


時間:2022-08-23 11:12:06 小學生作文 我要投稿




小學生英語作文 篇1

  Look forward! Look forward, the long holiday at last arrived, the sister of University in the big city also came back, and took me everywhere. Oh, the weather is very good! The sky is so profound that it is really pleasant to see. When my sister and I came to the junction of filial piety, a sharp cry came to our ears: Hey, baby, come back! What you pick up in the garbage box, dirty! We saw a young aunt standing in the doorway of the statue hall, carrying a camera in his hand, a little boy not far away, this little boy was about four or five years old and chubby. His little hand was holding two old batteries that had just been picked out from the garbage bin. He turned his head and said in a tender voice, "Mom, I threw the two waste batteries in the trash, and I picked it up and threw it into the trash can." "Oh, it also uses the management, cleaner aunt will handle". The young aunt frowned and patted the little boy with the small hand with the battery. The two batteries jumped out on the ground and led the little boy to the ground and said, "go, let's take a picture in the park." There are two batteries on a very clean sidewalk. It looks so dazzling.

  The little boy dumped his arm and loudly said, "no, no, no, no, the cleaner aunt did not come, the kindergarten teacher often said that the children should love the environmental hygiene, the waste battery can't be with the garbage." the little boy turned around and ran down to pick up the battery, and ran to the waste battery recycle bin not far away and the battery. When he came back and ran back, he was happy to say to his mother, "Mom, I do according to the teacher, isn't it?" the young boy's young boy, young boy, felt the head of the little boy, and did not know what to say.

  When my sister and I saw this scene, I could not help smiling. My sister said, "how lovely the little boy is! Gigi, does this spotless sky look like the pure soul of a little boy?"

  I looked up at the sky. The sky is blue so thoroughly, so clear.

小學生英語作文 篇2

Tree-planting Day

  Tree-planting Day

  Tree-planting Day Today is Tree-planting Day. We went to plant trees in Zhaojia . As soon as we arrived, we began to work.Some were digging holes,some were planting and others were watering. We all know trees are very useful to human. Growing trees means saving man himself. We all worked very hard. When the sun went down,we came back home. Although we were very tired, we felt very happy.




小學生英語作文 篇3


  心里很著急自己不會說,但念又想:我已經(jīng)是二年級的學生了,要給自己自信才能學好英語。于是,我不再害怕,離開爸爸媽媽,在一旁輔導老師教了幾遍關于欽料的'英語。不一會兒,我就做為小嘉賓在臺上用游戲表演我的所學。一上臺,一位輔導老師就用英語不停地喚醒另一位輔導老師,然后就用歡快的英語進入主題,每人想得到自己的飲料,必須說對飲料的單詞,而且說完后并用英語說致謝語,再互相對碰一下。我非常想得到一瓶飲料說對了“I like”,一瓶綠茶被我得到了,但最終綠茶沒能在我的手中,又被其它小朋友說對了,輪到另外一個小朋友手中。原來這是做為演示用的。連爸爸媽媽也參加了互動,與我們一起比拼誰會說會認,還與我們一起做簡單的英語邊唱邊跳,看著媽媽有點害羞的樣子,小小的我給予她鼓勵的眼神,終于,媽媽同樣也自信起來,而且做得非常不錯。


小學生英語作文 篇4

  I have a friend , calling the computer . I usually get to the Internet ,checking the date.

  My friend and mother also like to get to the Internet . They are similar to me , just is all free up . make the friend .In the Sunny, I can see the movie and chat with my friend my friend on line . I can listen to music .

  I think computer is useful .




小學生英語作文 篇5


  On Saturday morning, my mother and I went out to the mall to buy vegetables.


  As soon as I went out, I was covered by the heat, and my sweat went down. My mother bought me a popsicle right away. It's a real help in the snow! But after a while, the popsicle was eaten by me. There was only a little stick left. I saw a garbage can. I threw the popsicle forward and accidentally threw it to the ground. I saw no one running to my mother's side. But later, a little brother called me after me. My mother and I looked back. It turned out to be a little brother. He said, "sister," but then we picked it up Throw a popsicle stick in the garbage can and we'll go. When I go home in the evening, my mother still mentions that. Are you a big sister?

小學生英語作文 篇6


  于是,我就從書包里拿出空白的英語本子。就在這個時候,我的后桌的小楊同學,用手指戳戳我的背,并說:“你有沒有多余的'英語本子?借我一本,我明天還你。”我對他說:“我還有一本,我借給你吧!”就這樣,我把我還有一本新的 本子借給了他。誰知道,到第二天的時候,小楊同學并沒有還我的英語本子,真是一個不守信用的就家伙。到了傍晚放學的時候,我問他:“小楊,我的英語本子呢?”小楊說:“我忘記了,要不明天還你!蔽艺f:“那你明天可不要忘記了!蔽倚南耄河质且粋不守信用的家伙。我怎么老碰到這些不守信用的人呢?


小學生英語作文 篇7


  Oh, who is this! It turned out to be me, little adult.


  Look, that face, it's really heroic! A pair of bright big eyes, a garlic nose, a smart brain, and a mouth that I hate. However, listen to grandma, people with a big mouth have good fortune and can taste all kinds of delicacies. Listen to grandma, I will never hate my mouth.










