Banking Details:

  Bank Name :

  Bank Address :

  Account Name :


  B. Buyer’s bank issues L/C to the Seller's bank via S.W.I.F.T. wire transfer.

  Buyer’s Banking Details:

  Bank Name : (will be advised)

  Bank Address :

  Account Name:

  S.W.I.F.T. Address SWIFT :

  Article 10 Inspection of Analysis & Weight

  The shipmentinspection and analysis shall be done byCCICappointed by the Seller and one independent surveyor (i.e.: SGS or Geo-Chem, etc) appointed by the buyeras agreed by both parties at site before loading to container. While final weightand qualitydetermination shall be done atloadingportby the above joint-survey.Moisture content shall be deducted from the total weight shipped.

  Article 11 Documents

  Seller shall present the following documents to the buyer:

  A. Signed Commercial Invoice for 100% of the total cargo value indicating, quantity, unit price and the total Amount of Value of the delivered commodity , 1 original and 3 copies.

  B. Certificates of quantity, quality and weight issued byCCICand one independent surveyor appointed by the buyer.

  C. Certificate of Origin issued by ABC Department Of Trade or concerned Government authorities, I original and 2 copies.

  D. Weight List, showing total weight , 1 original and 3 copies.

  E. Bill of Lading, 3 original copies and 3 non-negotiable copies.

  Article 12 Force Majeure

  The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeureunder UCP 600. The seller shall advise the buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within 3 days thereafter the seller shall send a notice by courier to the buyer of their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the seller , however, are still under obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 60 days the buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract.

  Article 13 Arbitration

  All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (UCP-600/20xx or Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits) by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules. The arbitration shall be conducted in ABCbythe English language.

  Buyer Seller




英文合同 篇6

  擔(dān)保協(xié)議Guarantee Agreement 擔(dān)保合同,(適用于銀行擔(dān)保項下)(Applicable to Bank Guarantee)


  2.作為保證人的XX銀行股份有限公司 ( 以下稱“保證人” )簽署。

  This Guarantee Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the

  “Agreement”) is made and entered into

  as of (M/D/Y) between as the Client (hereinafter referred to as the

  "Client") and Branch, China XXXX Bank as the Guarantor (hereinafter referred to as the“Guarantor”).

  □本協(xié)議構(gòu)成委托人與保證人簽訂的編號為 年 字第號的《授信協(xié)議》


  The Agreement constitutes an integral part of the Credit Extension Agreement [20 ] No.

  (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Extension Agreement”) between the Client and the

  Guarantor (if this paragraph applies, please click “√” in □).


  1.委托人或被擔(dān)保人 (以下簡稱被擔(dān)保人)與 于 年月日簽署了總金額為 幣 的編號為 的關(guān)于 的合同/ 標(biāo)書(以下簡稱“合同”),或委托人

  或被擔(dān)保人參加了招標(biāo)書編號為 關(guān)于 項目的投標(biāo)(以下簡稱“投標(biāo)”);

  1. The Client or the Guaranteed (hereinafter referred to as the “Guaranteed”)

  signed No.Contract on/ Bid Document totaling (Currency) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) withon (M/D/Y), or the

  Client or the Guaranteed participated in the tender forProject with Bid

  Document No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Bid”);


  為受益人(以下稱“受益人”),金額 幣 ,編號為 的保函/備用信用證(下稱“保函”)。

  2. The Client applies to the Guarantor to open No. Letter of Guarantee/Stand-by LC

  (hereinafter referred to as the “Letter of Guarantee”) with an amount of(Currency)

  under the above Contract or Bid for the Client or the Guaranteed with as the Beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as the “Beneficiary”).


  The Guarantor agrees to issue the above letter of guarantee in favor of the beneficiary for the Client or the Guaranteed upon request of the Client on the following terms and conditions:

  第1條 在保證人開立保函之前,委托人應(yīng)根據(jù)保證人的要求:

  Article 1 Before the Guarantor issues the letter of guarantee, the Client shall upon request of the Guarantor:

  1.1 向保證人提供下列保障(以下項目根據(jù)實際情況打“√”選擇):

  1.1 Provide the Guarantor with the following security (please click “√” according to facts):

  □1.1.1 在保證人處開立保證金賬戶(保證金賬號為以保證金存入時甲方系統(tǒng)自動生成的帳號為準(zhǔn)),存入金額為 幣 的保證金,作為委托人履行本協(xié)議項下各項義務(wù)的質(zhì)押擔(dān)保,以備受益人索賠時償付;和/或

  □1.1.1 Open a guarantee fund account (A/C is generated automatically by Party A’s system when the guarantee fund is deposited) with the Guarantor, and deposit a guarantee fund of (Currency)as a pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the

  Agreement, and indemnify the Beneficiary at the time of claim; and/or


  □1.1.2 Have any corporation, or other organization or natural person recognized by the Guarantor issue the Guarantor with an irrevocable letter of counter guarantee in favor of the Guarantor; and/or


  本合同為《授信協(xié)議》項下具體合同的,本條款不適用,本合同項下債務(wù)自動納入與保證人簽署了最高額抵/質(zhì)押合同或向保證人出具了最高額不可撤銷擔(dān)保書的擔(dān)保人的擔(dān)保范圍。If the Contract is a particular contract under the Credit Extension Agreement, this Article will be inapplicable, and the obligations under the Contract will be automatically included into the scope of undertaking by the undertaker signing a maximum mortgage/pledge contract with the guarantor or issuing the guarantor with a maximum irrevocable letter of undertaking.


  1.2 Upon request of the guarantor, provide the Guarantor with the original copies of the following documents or the duplicate copies signed by the legal representative of the Client and stamped with the official seal for proof of authenticity and integrity;


  1.2.1 The business license of the Client and/or the Guaranteed;


  1.2.2 The articles of association of the Client and/or the Guaranteed;


  1.2.3 The name list and the specimen signature of all the current directors of the Client;


  1.2.4 The resolution of the board of directors of the Client approving the Client to sign and execute the Agreement;



  1.2.6 The Client’s financial statements and auditor’s report for the last year, and financial data for the month before the application;



  1.2.8 Other materials as requested by the Guarantor.


  The provision of the above formalities or materials shall be based upon the actual request of the Guarantor, which is a right entitled to but not a duty assumed by the Guarantor, and their completeness and fullness will not affect the legal force of the Agreement.

  華譯網(wǎng)翻譯公司提供專業(yè)擔(dān)保合同翻譯服務(wù)。Shanghai Chinese consecutive interpretation service


  第2條 委托人在此向保證人聲明、承諾和保證如下:

  Article 2 The Client hereby makes a declaration, commitment and warrant to the Guarantor as follows:


  2.1 The Client is a commercial subject legally incorporated and validly in existence under the laws of the P. R. of China, and has full civil capacity to sign and perform the Agreement;


  2.2 The Client is eligible to sign and perform the Agreement, and has obtained the full authorization of the Board of Directors or any other competent authorities to sign and perform the Contract;

  2.3 委托人或被擔(dān)保人有合法資格與受益人簽署合同,有足夠的能力履行與受益人簽署的合同;委托人保證委托人或被擔(dān)保人履行與受益人簽署的合同,并有義務(wù)及時向保證人通報履約情況及出現(xiàn)的問題;

  2.3 The Client or the Guaranteed is eligible to sign the Contract with the Beneficiary, and has full capacity to perform the Contract signed with the Beneficiary; and the Client undertakes that the Client or the Guaranteed shall perform the Contract signed with the Beneficiary, and has duty to inform the Guarantor about the performance of contract and any issue arisen in due course;

  2.4 委托人接受和認(rèn)可保證人向受益人開立的保函的內(nèi)容;

  2.4 The Client accepts and acknowledges the contents of the letter of guarantee issued by the Guarantor to the Beneficiary;

  2.5 委托人保證不使保證人因為開具保函而蒙受任何損害和損失;

  2.5 The Client undertakes to protect the Guarantor from any damage or loss as a result of issuing the letter of guarantee;

  2.6 委托人無條件地同意保證人按有關(guān)法律規(guī)定及/或在無其他約定的情況下按辦理保函項下的一切事宜,并承擔(dān)由此產(chǎn)生的責(zé)任;

  2.6 The Client unconditionally agrees the Guarantor shall handle any matters under the letter of guarantee according to the relevant provisions of the laws except otherwise stipulated, and assume any liability arisen therefrom;


  2.7 The Client undertakes that where the Beneficiary claims against the Guarantor, the Client shall unconditionally assume the primary liability for payment;


  2.8 The Client undertakes that the project under the letter of guarantee conforms to the provisions

  of the laws and regulations of the state, and any economic and legal liability arisen from the project itself shall be only borne by the Client, but have no relationship with the Guarantor;


  2.9 The Client agrees to duly pay in full any expenses payable under the above letter of guarantee upon request of the Guarantor according to the provisions of the Agreement;

  2.10 委托人同意保證人僅有義務(wù)審核保函項下受益人提交的索賠文件、單據(jù)或證明(以下統(tǒng)稱“索賠文件”)的表面真實性,而不對索賠文件所述事實的真實性負(fù)任何責(zé)任;

  2.10 The Client agrees that the Guarantor only has duty to examine the apparent authenticity of the claim documents, vouchers or certificates (hereinafter uniformly referred to as the “claim documents”) submitted by the Beneficiary under the letter of guarantee, but assume no liability for the authenticity of the facts stated in the claim



  2.11 The Client agrees to deposit adequate fund from time to time upon request of the Guarantor where the guarantee fund account falls short due to any movement or would-be movement of exchange rates or any amendment to the letter of guarantee, and such fund shall be deemed as designated and handed over to the occupancy of the Guarantor as of the date when it is deposited into the guarantee fund account as the pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the Agreement;

  2.12 委托人同意在辦理保函業(yè)務(wù)時,如郵電、電訊傳遞過程中發(fā)生的任何延誤、遺失、殘缺或其他差錯,保證人無須承擔(dān)責(zé)任;

  2.12 The Client agrees that the Guarantor shall assume no liability for any delay, loss, defect or other error incurred in the process of posts and telecommunications transmission at the time of handling the guarantee business;

  2.13 委托人保證按季向保證人報送貸后檢查所需財務(wù)數(shù)據(jù)及與保函業(yè)務(wù)相關(guān)的資料。

  2.13 The Client undertakes to submit the Guarantor with any financial data required for post-loan examination and any materials related to the guarantee business quarterly.

英文合同 篇7



  Parties to the contract:


  Lessee (hereinafter referred to as party A):


  Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B):


  Having reached unanimity through friendly consultation and negotiation, Party A and Party B, here by agree to enter into the following contract to be abided by both parties.


  甲方將其所有的位于上海市 的房屋在良好及可租用的狀態(tài)下出租給乙方。 乙方向甲方承諾該物業(yè)僅作為住宅使用。

 、. Address of premised:

  Party A lets its lawfully owned premises to Party B in good and tenantable condition, Located at

  Party B shall undertake to party A that the premises shall be used only for the purpose of Residential.


  出租房屋的登記面積為 平方米(建筑面積)。

 、. Floorage of premises:

  The registered floorage of the premises let by Party A shall be square



 、. Lease Term:

  租賃期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止甲方應(yīng)于 年 月 日以前將房屋騰空交給乙方做搬遷準(zhǔn)備使用。

  The lease term shall be from (month) (day) (year),

  to (month) (day) (year).

  Party a shall vacate the premises and deliver it to Party b for

  preparing moving in before (month) (day) (year).

  四. 定金:

 、. Earnest money:

  1. 乙方于 年 月 日支付的定金為人民幣(美金) 元整,其它的余額 元整人民幣(美金)應(yīng)在 年 月 日之前支付給甲方。

  Party B has paid RMB (USD) as an earnest money

  on (month) (day) (year). anther vacancies yet to be filled as RMB(USD) will be paid to Party A before (month)

  (day) (year).

  2. 在甲方收到定金(以乙方匯出日為準(zhǔn))之后自租期開始之前如甲方違約,則上述定金由甲方雙倍返還乙方,如乙方違約則定金由甲方?jīng)]收。

  If Party A violates the contract after receiving the deposit (depending on the date of remitting from Party b and before the lease term begins, Party A shall pay double the

  earnest money back to Party B. If Party b violates the contract, The carnest money shall be confiscated by Party A.


  After the lease term begin, the above-mentioned earnest money shall be automatically turned into deposit of security of Clause 6 of this contract.

  五. 租金:

  Ⅴ. Rental:

  1. 數(shù)額:雙方議定租金為每月人民幣 元整。乙方以 形式支付給甲方。

  Amount: The total amount of monthly rental agreed upon by both parties shall be RMB or US$ . Party B shall pay the rental to Party A in the form of .

  2. 支付方式:

  租金按 個月為一期支付,第一期租金 年 月 日以前付清,以后每期租金支付時間為當(dāng)月 日之前,先付后用(若乙方以匯款形式支付租金,則匯出日為支付日,匯費由匯出方承擔(dān)),甲方收到租金后應(yīng)予以書面簽收。

  Method of payment:

  The payment of rental shall be made each period, month (s) is one period, the first payment shall be made before (month) (day) (year). Each successive

  payment shall be made before . Party B shall pay the rental before it moves into the premises.(If Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting shall be the day of rental payment ,the remittance fee shall be borne by the remitter.) Party

  A should issue a written receipt after each payment of rental is received.

  3. 如乙方逾期支付租金,則每逾期一日按應(yīng)付月租金的百分之一向甲方支付滯納金。如乙方逾期超過十五日,則視為乙方自動退租,構(gòu)成違約,甲方有權(quán)收回房屋,并追究乙方違約責(zé)任。

  If Party B delays such rental payment, Party B shall pay penalty to Party A at the rate of 1% of the due rental for each day of delay.If the delay is in excess of 15 days. It shall be

  deemed as automatically quitting tenancy, which shall constitute breach of contract. Then, Party A shall have the right to recover the leased premises and take actions against Party

  B for liabilities of breach of Contract.

  六. 保證金

  Ⅵ. Deposit of Security:

  1. 為確保房屋及其附屬設(shè)施之安全與完好及租賃內(nèi)相關(guān)費用之如期結(jié)算,乙方同意支付給甲方保證金共計人民幣 元整,甲方在收到保證金后應(yīng)予以書面簽收。

  To ensure that the premises and its accessory facilities are sale and in good condition and that accounts of relevant fees are settle on schedule during the term of lease, Party B

  agrees to pay Party A as a deposit, Party A should issue a written receipt.


  Unless otherwise agreed upon, the amount of deposit of security shall be refunded by Party A without interest to Party B upon expiration of the lease, provided that Party B has vacated the premises, left everything in the premises intact and paid up all expenses due, kept the premises and all facilities in good condition.


  Any penalty for breach of contract, compensation for damage and rental and other relevant fees payable arising from Party B’s violation of the provisions of the Contract may be deducted by Party A from the deposit of security after receiving the written confirmation from Party B. any shortage there of must be made up for by Party B within ten days of the receipt of the notice of Payment issued by Party A.

  七. 其他費用:


  1.乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)租賃期內(nèi)的電話費,水、電、煤、 等一切因乙方實際使用而產(chǎn)生的費用,并按公共事業(yè)單位的單據(jù)如期交納。

  Party B shall pay for the water, electricity and gas fees and telecommunication fees and all other fees incurred by Party B in actual use and paid bills from relevant public service department on schedule the terms of lease.

  2、物業(yè)管理費用由 方支付。

  Management fee that will be payable by party .

  八. 甲方的義務(wù):

 、. Obligations of Party A:

  1. 甲方須按時將房屋及附屬設(shè)施(詳見附件)交付乙方使用。]

  Party A shall turn over the premises and accessory facilities (details refer to the appendix) on schedule to Party B for use.

  2. 房屋設(shè)施如因質(zhì)量原因,自然損害或災(zāi)害而受到損害時,甲方有修善的任務(wù)并承擔(dān)有關(guān)的費用。

  Party A shall be responsible for repairing any damage of the premises due to poor quality, natural tear and wear or calamities and bear the expenses thereof.

  3. 甲方應(yīng)確保其為出租房屋的合法擁有人,按中國法律該房屋可以出租,如在租賃期內(nèi),該房屋發(fā)生所有權(quán)全部或部分的轉(zhuǎn)移,設(shè)定他項物權(quán)或其他影響乙方權(quán)益的.事情時,甲方應(yīng)保證所有權(quán)人,他項權(quán)利人或其他影響乙方權(quán)益的第三者,能繼續(xù)遵守本合同所有條款,反之如乙方權(quán)益因此而遭受損害,甲方應(yīng)付賠償責(zé)任。

  Party A shall ensure that Party A is the legal owner of the premises and the premises can be let according to Chinese law, If all or part of the ownership of the premises is transferred, other rights ate settled, or any other happening affects the rights and interests of Party B during the leasehold, Party A should guarantee that the owner. Person to the rights or any other third Party that affects the affects the rights and interest of Party B continue to abide by all the articles of the Contract. Otherwise Party A shall be liable for compensating the loss to the rights and interests suffered by Party B there from.

  九. 乙方的義務(wù):

 、. Obligations of party B:


  Party B should pay the rental, deposit of security and other fees payable on schedule according to the provisions of the Contract.

  2. 乙方經(jīng)甲方同意,可在承擔(dān)租用房內(nèi)進(jìn)行裝修及添置設(shè)備。租賃期滿后,乙方可將添置的可拆動的動產(chǎn)部分自行拆運,并保證不影響房屋的完好及清潔使用。

  Party B may, upon approval by Party A, fit up the lease premises and add equipment there in during the lease hold expiration of the lease hold, Party B may remove the added party of property that is removable, but Party B must ensure that the premises is in good and clean condition for use.

  3. 未經(jīng)甲方同意,乙方不得將承擔(dān)租的房屋轉(zhuǎn)租或分租給第三方,并愛護(hù)使用租賃的房屋。如因乙方的過失或過錯致使房屋及設(shè)施受到損壞,乙方應(yīng)付賠償責(zé)任。

  Party B shall not transfer or sublet the leased premises without the approval by Party a and shall take good care of the leased premises and facilities resulting from Party B’s fault or negligence.

  4. 乙方應(yīng)按本合同的約定合法使用租賃房屋,不得擅自變更使用性質(zhì),不應(yīng)存放危險物品,如因此發(fā)生損壞,乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。

  Party B shall use the leased premises lawfully according to the provision of the contract. Party B shall not arbitrarily change the use of the said premises. No hazardous materials and goods shall be allowed to be kept in the premises. If any damage is attributable to such use, Party b shall be fully liable for the damage.

  5. 非房客人為因素造成的設(shè)備和家具損壞,由房東負(fù)責(zé)修繕或更換,如房東在接到房客通知的十天沒有及時修繕或更換,房客有權(quán)自己去更換或修繕,費用由房東承擔(dān),房東應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)房屋結(jié)構(gòu)的維修,除非損壞是由于房客人造成的,其中日常消耗品的更換費用由乙方承擔(dān)。

  In case any equipment in The Property breaks down by natural use by The Tenant, it is The Landlord’s responsibility to arrange and pay for the costs of repair or replacement. In the event that The Landlord fails to repair or replace such equipment within a reasonable time (being less than ten days from he date on which the problem was notified to The Landlord) The Tenant shall have the right to arrange for repair or replacement and the costs are to be reimbursed to the Tenant by The Landlord. The landlord is responsible for the repair and upkeep and repair of the structure of The Property, except where and to the extent it is damaged due to the negligence of The Tenant. Party B is responsible for the daily consumption.

  十. 同終止及解除的規(guī)定:

 、. Termination and dissolution of the Contract:

  1. 乙方在租賃期滿后,如需續(xù)祖或退租,應(yīng)提前一個月通知對方,由雙方另行協(xié)商續(xù)租事宜。

  If Party B intends to renew or terminated lease hold upon its expiration, it shall notify Party

  A of such intention one month prior to the expiration of the lease term. Then the two parties shall discuss matters over the renewal of leasehold.

  2. 租賃期滿后,乙方應(yīng)在當(dāng)日內(nèi)將承擔(dān)的房屋及設(shè)施在正常清潔狀態(tài)下交還甲方,如有留置的任何物品,在未取得甲方的諒解之下,均視為放棄,任憑甲方處置,乙方絕無異議。

  Upon the expiration of the lease hold, Party B shall return he leased premises and accessory facilities in normal condition to Party A within last days, Any belongings left behind in the house shall, without obtaining precious understanding of Party A, be deemed as things

  given up by Party B and shall be dispose of by Party A at its discretion o which Party B shall raise no objection.

  3. 合同一經(jīng)雙方簽定后立即生效,未經(jīng)雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協(xié)商。

  This Contract shall come into force upon the date of being signed by both parties. It must not be terminated at will without the approval of both parties, Anything not covered in the contract must be consulate separately by party A and party B.

  4. 同任何一方在不可抗力事件(地震,戰(zhàn)爭,自然災(zāi)害,政治因素)而不能履行本合同義務(wù)時,本合同將自然終止,未租租金及全部押金將返還給乙方。

  In the occurrence of force majeur (Earthquake, War, Natural Calamity, Government

  complication ),this contract can be terminated in any of the cases above, and the Tenant should get back all the deposit and the rest of the rental pro rata.

  十一. 違約責(zé)任:

  Ⅺ. Handling of Breach of Contract:

  1. 甲、乙任何一方未按本合同的條款執(zhí)行,導(dǎo)致中途終止本合同,并且過錯方在未征得對方諒解的情況則視為違約,雙方同意違約金為 元整。若違約金不足彌補無過錯方之損失,則違約方還需就不足部分支付賠償金。

  If failure of either Party A of Party b to fulfill the articles of the contract results in the termination of the Contract before its expiration, the Party at fault shall be deemed as violating the contract without obtaining the understanding of the other Party. The two parties agree that the penalty for breach of contract shall be . In case such penalty is not sufficient to make up for the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party that has violated the Contract shall pay additional compensation.

  2. 凡在執(zhí)行本合同或與本合同有關(guān)的事情時雙方發(fā)生爭議應(yīng)首先友好協(xié)商,協(xié)商不成,提交上海仲裁委員會仲裁解決,如雙方意見不一,可向有管轄權(quán)的人民法院提出訴訟。

  Any dispute arising from the execution of, or in connection with the contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between both parties, In case no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted to the shanghai Arbitration Committee, if the settlement still can not be reached by both parties, the disputes can be submitted to the people’s court

  which has jurisdiction over the premises.



  1.本合同的附件1至附件5是本合同的有效組成部分,具有同等法律效力。附件3、附件4 和附件5為本合同必備部分,否則本合同不生效。

  The appendix is an effective component of this contract, which shall have the sane force of law. Attachment 3, 4 and 5 are the important part of the contract, the contract will not be valid without the attachment3, 4and 5.


  This Contract is made in 2 copies for each party.


  If party A of Party B has any specific matters, it may be agreed upon by both parties in this separate clause.

  4.本合同及其附件用中文和英文書寫,兩種文本具有同等效力,上述兩種文本如有不符,以中文本為準(zhǔn)。 This agreement and its appendix are written both in Chinese and English, and the two copies are equally authentic. If there is any inconsistency between them, take the Chinese copy in writing separately as the standard.

  甲方: 乙方:

  Party A: Party B:

  證件號碼ID No. 證件號碼Passport No.:

  聯(lián)絡(luò)地址: 聯(lián)絡(luò)地址:

  Address: Address:

  電話: 電話:

  Tel: Tel:

  日期: 日期:

  Date: Date:


  名稱 ITEM 品牌 數(shù)量 名稱 ITEM 品牌 數(shù)量

  客廳 Living room 臥室 Bedrooms

  餐廳 dinner room 床墊 Mattress

  電視機(jī) TV 床頭柜 Bedside Table

  電視柜 TV Cabinet 床 Bed

  音響 Acoustics 電視機(jī) TV

  沙發(fā) Sofa 電視柜 TV Cabinet

  電視柜 TV Cabinet 臺燈 Reading Lamp

  DVD DVD Player 衣柜 Coat Closet

  茶幾 Tea table 窗簾 Curtain

  電話機(jī) Telephone 空調(diào) Air-conditioner

  地?zé)?Floor lamp

  空調(diào) Air-conditioner 其他 others

  飲水機(jī) Drinking water machine 書桌 Desk

  餐椅 Dining Chair 椅子 Chairs

  餐桌 Dining Table 遙控器 Controllers

  洗衣機(jī) Washing Machine

  廚房 Kitchen 烘干機(jī) Drying machine

  冰箱 Refrigerator 單人床 Single bed

  熱水器 Hot water machine

  微波爐 Microwave Oven

  烤箱 Oven

  排油機(jī) Exhaust Hood


  水表號Water Meter:

  煤氣表號Gas meter:

  電表號Electricity meter:

  附件2:補充說明 Remarks

  附件3 由甲方提供的用于出租的物業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)所有權(quán)證明。

  Attachment3 Copy of the “shanghai” Certificate Real Estate Ownership” relating to the.

  leasing-provide by Party A

  附件4 甲方身份證或護(hù)照的復(fù)印件或公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照復(fù)印件,或代理人的身份證復(fù)印件和委托書原件 。

  Attachment4 Copy of the Party A’s ID card, or the copy of the consignment written by the owner and the copy of consignee’s ID card. The company business certificate.

  附件5 乙方的身份證或護(hù)照的復(fù)印件或公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照復(fù)印件。

  Attachment5 Copy of the Party B’s passport or the company business certificate.









